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D. Jin , E. D. Dominik , R. V. Kolarik II , J. E. Ives and E. B. Damm (The Timken Company , 1835 Dueber Avenue , S.W. , Canton , Ohio 44706-0932 , U.S.A.)


An integrated mathematical model to simulate seamless tube rolling processes has been developed at The Timken Company. The model is capable of simulating the thermal, deformation and microstructure evolution in the piercing, elongating and reducing/sizing and the austenite decomposition in the mill annealing and cooling operations. Finite difference schemes are employed to model cooling, reducing/sizing and stretch reducing, and finite-element schemes are employed to simulate piercing and elongating. The model predicts the thermal history, deformation, rolling load, torque, recrystallization and grain growth in hot tube rolling, austenite decomposition in cooling or annealing, and the final structure-properties. In this paper mathematical models which are employed to describe the thermal, deformation and microstructure evolution along with the modeling results are presented. The developed "tube rolling mill in the computer" provides a powerful tool for engineers for product and process development, process control, process optimization and quality control.

关键词: modeling , null , null , null , null

Microstructure and preparation of nano S-W-S new solid lubrication system

Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China

The method for preparing a new solid lubrication system of nano S-W-S was presented. The microstructure of the S-W-S nano cluster was investigated using TEM and XRD. The system is a mixture clusters of both monocrystal and polycrystal of layered hexagonal structure with one tungsten atom linking with two sulphur atoms, and the week Van der Waals' force bonding together the different layers. The changes of electronic structure were studied with XPS. The hybridization of different electronic shelf orbitals of the sulphur atom in the nano cluster is regarded as the quantum size effect. The clusters are found to be of a closed spherical,structure without any dangling bond.

关键词: solid lubrication system;nanometer cluster;quantum size effect;powders


张远明 , 惠文华

材料保护 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-1560.2001.06.007


关键词: 合金镀层 , 耐磨性 , 偏聚


鲁二敬 , 卢峰华 , 许鸿吉 , 谢明 , 钮旭晶



关键词: S355J2W耐候钢 , 周期浸润腐蚀试验 , 耐腐蚀性能

Unusual W-shaped Galvanic Cell Model of ISCC of α-brass in Neutral Mattsson's Solution

WU Shaobin , R. J. Arsenault , I. R. Kramer Metallurgical Materials Laboratory , University of Maryland , USA.


Intergranular stress corrosion cracking (ISCC) of α-brass in neutral Mattsson's solution was found to be controlled by an unusual "W"-shaped galvanic cell whose cathode is the grain boundary oxide film (G.B.0. film) and surface film and the anode is fresh metal at the cracked tip on both sides of the G.B.0. film. Redox reactions involved in the cell have been proposed here. According to this mdel, initidtion of ISCC is caused by the rupturing of surface film along grain boundaries, thus forming a galvanic cell. Propagation of ISCC resulted from alternate advances of G.B.0. film and dissolution on both sides of G.B.0. film caused by the effect of electrochemical reaction. This work developed an effective approach to investigate the embrittlement process at the tip of the crack, by increasing the length of the embrittlement region through constant strain test and distinguishing the morphology and the nature of the corrosion products by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEH).

关键词: α-brass , null , null , null


谷晓鹏 , 段珍珍 , 邓钢 , 谷晓燕

材料工程 doi:10.11868/j.issn.1001-4381.2015.02.004


关键词: S355J2W+N , 激光 , MAG , 复合焊 , 接头组织 , 性能


李道华 , 忻新泉

表面技术 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3660.2004.04.015


关键词: 金属表面 , 配位化学反应 , Mo(W)-S , 彩色簇合物膜 , 结构与性能


李道华 , 叶向荣 , 周益明 , 忻新泉

材料保护 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-1560.1999.04.002

在锌表面获得了多种不同颜色且具有金属光泽的不溶性Mo(W)-S-Zn簇合物转化膜.所获膜层具有良好的耐蚀性能和装饰效果,加热处理后颜色将发生变化,加速腐蚀试验结果表明,金黄色膜耐蚀性最佳.FT-IR、FT-Raman、XPS和AES分析表明,该膜层厚度约为60 nm.钼在膜表面的价态为+6价,而在膜内则以+6、+4价共存.从AES深度分布曲线可知,其组织为32.5%Zn,19.3%Mo,39.4%S,8.5%O.膜为多分子层组成的复杂体系,其颜色是各组分统计分布的结果.

关键词: Mo(W)-S-Zn簇合物 , 转化膜 , XPS , AES


董斌 , 祖继锋 , 高亚臣 , 宋瑛林 , 雷明凯

材料研究学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:1005-3093.2004.06.018


关键词: 无机非金属材料 , 金属团簇化合物 , Z扫描 , 非线性光学 , 激发态吸收 , 激发态折射

(S)TEM study of different stages of Ti-45Al-8Nb-0.2W-0.2B-0.02Y alloy oxidation at 900 degrees C

Corrosion Science

The oxidation process of Ti-45Al-8Nb-0.2W-0.2B-0.02Y (at%) can be divided into three stages during 100 h at 900 degrees C. The change of ion diffusion path leads to the discontinuity of the oxidation curve between the second and third stage. Different stages of oxidation morphology have been investigated combined with TEM and STEM. AlNb2 phase forms at the interface of oxide scale/base alloy. Contrary to a continuous formation of 'x' phase in gamma-TiAl with Nb free at the interface of oxide scale/base alloy. AlNb2 phase hinder continuous 'x' phase formation, which can promote TiAl oxidation protection. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: alloy;STEM;oxidation;gamma-titanium aluminide;high-temperature air;tial-based alloys;intermetallic alloys;ternary-system;behavior;phase;scales;si

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