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X. Q. Zhang , Y. H. Peng , M. Q. Li and X. Y. Ruan( 1)Department of Plasticity Technology , Shanghai Jiao TOng University , Shanghai 200030 2)School of Material Science and Engineering , Northwestern Polytechnical University , Xi' an 710072 , China)


In the present research, artificial artificial networks hare be applied to establish the constitutive rela- tionship model of Ti - 5Al - 2Sn - 2Zr - 4Mo - 4Cr (wt - % ) alloy. In the first stage of the re- search, an isothermal compressive experiment using Thermecmastor - Z hot simulator is studied to ac- quire the flow stress at different deformation temperature,equivalent strain and equivalent strain rate. Then,a feed - forward neural network is trained by using the experimental data.After the training process is finished, the neural networks become a knowledge-based constitutive relationship system. Comparison of the predicted and experimental results results shows that the neural network model has good le- arning precision and good generalization.The neural neural network methods are found to show much better agreement than existing methods with the experiment data, and have the advantage of being able to deal with noisy for or data with strong non - linear reationships. At last, this model can be aused to simulate the flow behavior of Ti - 5Al - 2Sn - 2Zr - 4Mo - 4Ca alloy.

关键词: titanium alloy , null , null , null

Corrosion of Y, Fe and Fe-15Y in H_2-H_2S Mixture under 10~(-3) Pa S_2 at 600~800℃

Yan NIU , Weitao WU and Chaoliu ZENG (State Key Lab. for Corrosion and Protection , Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang 110015 , China)F. Gesmundo and F. Viani (Instituto di Chimica , Facolta di Ingegneria , Un


The corrosion of an Fe-based alloy containing 15 wt pct Y in H2-H2S mixtures under 10-3 Pa S2 was studied at 600~800℃ in an attempt to find materials with improved sulphidation resistance with respect to pure Fe. The presence of Y has been shown to be beneflcial, but not sufficient to the level expected. In fact, the alloy is able to form at all tested temperatures an external FeS layer, beneath which a zone containing a mixture of the two sulphides is also present. Thus,Fe can still diffuse through this region to form the outer FeS layer with non-negligible rate. The corrosion rate of Fe is considerably reduced by the Y addition. but the alloy corrodes still much more rapidly than Y. The sulphidation kinetics is generally rather irregular for both the pure metals, while the corrosion rate of the alloy decreases with time and tends to become parabolic after an initial period of 12~17 h. The sulphidation behaviour of the alloys is discussed by taking into account the presence of an intermetallic compound Fe17Y2 and the limited solubility of Y in Fe


Corrosion of Y, Fe and Fe-15Y in H-2-H2S mixture under 10(-3) Pa S-2 at 600 similar to 800 degrees C


The corrosion of an Fe-based alloy containing 15 wt pet Y in H-2-H2S mixtures under 10(-3) Pa S-2 was studied at 600 similar to 800 degrees C in an attempt to find materials with improved sulphidation resistance with respect to pure Fe. The presence of Y has been shown to be beneficial, but not sufficient to the level expected. In fact, the alloy is able to form at all tested temperatures an external FeS layer, beneath which a zone containing a mixture of the two sulphides is also present. Thus, Fe can still diffuse through this region to form the outer FeS layer with non-negligible rate. The corrosion rate of Fe is considerably reduced by the Y addition, but the alloy corrodes still much more rapidly than Y. The sulphidation kinetics is generally rather irregular for both the pure metals, while the corrosion rate of the alloy decreases with time and tends to become parabolic after an initial period of 12 similar to 17 h. The sulphidation behaviour of the alloys is discussed by taking into account the presence of an intermetallic compound Fe17Y2 and the limited solubility of Y in Fe.

关键词: high-temperature sulfidation;most-reactive component;ni-nb alloys;h2-h2s mixtures;behavior;600-degrees-c-800-degrees-c;oxidation

Improving glass-forming ability of Mg-Cu-Y via substitutional alloying: Effects of Ag versus Ni

Journal of Materials Research

Based on the best bulk metallic glass (BMG) forming alloy in the Mg-Cu-Y ternary system, we introduced Ag (or Ni) to partially substitute for Cu to improve the glass-forming ability (GFA). The objective of this paper is twofold. First, we illustrate in detail a recently developed search strategy, which was proposed but only briefly outlined in our previous publication [H. Ma, L.L. Shi, J. Xu, Y. Li, and E. Ma: Discovering inch-diameter metallic glasses in three-dimensional composition space. Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 181915 (2005)]. The protocol to navigate in three-dimensional composition space to land large BMGs is spelled out step-by-step using the pseudo-ternary Mg-(Cu,Ag)-Y as the model system. Second, our ability to locate the best BMG former in the composition tetrahedron allows us to systematically examine, and conclude on, the effects of a given alloying element. The large improvement in glass-forming ability in the Mg-(Cu,Ag)-Y system relative to the based ternary will be contrasted with the reduced glass-forming ability in the Mg-(Cu,Ni)-Y pseudo ternary system. It is demonstrated that the improvement of glass-forming ability requires judicious choice of substitutional alloying elements and concentrations, rather than simple additions of multiple elements assuming the "confusion principle."

关键词: bulk metallic-glass;shaped copper mold;amorphous-alloys;thermal-stability;ternary-system;casting method;p system;diameter;zr;mm


林鸿 , 段远源



关键词: PR状态方程 , 密度漂移 , 卤代烃 , 临界压缩因子


NIU Yan , F.GESMUNDO , WU Weitao , ZENG Chaoliu , F.VIANI , (State Key Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection , Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang.110015 , China)(Istituto di Chimica , Facolta'di Ingegneria , Universita'di Genova , Fiera del Mare , Pad.D , 16129 Genova , Italy)Manuscript received 3 July 1995


The corrosion properties of a Co-15wt% Y alloy were studied in H_2-H_2S mixtures under a sulfur pressure of 10-3 Pa at 600-800℃ and of 10-2 Pa at 800℃ to examine the effect of Y on the resistance of pure cobalt to sulfur attack at high temperatures.The alloy is nearly single-phase.containing mostly the intermetallic compound Co17Y2 plus a little amount of the solid solution of Y in cobalt.At 600-700℃ and at 800℃ under 10-2 Pa of S2 the alloy forms multi-layered scales consisting of an outer region of pure cobalt sulfide,an intermediate region of a mixture of the sulfides of the two metals and finally an innermost layer of a mixture of yttrium sulfide with metal cobalt.At 800℃ under 10-3Pa of S2,below the dissociation pressure of cobalt sulfide, the alloy forms only a single layer composed of a mixture of metallic cobalt with yttrium sulfide.Pure Y produces only the oxysulfide Y2O2S, as a result of the good stability of this compound and of the presence of some impurities in the gas mixtures used The corrosion kinetics is generally rather complex and irregular except al 800℃under 10-3 Pa of S2.The addition of yttrium always reduces the sulfidation rate of cobalt, even though the formation of a continuous protective external layer of yttrium sulfide is never achieved.The internal sulfidation of Y in Co-15% Y is not associated with a depletion of Y in the alloy.This kind of diffusionless internal attack is typical of alloys with a very small solubility of the most reactive component Y in the base metal A.which restricts severely the Y flux from the alloy towards the alloy-scale interface.

关键词: :cobalt-yttrium alloy , null , null


王逸群 , 宋鹏 , 季强 , 廖红星 , 陆建生

材料工程 doi:10.11868/j.issn.1001-4381.2015.000379


关键词: 含钇氧化物 , 水蒸气 , NiCoCrAl涂层 , 热障涂层 , 内氧化


牛焱 , 晏人芸



关键词: Fe-Y合金 , yttrium , sulfidation , oxidation


张华 , 金薇 , 刘慧舟 , 杨坚

低温物理学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3258.2008.04.009


关键词: 反应溅射 , Y2O3隔离层 , H2O分压 , 表面形貌


王世铭 , 黄金凤 , 林深 , 郑瑛

稀土 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-0277.2002.01.003


关键词: 电荷转移配合物 , , 多金属氧酸盐 , 合成 , 表征

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