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Effect of Grain-Refined on Primary α Phase in Semi-Solid A356 Alloy Prepared by low superheat Pouring and Slightil Electromagnetic Stirring

Z. Liu , W.M. Mao


The semi-solid slurry of A356 alloy, which is grain-refined by Al-Ti-B master alloy, is prepared by low superheat pouring and slightly electromagnetic stirring. The effects of grain-refine on the morphology and the grain size of the primary α phase in the slurry manufactured are researched. The results indicate that the slurry with particle-like and rosette-like primary α phases can be prepared by low superheat pouring and slightly electromagnetic stirring from liquid A356 alloy grain-refined, in which the pouring temperature can be suitably raised. Compared with the A356 samples without grain-refined, the grain size and particle morphology of primary α phase as well as the distribution of the grain with particle-like or rosette-like along radial in the ingot in A356 are markedly improved by grain-refined.

关键词: semi-solid , null , null , null , null , null


Z.S. Zhen , W.M. Mao , S.J. Yan


The Rheological behavior of semi-solid AZ91D at steady state is studied using a Couettetype viscometer in the present paper. The results show that the apparent viscosity ofsemi-solid AZ91D at the steady state increases with the solid fraction increasing, andgoes up sharply when the solid fraction reaches a certain value, which is called criticalfraction. In addition, the apparent viscosity of semi-solid AZ91D at the steady statetakes on a distinct downtrend with the shearing rate increasing, which indicates astrong shear thinning property. In addition, the critical solid fraction becomes higherunder larger shearing rate, owing to the more globular shape of the solid particles.Based on the present experiment results, an empirical equation is built as that, relatingthe steady state apparent viscosity of semi-solid AZ91D with the solid fraction fs andshearing rate γ at the same time: ηapp=10. 74exp(6.95fs)γ-0.86.

关键词: Rheological behavior , null , null , null , null


田保红 , 郑世安 , 吴磊



关键词: M/B复相组织 , fatigue crack propagation rate , threshold value , steel 65Cr5Mo3W2VSiTi


TIAN Baohong ZHENG Shi'an WU Lei Luoyang Institute of Technology , Luoyang , China ZHENG Shi'an , associate professor , Department of Materials Engineering , Luoyang Institute of Technology , Luoyang 471039 , China


Determination was carried out of fatigue crack propagation rate of steel 65Cr5Mo3W2VSiTi (LM2)with various bainite contents and M/B duplex structure tempered at various tempera- tures.The threshold value of fatigue for each processing was estimated by experimental data. The mechanism for fatigue crack propagation of M/B duplex structure in steel LM2 seems to be non-continuous.The calculated fatigue crack micro-propagation rates are found to agree with the experimental data.

关键词: duplex structure , null , null , null

Magnetic and corrosion properties of Fe56Co7M2Mo5Zr10B20 (M = W or Ni) bulk metallic glasses

Journal of Alloys and Compounds

Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) Fe56Co7M2Zr10Mo5B20 (M = W or Ni) with diameters of 1.5 mm were fabricated by copper mould casting method. There is no significant difference in the glass properties such as glass transition temperature (T-g), onset temperature of crystallization (T-x), supercooled liquid region (Delta T-x), and offset temperature of melting (T-1) except that the onset melting temperature T-m, which are 1454 and 1464 K for the alloy containing W and Ni, respectively. The alloy containing W exhibits some paramagnetic properties while the Ni containing alloy shows fully ferromagnetic. The potentiodynamic polarization experiments show that these alloys have a high corrosion resistance in 3.5 % NaCl solution with strong passivation ability. The alloy containing W shows excellent pitting resistance with a wide passive range (Delta E = 852 mV) and low passive current density in the order of mu A m(-2). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for either alloy consists only of single capacitive loop. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: amorphous materials;casting;bulk metallic glasses;glass forming;ability;high saturation magnetization;p-c alloys;ferromagnetic glasses;amorphous-alloys;1.5 t;hcl;resistance;behavior;system


何立子 , 孙晓峰 , 郑启 , 侯贵臣 , 张承忠 , 管恒荣 , 胡壮麒

材料工程 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-4381.2004.02.011


关键词: M963合金 , 熔体处理 , 碳化物 , 形态 , 分布


刘路 , 李世燕 , 樊荣 , 陈仙辉

低温物理学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3258.2000.05.005

分别用固相反应和柠檬酸盐溶胶-凝胶法制备名义组成为Sr2(Gd1 5Ce0.5)Cu2Oz的前驱物,再用真空烧结的方法合成了(Hg,M)-1222相铜氧化合物(Hg0.75M0.25)Sr2(Gd1.5Ce0.5)Cu2Oz(M=W,Mo,V,Cr,Ti).溶胶-凝胶法同固相法相比混合更均匀,反应温度低,成相情况好.改进该方法后,用溶解度较高的Ce(NO3)3代替不溶于硝酸的CeO2,制得了纯1222相.研究了不同退火条件对样品电阻温度特性的影响,发现高氧压退火有助于超导转变.M=W,Mo时得到超导体,Tc(onset)在13~27K之间.



刘勤 , 裔式珙


在250℃以■=0.025min~(-1)测到的Zn-5%Al 合金的超塑性m-δ曲线均属式。w_0/l_0值加大使m_0,m_L 和δ_F 值增大,但对δ_L 和m_F 值无大影响。试样厚度的加大(由1增大到2mm)仅使δ_L 和δ_F 值增大,考虑w_0/l_0比值的影响,C_3~((m_0-m_L))-(m_L=m_(mas))型C.L.m-δ方程式规划为:或其中,m′_0(W_0/l_0)=m_0,m′_0>m_0;m′_L(w_0/l_0)=m_L,m′_L>mw_0/l_0=0.15—0.39。当w_O/l_0=1时,缺口效应消失,δ(或δ_F)值为最大。

关键词: Zn-5%Al合金 , mechanics of superplasticity , C.L.m-δequation


柏广海 , 胡锐 , 李金山 , 钟宏 , 寇宏超 , 傅恒志



关键词: Ni-Cr-W基高温合金 , DSC , M23C6 , 析出 , 弯曲晶界

The preparation and corrosion behaviors of MAO coating on AZ91D with rare earth conversion precursor film

Applied Surface Science

A novel kind of micro-arc oxidation (MAO) coating was prepared on magnesium alloy surface coated with rare earth conversion film (RE-film) in an alkaline aluminum oxidation electrolyte by AC power source. Inspection of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy, the structure and composition of MAO coating formed on AZ91D with RE-film under different applied voltages were investigated and the performance of the optimized MAO coating compared with the MAO coating directly formed on magnesium alloy. As the pretreatment of magnesium alloy with RE-film, the cerium oxides can be incorporated into the MAO coatings, reduce porosity of the MAO coating surface and enhance the thickness of MAO coating. These structure features and the cerium oxides incorporated into the MAO coating result in greatly improved corrosion resistance. Base on electrochemistry impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurement, the electronic structure and composition analysis of the MAO coating, a double-layer structure, with a compact inner layer and a porous outer layer, of the coating was proposed for understanding its corrosion process. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: Magnesium alloy;Rare earth conversion film;Micro-arc oxidation;Porosity;az31 magnesium alloys;micro-arc oxidation;mg-al alloys;electrolyte;resistance;cerium;phosphate

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