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Z.L. Zhan , * , Y.D. He , W. Gao


Nanocrystal ODS (oxide dispersion strengthening) aluminide coatings were produced on a stainless steel and nickel-based superalloy by the pack aluminizing process assisted by ball peening. Pure Al powders and 1% of ultra-fine Y2O3 powders were mixed by ball milling. The ultra-fine Y2O3 powders were dispersed in Al particles. Ball peening welded the Al particles onto the substrate and accelerated the formation of aluminide coating. Nanocrystal ODS aluminide coatings were produced by the outward growth at a much low temperature (below 600℃) in a short treatment time. The effects of the operation temperature and treatment time on the formation of the coatings were analyzed. SEM (scanning electron microscope), AFM (atomic force microscope), EDS (energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy), XRF (X-ray fluorescence spectrometer) and XRD (X-ray diffraction) methods were applied to investigate the microstructure of the coatings. High-temperature oxidation tests were carried out to evaluate the oxidation resistance of the ODS aluminide coatings.

关键词: nano-coating , 微米/纳米晶涂层 , 球击处理过


尹君 , 岳古明 , 徐贲

量子电子学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5461.2006.02.015

使用脉冲Nd:YAG四倍频激光抽运充有纯D2气体和D2/He混合气体的拉曼池.实验研究了受激拉曼散射的能量转换效率和能量稳定性与系统主要参量,包括抽运光能量、D2气体压强和加入惰性气体He的关系.实验表明,适量惰性气体He的加入在没有降低一阶斯托克斯散射光(S1,波长:289.04 nm)能量稳定性的前提下,有利于提高其能量转换效率,最大能量转换效率达到22.1%.通过实验分析,得到了受激拉曼散射一阶斯托克斯散射光的能量转化效率和能量稳定性的优化条件.

关键词: 非线性光学 , 受激拉曼散射 , 四波混频 , 能量转换效率 , 能量稳定性

First-principles study of alloying effect of transition metals on He in titanium ditritide

Journal of Nuclear Materials

Due to its inert reactivity with almost elements, He-3 produced from tritium decay has extremely detrimental effects on the tritide. To refrain from this He-3-induced damage, an efficient way is to increase the stability of He-3 in metal tritide by alloying. Using a first-principles discrete variational method in two cluster models, one for a low He-3 concentration and the other for a high He-3 concentration, the authors study the alloying effect of 3d and 4d transition metals on the stability of He-3 in TiT2 system. It is found that the preferring and metastable sites of He-3 are affected by He-3 concentration : He-3 prefers to stay at original tetrahedral interstitial site when He-3 concentration is low but moves to octahedral site when He-3 concentration is high enough. A criterion of alloying effect is proposed, according to which Nb, Y, Zr, Pd, Ru, Tc, Rh, Cr, Mo and Ag are suggested to be the beneficial alloying elements for increasing the stability of He-3 in the alloyed TiT2 with a low He-3 concentration and Y, Nb, Mo, Zr, Cr, Tc, Ru, Rh and Cu for that with a high He-3 concentration. Our results of alloying effect are supported by the positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) measurements for He-implanted Ti, TiMoYAl and TiZrYAl films. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: electronic population analysis;molecular wave functions;hydrogen;storage alloys;intermetallic hydride;bubble formation;iron clusters;helium;tritides;lcao;overlap


ZHANG Lei WANG Peixuan TAO Rong MA Ruzhang ZHANG Guoguang University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing , China professor , Department of Materials Physics.University of Science and Technology Beijing.Beijing 100083 , China


Nucleation and growth of He bubbles at different annealing temperatures T≤1023 K in stain- less steels HR-2 and SS321,implanted with He~+(40-70 keV.1×10~(16)-6× 10~(17) He~+/cm~2),were ohserved under TEM.T=0.45T_m seems to be a transition temperature.The He bubbles continue mainly their nucleation at 0.3T_m< T<0.45T_m,and grow predominantly at T≥0.45T_m,due probably to migration and coalescence by surface diffusion of metal atoms around the bubbles.The apparent activation energies for the growth are found to he 0.41 and 0.31 eV for HR-2 and SS321 respectively.The bubble density in HR-2 is greater than that in SS321 within whole measuring temperature range,and the onset temperature of rapid swelling is also higher.It is believed that the resistance of HR-2 to He is superior to that fo SS321.

关键词: stainless steel , null , null , null , null

Heuristic treatments of tricritical behaviour as observed in 4He-3He mixtures and in polymeric assemblies

Physics and Chemistry of Liquids

Tricritical behaviour in three dimensions is accessible to experiment in, for example, 4He-3He mixtures and some polymeric assemblies. Here, by largely heuristic arguments, which appeal however to some specific model Hamiltonians, we indicate how one can understand the gist of the experimental results near the tricritical point in the systems cited above. We point out that the spin fluctuations at the tricritical point are much weaker than those at the critical point, which leads to the conclusion that the tricritical behaviours can be described well by the mean-field exponents with logarithmic corrections, at d = 3.

关键词: tricritical behaviour;tricritical exponents;4He-3He mixtures;polymeric assemblies;Ising model;emery-griffiths model;single-ion-anisotropy;ising-model;phase-separation;magnetic-properties;lattice statistics;crystal-field;exponents;superconductivity;transition

Mean-field theory on mixed ferro-ferrimagnetic compounds with (A(a)B(b)C(c))(y)D

Physics Letters A

The magnetic properties of the mixed ferro-ferrimagnetic compounds with (A(a)B(b)C(c))(y)D, in which A, B, C and D are four different magnetic ions and form four different sublattices, are studied by using the Ising model. And the Ising model was dealt with standard mean-field approximation. The regions of concentration in which two compensation points or one compensation point exit are given in c-a, b-c and a-b planes. The phase diagrams of the transition temperature T-c and compensation temperature T-comp are obtained. The temperature dependences of the magnetization are also investigated. Some of the result can be used to explain the experimental work of the molecule-based ferro-ferrimagnet ((NiaMnbFecII)-Mn-II-Fe-II)(1.5) [Cr-III (CN)6] - zH(2)O. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: mixed ferro-ferrimagnet;Ising model;four sublattices;phase diagram;transition temperature;compensation temperature;magnetic-properties;prussian blue;alloy


李悦 , 邓爱红 , 刘莉 , 王康 , 谢莎



关键词: 金属材料 , He钛膜 , 直流磁控溅射 , He相关缺陷 , XRD , SPBA


施立群 , 金钦华 , 刘超卓 , 徐世林 , 周筑颖

原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2005.01.045

研究了用He/Ar混合溅射气体的直流磁控溅射制备钛膜中He的掺入现象.分析结果表明,大量的He原子(He/Ti原子比高达56%) 被均匀地引入到Ti膜中,He含量可由混合溅射气体的He分量精确控制.通过调节溅射参数,可实现样品中He的低损伤引入.研究还发现,溅射沉积的含氦Ti膜具有较高的He成泡剂量和高的固He能力,这可能是溅射沉积形成了纳米晶Ti膜所致.纳米晶Ti膜较粗晶材料具有很高浓度的He捕陷中心,使He泡密度增大而泡尺寸减小.随He引入量的增加,Ti膜的晶粒尺寸减小,He引起的晶体点阵参数和X射线衍射峰宽度增大,晶体的无序程度增加.

关键词: , 损伤 , , 钛膜 , 溅射沉积


贺建超 , 高进 , 邓东 , 万发荣

材料工程 doi:10.11868/j.issn.1001-4381.2016.04.015

研究辐照下He在氧化物弥散强化材料中小于5nm的氧化物颗粒的稳定性.在有He环境下,对14YWT氧化物弥散强化材料进行高温离子辐照.采用三维原子探针(APT)对辐照前后样品中的氧化物颗粒的大小、密度、成分以及其空间分布进行分析.结果表明:小于5 nm的弥散氧化物颗粒主要是由Y和Ti的氧化物组成,在辐照前后其成分、尺寸和空间分布无明显变化,说明在600℃高温重离子辐照过程中,在有He环境下铁素体ODS材料中弥散氧化物颗粒仍具有良好的稳定性.

关键词: 氧化物弥散强化材料 , 辐照 , 纳米氧化物颗粒 , 稳定性


冯文天 , 马新文 , 朱小龙 , 张少峰 , 刘惠萍 , 李斌 , 闫顺成


利用反应显微成像谱仪对70和100 keV He2+与He原子碰撞转移电离(TI)过程中不同出射角度的电子能谱进行了测量,观测到出射电子能谱具有如下分布特征:出射电子速度分布介于0和入射离子速度νp之间;在不同出射角度电子能谱分布均有一极大值存在,随着出射角度的增大,能谱分布极大值逐渐减小; 当电子出射角度等于45°时,多数电子集中在0 eV附近.上述特征可由低能离子-原子碰撞"准分子"模型进行定性解释.在100 keV He2+-He转移电离出射电子能谱中有靶电子被俘获至散射离子连续态(electron capture to continuum,简称ECC)电子的贡献,这可看做是动力学两步过程的作用.

关键词: 反应显微谱仪 , 转移电离 , ECC电子 , "准分子"模型

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