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Enhancement on Fatigue Property of Aluminum Alloy Welded Joint by Utilizing Trailing Peening

Changli WANG , Zhimin WAN , Min ZHAO , Jitai NIU


The fatigue properties of 2024T3 aluminum alloy welded joint treated by different peening methods were examined. The different effects on fatigue performance of high strength aluminum welded joints were compared with each other by carry out a series tests using two different peening treatment samples. Results show that by applying synchronized hammer peening to the weak part of joint when weld was going on, trailing peening, may refine the grains near weld line, hardening the surface of weld toe and amend the distribution of residual stress. Because of these results the position of fracture of joint was moved from weld toe to weld line. Compared to the joints treated by peening after welding, the fatigue strength of weld joint treated by trailing peening was enhanced by more than 102%.

关键词: Fatigue strength , null , null , null


孙国祥 , 殷瑞娟

色谱 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.12085

建立了柏子养心丸(Baizi Yangxin Wan,BZYXW)毛细管区带电泳指纹图谱(CEFP).采用三棱柱优化法优化背景电解质(BGE),以色谱指纹图谱分离量指数(RF)为实验条件优化的目标函数,最终确定BGE为50mmoV/L硼砂-50 mmol/L磷酸氢二钠-200 mmol/L硼酸-150 mmol/L碳酸氢钠(体积比为7:7:1:1,含4%乙腈,pH 9.70).在其他优化的毛细管电泳条件为紫外检测波长228 nm,运行电压12 kV,重力进样25 s(高度14cm)条件下,采用未涂层石英毛细管(70cm(有效分离长度57 cm)× 75μm)分离,以阿魏酸峰为参照,确定了17个共有指纹峰.对样品聚类分析后用其中9批生成对照CEFP(RCEFP),以其为标准,用系统指纹定量法鉴别出12批BZYXW质量为:3批好.1批良好,3批中,1批一般,4批劣.三棱柱优化法为BGE选择提供了重要参考,建立的BZYXW-CEFP精密度好、重现性高,可用于BZYXW的质量控制.

关键词: 毛细管电泳指纹图谱 , 三棱柱优化法 , 系统指纹定量法 , 色谱指纹图谱分离量指数 , 柏子养心丸


孙国祥 , 豆小文 , 杨兰萍 , 刘中博

色谱 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2012.12004

以样品指纹向量与对照指纹向量的多元化学组分间存在线性函数关系为基础,引入相关系数r、斜率a、截距6及线性定性相似度SL、线性定量相似度ML等概念,建立线性指纹定量法(linearly quantified fingerprint method,LQFM)模型以定性、定量控制中药质量.用高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测法(HPLC-DAD)同时测定了10批人参归脾丸(Renshen Guipi Wan,RSGPW)分别在203、228和326 nm下的高效液相色谱指纹图谱,运用LQFM理论模型,鉴定RSGPW质量.LQFM能显著区别不同来源的产品,同一厂家产品质量控制一致.鉴定结果与已知的系统指纹定量法评价结果对比,LQFM对中药多元化学成分的复杂系统能实现客观的定性、定量评价.多波长指纹图谱能最大限度地兼顾中药各成分的紫外吸收特征,对中药质量控制具有更全面和可靠的特点.

关键词: 高效液相色谱 , 线性指纹定量法 , 三波长指纹图谱 , 人参归脾丸 , 中成药



