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High coercive NdFeB thin film obtained by diffusion annealing

MJ.Kim , Y.B.Kim , C.B.Song , Y.Li , D.S.Suhr , C.O.Kim , T.K.Kim


The magnetic properties and microstructure of diffusion annealed [Ta/Nd/NdFeB/Nd/Ta] thin films have been investigated. The films were deposited on Si substrate with various thickness ratio of Nd/NdFeB layer (R=0 similar to 3.3), then diffused and crystallized by annealing at 650 degrees C for 10 min. The film without Nd layer showed soft magnetic behavior and high content of alpha-Fe phase. The films with R greater than or equal to 1 showed good hard magnetic properties with the high coercivity of about 20 kOe.



刘成 , 杨毅 , 韩正玉 , 武晓雅 , 翁景霞 , 林璐

中国稀土学报 doi:10.11785/S1000-4343.20130408

采用溶胶-凝胶法制备Li+掺杂改性的Y2SiO5:Pr3+上转换发光材料,考察了Li+掺杂对样品晶型及发光性能的影响.采用XRD,DSC-TGA,FS对所制备的材料进行表征,结果表明Li+掺入浓度在7%~ 8%(摩尔分数)之间会引起Y2SiO5晶体类型由X型转变为X2型,且Li+掺入后样品转晶型温度由950℃降至800℃;样品经800℃煅烧处理后以X1型Y2SiO5为主相,850℃煅烧处理后以X2型Y2SiO5为主相;Li+掺入同时会提高Y2SiO5:Pr3+材料的上转换发光强度,Li+最佳掺杂浓度为10%,对于双掺杂pr3+,Li+:Y2SiO5体系中pr3+最佳掺杂浓度为1.2%.

关键词: 溶胶-凝胶法 , 上转换 , 晶相转变 , 锂掺杂 , 稀土

Y 对8090Al-Li 合金拉伸性能和断裂行为的影响

桂全红 , 马禄铭 , 蒋晓军 , 梁国军 , 李依依


研究了两种不同Y 含量对8090Al-Li 合金拉伸性能及断裂行为的影响。实验表明:加入0.1wt-%Y 可在不降低强度的情况下提高合金的塑性,加入0.5wt-%Y 可在不降低塑性的情况下提高合金的强度。在峰值时效条件下,不加Y 的合金断裂为穿晶韧窝型和沿晶塑性混合方式,并伴有沿晶二次裂纹,加0.1%Y 不改变合金断裂模式,但使沿晶成分减少;加0.5%Y 合金则发生快速剪切断裂。本文从晶粒结构角度对断裂行为提出了解释。

关键词: A—Li 合金 , rare earth element Y , tensile properties , intergranular fracture , transgranular fracture


沙桂英 , 刘翠云 , 刘腾 , 孙晓光 , 李根

材料工程 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-4381.2010.07.014


关键词: Mg-Li合金 , Mg-Li-Y合金 , 应变率 , 微裂纹

Mechanism of upconversion emission enhancement in Y(3)Al(5)O(12):Er(3+)/Li(+) powders


Er(3+) and Li(+) codoped Y(3)Al(5)O(12) (YAG) powders were prepared for a systematic investigation of their upconversion emissions. X-ray diffraction (XRD), upconversion emission spectra, pump power dependence, FT-IR spectra and decay time were studied to characterize the samples. With Li+ doping, the upconversion emission intensity of Er(3+) doped YAG powders was obviously enhanced, accompanied with an increase in the ratio of green to red intensity. The enhancement of emission intensity could be attributed to two mechanisms: one was the distortion of local crystal field around Er(3+), and the other was the decrease in the amount of CO(3)(2-) and OH(-) groups. Our results revealed that the latter was the dominant mechanism of the upconversion intensity enhancement in the YAG:Er(3+)/Li(+) powders.

关键词: luminescence;optical materials and properties;sol-gel preparation;nanomaterials;rare earths;nanocrystals;nanophosphors;li+


冯剑 , 黄金亮 , 贾玉鑫


为改善铸态Mg-12Li-3Gd-3Y-0.6Zr合金的力学特性,对铸锭进行均匀退火处理。采用金相显微镜、SEM、XRD、显微硬度测试和拉伸力学特性测试,观察和研究了试验合金的微观组织和力学特性。结果表明:最佳的均匀化退火工艺为500℃×8 h,均匀化退火后合金的抗拉强度由铸态的114 MPa提高到133 MPa。第二相形态及分布的改变是Mg-12Li-3Gd-3Y-0.6Zr合金力学特性改变的主要原因。

关键词: 镁锂合金 , 均匀化 , 微观组织 , 力学特性

Enhancement of upconversion emission in Y(3)Al(5)O(12):Er(3+) induced by Li(+) doping at interstitial sites

Chemical Physics Letters

The influence of site occupancy of Li(+), including substitutional and interstitial sites, on the upconversion emissions of Er(3+) doped Y(3)Al(5)O(12) powders is reported. The intensity of green emission increases slightly when the Li(+) occupies substitutional site, but when the Li(+) enters into interstitial site it enhances drastically accompanied with a change of emission spectra. These phenomena originate from the increase, induced by interstitial Li(+), in the lifetime of (4)I(11/2) level, the ratio of radiation rate in green emission and the absorptivity at 980 nm. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: y2o3 nanocrystals;er3+;photoluminescence;ions


冯剑 , 黄金亮 , 贾玉鑫


为了提高Mg-8Li-3Gd-3Y-0.6Al合金铸锭的力学性能,对合金进行了均匀化退火处理.通过金相显微镜、扫描电镜、显微硬度测试、X射线衍射、拉伸力学性能测试等手段,研究了均匀化条件对Mg-8Li-3Gd-3Y-0.6Al合金的显微组织和力学性能的影响.结果表明,铸态合金经773K 8h的均匀化处理后,铸态时的网状相完全溶解到基体中,第二相弥散分布在基体中,同时退火态合金的抗拉强度达到了154 MPa,比铸态合金提高了23%.合金最佳的均匀化退火工艺是773K 8h,此时该合金具有较好的综合力学性能.

关键词: Mg-8Li-3Gd-3Y-0.6Al合金 , 显微组织 , 均匀化 , 力学性能

Y对Mg-8Li-4Zn-xY合金及其1 mm薄板组织与性能的影响

徐春杰 , 马涛 , 王锦程 , 屠涛 , 张忠明


采用锂盐熔剂保护熔铸了Mg-8Li-4Zn-xY合金铸锭,并通过正挤压制成1 mm的薄板.通过光学显微镜、扫描电镜、XRD分析及合金硬度测试,探讨合金的组织与力学性能.结果表明:Mg-8Li-4Zn-xY合金基体为β-Li(bcc)和α-Mg (hcp)相,析出强化相颗粒和化合物为Mg2Zn11,Mg72.05Zn27.g5,MgZn,Mg2Y,MgY及未知相.随Y含量的增加,铸态 基体组织得到细化,析出相数量增加.1 mm正挤压变形态薄板材基体组织大小、形貌和β-Li相内弥散析出的强化相颗 粒数量随着Y含量的提高没有明显变化,但α-Mg相由β-Li相包裹着被拉长并得到一定程度的细化,呈平行于挤压方向的条带状.β-Li相在协调塑性变形的同时发生了动态再结晶,晶界均匀分布着强化相颗粒.无论是铸态还是挤压后1 mm的Mg-8Li-4Zn-xY合金薄板,随着Y含量的增加合金得到不同程度的强化,硬度均得到不同程度的提高.

关键词: Mg-Li合金 , 挤压 , 显微组织 , 力学性能

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