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Effect of Porosity and Cell Size on the Dynamic Compressive Properties of Aluminum Alloy Foams

Yi FENG , Zhengang ZHU , Shisheng HU , Yi PAN


The dynamic mechanical properties of open-cell aluminum alloy foams with different relative densities and cell sizes have been investigated by compressive tests. The strain rates varied from 700 s-1 to 2600 s-1. The experimental results showed that the dynamic compressive stress-strain curves exhibited a typical three-stage behavior: elastic, plateau and densification. The dynamic compressive strength of foams is affected not only by the relative density but also by the strain rate and cell size. Aluminum alloy foams with higher relative density or smaller cell size are more sensitive to the strain rate than foams with lower relative density or larger cell size.

关键词: Aluminum alloy , null , null , null


王丽 , 吴希文 , 张晨鼎 , 张通 , 简丽 , 武朝军 , 周涛

稀土 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-0277.1999.02.003


关键词: 相平衡 , 碘化钇 , 乌洛托品氢碘酸盐 , 配合物


夏春霞 , 闫亚明 , 邓蜀平 , 白光君 , 蒋云峰 , 宋惠森 , 王钰

新型炭材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-8827.2001.04.013


关键词: PAN基炭纤维 , 经济规模 , 工程技术法


李常清 , 袁姗 , 罗荣 , 郭雅明 , 徐樑华



关键词: 聚丙烯腈纤维 , 聚酰亚胺 , 原液改性 , 晶态结构


谢奔 , 朱波 , 王政 , 井敏 , 王进军 , 张春雷 , 吴益民



关键词: 聚丙烯腈 , 初生纤维 , 干燥 , 拉伸性能 , 断裂形貌

Effect of carbonization atmosphere on the structure changes of PAN carbon membranes

Journal of Porous Materials

PAN carbon membranes were prepared by carbonizing the initial PAN membranes in vacuum and Ar at different temperatures. FTIR, Raman and XRD were applied to study the influence of carbonization atmosphere on the structure changes of PAN carbon membranes. The variations in adsorption peaks of FTIR, the intensity, position and FWHM of the Raman peaks, and microcrystallite parameters from XRD (e.g., d(002), Lc and La) are correlated with the structure change of PAN carbon membranes. Analyses results reveal that vacuum atmosphere can produce PAN carbon membranes with higher order degree than those in Ar atmosphere, although the structures of PAN carbon membranes prepared in the two atmospheres are both amorphous. In addition, vacuum atmosphere can significantly accelerate the degradation reaction of PAN membranes and favors the preparation of carbon membranes with smaller pore size.

关键词: Carbonization;Atmosphere;Carbon membranes;PAN;Structure;molecular-sieve membranes;gas separation membranes;phenolic resin;pyrolysis conditions;thermal-degradation;polyimide;polyacrylonitrile;deposition;graphite;kapton

New Evaluation on the Preoxidation Extent of Different PAN Precursors

Wangxi ZHANG , Jie LIU , Jieying LIANG , null , null , null


Structural changes in carbon fibers at each stage of, especially, preoxidation process are well known to play a great role in achieving the ultimate product quality. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscope (SEM), density method and optical microscope were used to characterize the preoxidation extent. A conventional approach, e:g., density aim, to evaluate the extent of preoxidation is not very exact. A DSC curve of a PAN precursor only can provide general information, major in the temperature regime of preoxidation reaction. However, the evaluation of a preoxidation extent, especially from conventional preoxidation temperature with a great span regime of 200~400℃, is put forward in this paper, in which the evolution of core/shell morphological structure is a kind of straightforward evidence.

关键词: Preoxidation , null , null


沈新元 , 朱新远 , 郝建斌 , 王庆瑞

膜科学与技术 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-8924.1998.03.007


关键词: 中空纤维膜 , 超高分子量 , 聚丙烯腈 , 水相悬浮聚合


葛继均 , 周花 , 崔永芳 , 张志英



关键词: 聚丙烯腈 , 无机粒子 , 支撑膜 , 耐热性机理


张欢 , 谭毅 , 施伟 , 李佳艳



关键词: PAN碳毡 , 电极材料 , 改性 , 液流电池 , 电池性能

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