The 2011 Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2011) was held in Shanghai, China, during 24-29 July, 2011. This conference was hosted jointly by East China University of Science and Technology, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, and Institute of Coal Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences. About 800 attendees from 42 countries/regions participated in this conference, and 797 papers were accepted for presentation, including 5 plenary lectures, 42 keynote lectures, 280 oral presentations, and 470 posters, involving 10 topics: graphene; nanocarbon, carbon for energy storage and conversion, porous carbon and adsorption, carbon fiber and composites, precursor/carbonization and graphitization, computation and modeling, bio-carbon and safety, novel experimental techniques and characterization, bulk carbon and industrial applications. Research and development of nanocarbons are quite active and in particular, graphene received tremendous interest. Rapid progress has also been made on the electrochemical properties, energy conversion and energy storage applications of carbon materials.
Author X.A. Zhang1)
H.Q. Xia1)
Z.T. Wu1)
Y.F. Han1)
R. Shi2) and G.X. Hu2) \= 1) Mechanical Properties Laboratory
Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials
Beijing 100095
China2) The State Education Commission Open Research Laboratory for High Temperature
Materials and Testing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, ChinaManuscript received 18 October 1998 The threestage creep behavior of DD3 single crystal superalloy had been studied. The results show that the creeprupture properties of DD3 single crystal satisfy the requirements for high performance turbine blade application. The influence of crystal orientation on the creeprupture property of DD3 single crystal was tested and discussed. An engineering criterion to evaluate the regimes of secondary and tertiary creep is proposed, and this method gives a reasonable result for practical applications. The fractography and TEM micrography of the tested specimens had been studied, and it is determined that the glidecontrolled creep is the basic creep mechanism of DD3 single crystal at intermediate temperature, but the thermally activated processes become dominant at higher temperature.
threestage creep curve
多相材料是材料研究发展的必然结果。提出多相材料的研究,目的是要拓宽材料研究的视野,主张模糊各类材料的界限,运用纳米材料制备技术,博采各类材料制备工艺之所长,以使用上的要求为材料研究的准则,制作出低成本和高性能稳定性的材料。还强调在考虑材料研究中的问题时,始终以满足使用要求为目标,并不一味地追求材料的高性能,务求创新。提倡用逆向思维来考虑多相材料的研完,研究对象则针对于信息、能源、生物和环保领域的应用。多相材料材料研究About the Research of Multi-phase MaterialsGuo Jingkun (Shanghai Institute of Ceramics,Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Shanghai 200050, China)
ZHOU Jiankun LIU Xianghuai CHEN Youshan WANG Xi ZHENG Zhihong HUANG Wei ZOU Shichang Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy
Academia Sinica
The TiN films were synthesized with an alternate process of depositing titanium from a E-gun evaporation source and 40 keV N~+ bombarding onto the target.It is shown from the composi- tion analysis and structure investigations using RBS,AES,TEM,XPS and X-ray diffraction spectrum that the formed fihns are mainly composed of TiN phase with grain size of 30—40 nm and without preferred orientation,the nitrogen content in the film is much less than that in case without N~+ bombarding,and an intermixed region about 40 nm thick exists between the film and the substrate.The films exhibt high microhardness and low friction. ZHOU Jiankun,Ion Beam Laboratory,Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy,Academia Sinica, Shanghai 200050,China
TiN film
Shanghai No.5 Steel Co., Ltd. has recently introduced a set of 5-ton protective atmosphere electroslag remelting furnace and a set of lO-ton helium-cooling vacuum arc remelting furnace,both of them are the first one of its kind in China. With these equipment, remelting processes about alloy GH4169, GH2132 and GH738 were researched, the process of producing alloy GH4169 by VIM+ VAR + ESR triplex-process was developed, and their effects were discussed.