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Effect of Hot Deformation on Pearlite Transformation of 86CrMoV7 Steel

Ming GAO , Hongxing GU , Furen XIAO , Bo LIAO , Guiying QIAO , Ke YANG , Yiyin SHAN


The continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagrams of 86CrMoV7 steel samples including hot deformed and not hot deformed were constructed by dilatometry, metallography and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that hot deformation accelerated pearlite transformation and fine pearlite microstructure. Moreover, the undissolved carbides became the nucleating sites of pearlite, accelerated pearlite formation and fine pearlite if the steel had been deformed at high temperature. In contrast, undissolved carbides did not make any influence on pearlite transformation if the steel had not been deformed at high temperature.

关键词: Hot deformation , null , null

Processing of Ultralow Carbon Pipeline Steels with Acicular Ferrite

Furen XIAO , Mingchun ZHAO , Yiyin SHAN , Bo LIAO , Ke YANG


Acicular ferrite microstructure was achieved for an ultralow carbon pipeline steel through the improved thermomechanical control process (TMCP), which was based on the transformation process of deformed austenite of steel. Compared with commercial pipeline steels, the experimental ultralow carbon pipeline steel possessed the satisfied strength and toughness behaviors under the current improved TMCP, although it contained only approximately 0.025% C, which should mainly be attributed to the microstructural characteristics of acicular ferrite.

关键词: Pipeline steel , null , null

Influence of hot deformation and cooling conditions on the microstructures of low carbon microalloyed steels

Jinbo QU , Yiyin SHAN , Mingchun ZHAO , Ke YANG


The transformation behaviours and microstructural characteristics of three low carbon microalloyed steels were investigated. In particular, the effects of deformation and cooling conditions were studied by means of compression tests. It was found that at higher cooling rate (45℃/s), the transformation products was mainly granular bainite, the intragranular nucleated bainitic ferrite grew in different directions, and the second phase particles of M/A constituent uniformly distributed in the bainitic ferrite matrix. When the cooling rate was decreased to 25℃/s or 15℃/s, the resulting microstructure was converted to a mixture of polygonal hypoeutectoid ferrite and granular bainite, whose percentage was reduced. As the cooling rate was lowered to 8℃/s, the microstructure consisted chiefly of polygonal ferrite with a few amounts of M/A and pearlite.



高诚 , 胥蕊娜 , 陈黎 , 姜培学



关键词: 二氧化碳封存 , 超临界两相流 , Shan-Chen模型


黄桥高 , 潘光

功能材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-9731.2015.10.005

润湿性对固体表面上液体的各种动力学行为具有重要影响,疏水表面的特殊润湿性是其在减阻、降噪、防污等领域有着广泛应用前景的根本原因。基于Shan-Chen模型的格子Boltzmann方法对疏水表面润湿性进行数值模拟,获得了材料属性和微形貌对疏水表面润湿性的影响规律。研究表明,要使疏水表面处于 Cassie-Baxter 润湿状态,微形貌高度必须大于某一临界值,而当疏水表面一旦处于 Cassie-Baxter 润湿状态后,继续增加微形貌高度也不会提高其疏水性能;疏水表面的表观接触角随气液界面分数先增大后减小,且存在一个最佳的气液界面分数使表观接触角达到最大。

关键词: 疏水表面 , 格子Boltzmann方法 , 材料属性 , 微形貌 , 润湿性



