Haitao FANG
Jingchuan ZHU
Zhongda YIN
Jae-Ho Jeon
Yoo-Dong Hahn
A coating of composition Si-40Mo (wt pct) was prepared by fused slurry coating method on the two-dimensional carbon/carbon (2D-C/C) composite to improve oxidation resistance. In the procedure of the fabrication, pure St slurry inner layer in the pre-coating was necessary to apply because of infiltration of liquid Si into the substrate during the sintering. The coating consists of Si continuous phase and MoSi2 particles. In addition, the infiltration of Si into the substrate and the SiC reaction layer between the coating and the C/C composite were observed. Oxidation resistance and the thermal shock resistance of the Si-Mo fused sluury coating were quite excellent at 1730℃
Physical Review B
In a recent publication [S. Dong et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 127201 (2009)], two (related) mechanisms were proposed to understand the intrinsic exchange bias present in oxides heterostructures involving G-type antiferromagnetic perovskites. The first mechanism is driven by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, which is a spin-orbit coupling effect. The second is induced by the ferroelectric polarization, and it is only active in heterostructures involving multiferroics. Using the SrRuO(3)/SrMnO(3) superlattice as a model system, density-functional calculations are here performed to verify the two proposals. This proof-of-principle calculation provides convincing evidence that qualitatively supports both proposals.
thin-films;weak ferromagnetism;superlattices;anisotropy;bifeo3;srruo3;model
<正> 裂纹尖端区域的结构在裂纹扩展中起着非常重要的作用,但至今对它知之不多。Hahn~([1])曾把裂纹尖端区域分成四个部分,Thomson~([2])也曾把它分成三个部分,都指出裂纹尖端可能存在一高弹性区,而在大家熟知的Bcs理论中,裂纹尖端区域仅是一位错反塞积群构成的塑性区~([3])。
Acta Materialia
In a first report [Jin ZH.. Gumbsch P, Ma E, Albe K, Lu K, Hahn H, et al. Scripta Mater 2006;54:1163], interactions between screw dislocation and coherent twin boundary (CTB) were studied via molecular dynamics simulations for three face-centered cubic (fcc) metals, Cu, Ni and Al. To complement those preliminary results, purely stress-driven interactions between 60 degrees non-screw lattice dislocation and CTB are considered in this paper. Depending on the material and the applied strain, slip has been observed to interact with the boundary in different ways. If a 60 degrees dislocation is forced by an external stress into a CTB, it dissociates into different partial dislocations gliding into the twin as well as along the twin boundary. A sessile dislocation lock may be generated at the CTB if the transited slip is incomplete. The details of the interaction are controlled by the material-dependent energy barriers for the formation of Shockley partial dislocations from the site where the lattice dislocation impinges upon the boundary. (c) 2007 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
dislocation;slip;twinning;twin grain boundary;molecular dynamics;molecular-dynamics simulation;grain-boundaries;nanocrystalline;materials;cross-slip;rate sensitivity;deformation;copper;strength;aluminum;fcc