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S.S. Xie , X.F. Pan , T.L. Wang , Z.X. Wang , H.C. Yang and Q. Wang ( School of Materials and Metallurgy , Northeastern Universityl Shenyang 110006 , China)( School of Materials and Metallurgy , Northeastern Universityl Shenyang 110006 , China)( School of Materials and Metallurgy , Northeastern Universityl Shenyang 110006 , China)( School of Materials and Metallurgy , Northeastern Universityl Shenyang 110006 , China)( Institute of Metal Research , The Chinese Academy of Science , Shenyang 110015 , China)( Liaoning Machinery Industry Foreign Trade Co. Ltd. , Shenyang 110002 , China)


Threshold stress values, muging from ~8 to 16MPa·m1/2 can be obtained in a Ni-base alloy GH586 by varying the microstructure through heat treatments. The threshold and low crack growth rate behaviors at room temperature, with varying groin size and γ'-distribution, have been investigated. The results indicate that grain size is an important microstructurol parameter that affects fatigue crack growth threshold and propagation behaviors, as the values of △Kth increase with increasing grain size, but the γ' -distribution also has important effect. Analyses show that the effects of groin size on threshold and low crack-growth rate behavior result from heterogeneous deformation and roughness-induced crack closure due to crystallographic slipping and cracking in coarse microstructure. The higher △Kth and lower fatigue crack growth rate with increasing amounts of fine γ' phases are closely related to less damage accumulation level in deformation zone of crack-tip resulted from heterogeneous deformation due to dislocations' shearing γ' precipitates.

关键词: superalloy GH586; fatigue crack growth; threshold; grain size;γ'-distribution


盛毅 , 张彩红 , 徐耀 , 吕春祥 , 吴刚平 , 吴忠华 , 李志宏


利用二维小角X射线散射(2D-SAXS)方法,对PAN基炭纤维全部方位角进行微孔结构的研究.样品选取自制炭纤维MHS及日本东丽公司T300,T800产品.结果表明:MHS炭纤维微孔尺寸介于T300与T800之间,长径比t值小于T300和T800.T300中较小微孔(<9.1 nm)和较大微孔(>15.4nm)的含量大于MHS,T800含有大量的微孔短轴小于2nm的小尺寸微孔.MHS炭纤维的界面复杂程度较T300大,而小于T800.炭纤维内部存在由微孔散射导致的密度波动,其波动振幅F值和波动密度n值按MHS、T300和T800依次递减;电子密度波动越小,表明微孔结构越规整,T800的孔结构最规整.炭纤维内各个取向上均有一定结构的微孔分布,但总体上呈现沿纤维轴方向的定向排列.

关键词: SAXS , 炭纤维 , 孔结构 , 分形维数 , 密度波动

Superconductivity modulated by internal pressure in Ce(1-x)Gd(x)FeAsO(0.84)F(0.16) compounds

Superconductor Science & Technology

It is shown that the superconductivity in Ce(1-x)Gd(x)FeAsO(0.84)F(0.16) compounds can be modulated by internal (chemical) pressure. The internal pressure is induced by Gd substitution for Ce in CeFeAsO(0.84)F(0.16), which compresses the crystal lattice. The temperature dependences of resistivity and magnetization show that the superconducting-transition temperature T(c) is enhanced from 40 K for CeFeAsO(0.84)F(0.16) to 47.5 K for Ce(0.6)Gd(0.4)FeAsO(0.84)F(0.16). The increase and subsequent decrease of Tc upon application of external pressure, as observed previously in LaFeAsO(0.89)F(0.11), is entirely confirmed by the modulation of Tc of the Ce(1-x)Gd(x)FeAsO(0.84)F(0.16) superconductors by internal pressure.

关键词: layered quaternary compound;43 k;iron

Structural evolution of Ce(1-x)Gd(x)FeAsO(0.84)F(0.16) superconductors

Journal of Applied Physics

Structural parameters have a critical impact on superconductivity in iron-based oxypnictide superconductors. Structural evolution study was performed on Ce(1-x)Gd(x)FeAsO(0.84)F(0.16) superconductors by the analysis of the x-ray diffraction patterns with Rietveld refinement. Substitution of Gd for Ce generates internal pressure that compresses the crystal lattice. The contraction of the c axis is also indicated by the reduction of Ce/Gd-As and Ce/Gd-O/F distances, while there is a slight increase in the As-Fe-As block size, which is compensated by a large reduction in the Ce/Gd-O/F-Ce/Gd block with Gd substitution. The diagonal Fe-As-Fe angle for Ce(0.6)Gd(0.4)FeAsO(0.84)F(0.16), with the highest T(c) among Ce(1-x)Gd(x)FeAsO(0.84)F(0.16) compounds, is 111.13 degrees. It is close to the ideal value of 109.47 degrees for the perfect FeAs tetrahedron, which is situated in the region of Fe-As-Fe bond angles where RFeAsO compounds tend to have the highest T(c). (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3565408]

关键词: layered quaternary compound;high-temperature superconductivity


马骁 , 白瑞成 , 任慕苏 , 孙晋良 , 秦显营 , 吕永根



关键词: 碳纤维 , 小角X射线散射 , 微孔


王琴 , 梁晓怿 , 吕春祥 , 张睿 , 乔文明 , 詹亮 , 刘鸿鹏 , 凌立成 , 陈中军 , 董宝中


采用同步辐射小角X射线散射研究了PAN原丝制备过程中纤维轧结构的演变.结果表明,在水洗工艺中,纤维孔隙较多、较大,孔径分布较宽,近似圆形;在热水牵伸工艺中,纤维孔隙仍较多、较大,孔径分布较宽,近似椭圆形,长轴约17 nm-21 nm.短轴约4 nm~11nm;在干燥致密化工艺中,孔隙急剧减少、减小,孔径分布较窄,沿纤维轴向约7nm~9nm,垂直纤维轴向约2 nm;经过蒸汽牵伸,孔隙又增多、增大,孔径分布变宽,孔隙沿纤维轴向被牵伸得很长,近似梭形;但是随后的松弛热定型又使孔隙减小,孔径分布变窄.

关键词: 聚丙烯腈纤维 , 同步辐射小角X射线散射 , 孔隙结构


崔雅静 , 陈永亮 , 杨烨 , 王雅真 , 张勇 , 赵勇



关键词: 铁基超导体 , ZrCuSiAs结构

Investigations of EPR g Factors and Rhombic Distortion for the Rhombic Cu2+ Centers in K2Zn1-x Cu (x) F-4 Crystals at Low Temperature

Applied Magnetic Resonance

The electron paramagnetic resonance g factors g (i) (i = x, y, z) of two rhombic Cu2+ centers, Cu2+(II) and Cu2+(III), in K2Zn1-x Cu (x) F-4 crystals found at low temperature are calculated from the complete diagonalization (of energy matrix) method based on the cluster approach. The calculations show that the ground state wave function of the two rhombically compressed Cu2+ centers is with a small admixture of . The rhombic distortions for both Cu2+ centers are obtained from the calculations. The results are discussed.

关键词: electron-paramagnetic-resonance;atomic screening constants;hyperfine;parameters;gyromagnetic factor;spin resonance;scf functions;field;copper(ii);dependence;spectra




介绍了可适用钛金属0.4 m~1.2 m不同焦距、微粒胶片X射线照相用的KUPTF新型曝光曲线的制作原理及方法.试验结果表明,新型曝光曲线具有制作简便、经济实用、可兼顾底片象质和拍片效率的优点,是钛制压力容器现场变焦距透照选取准确管电压值的理想工具.

关键词: , X射线照相 , KUPTF , 曝光曲线


李常清 , 袁姗 , 罗荣 , 郭雅明 , 徐樑华



关键词: 聚丙烯腈纤维 , 聚酰亚胺 , 原液改性 , 晶态结构

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