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Phase evolution and magnetic metals co-substituted studies of La and refractory co-substituted alpha i-Fe/R2Fe14B-type nanocomposites

W.C.Changt , S.H.Wang , S.J.Chang , M.Y.Tsai , Q.Chen


Phase evolution and magnetic properties of (Nd0.95La0.05)(9.5 similar to 11)Febal.M2B10.5, where M=Cr, Ti, Mb, V, Mo, Zr, Hf, Ta, Mn or W, melt spun ribbons have been investigated. Almost all the alloy ribbons, except for (Nd0.95La0.05)(9.5)Fe78M2B10.5 (M=Mo and Mn), consist merely two magnetic phases, namely alpha-Fe and R2Fe14B, which display a better combination of H-i(c) and magnetic energy product. Remanence (B-r) and coercivity (H-i(c)) values in the range of 8.0 to 9.1 kG and 9.5 to 18.9 kOe, respectively, can be achieved. Among compositions studied, the Ti and W-substitutions were found to be most effective in increasing the Br and H-i(c), respectively. For a fixed refractory metal substitution, namely, M=Cr, Ti or Mb, an increase in the total rare earth concentration resulted in nanocomposites of small grain sizes and a high volume fraction of the R2Fe14B phase, leading to an increase in the magnetic properties.



鲁二敬 , 卢峰华 , 许鸿吉 , 谢明 , 钮旭晶



关键词: S355J2W耐候钢 , 周期浸润腐蚀试验 , 耐腐蚀性能


孙雪娇 , 高立福 , 刘金超 , 闵凡启 , 张婷

物理测试 doi:10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1001-0777.20150106


关键词: S355J2钢 , 表面裂纹 , 脱碳层 , 内氧化


谷晓鹏 , 段珍珍 , 邓钢 , 谷晓燕

材料工程 doi:10.11868/j.issn.1001-4381.2015.02.004


关键词: S355J2W+N , 激光 , MAG , 复合焊 , 接头组织 , 性能


赵文博 , 王明林 , 张慧 , 袁守谦



关键词: S355J2钢 , 角部横裂纹 , 夹杂物 , 角部温度


郭潇 , 王智聪 , 付中原



关键词: 薄规格钢板 , 低温冲击性能 , 混晶 , TiN夹杂 , Nb


臧超飞 , 何豫生 , 沈庆飞 , 昌俊 , 李春光 , 张国华 , 罗胜 , 齐志 , 尹道乐 , 丁克俭

低温物理学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3258.2001.04.008




崔岩 , 鲁二敬 , 吴晓明 , 张艳辉 , 吴昊



关键词: S355J2G3低合金钢 , 焊接接头 , 力学性能 , 显微组织

Magnetization, internal energy and specific heat in a three-sublattice ferrimagnet or ferromagnet with vertical bar J(ab)vertical bar=vertical bar J(bc)vertical bar not equal J(ca)

Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter

The temperature dependences of the magnetization, internal energy and specific heat in a three-sublattice ferrimagnet or ferromagnet with /J(ab)/ = /J(bc)/ not equal /J(ca)/ are calculated within the framework of the linear spin-wave approximation, by employing retarded Green's functions. For both the ferromagnet and the ferrimagnet, the internal energy and the specific heat decrease with increasing J ' /J and/or the value of the spins. For fixed values of S,, Sb, S, and J ' /J, the internal energy and the specific heat increase, whereas the sublattice magnetization decreases with increasing temperature theta. The three-sublattice ferrimagnet has some particular characteristics which are not shown by the systems with two sublattices. For ferrimagnets, the antiferromagnetism of the system becomes weaker with increasing J ' /J. The sublattice magnetization at low temperatures (also the magnetization M(0) at 0 K) of a ferrimagnet increases with increasing J ' /J for fixed values of S(a), S(b) and S(c). The effects of the spins S(a) (S,) and Sb On the magnetizations of other sublattices differ. The characteristics of the a-sublattice are the same as those of the c-sublattice, due to their similarity as well as the symmetry of the system. The behaviours of the b-sublattice are different from those of the a- and c-sublattices, due to the asymmetry of the three-sublattice system. The spin-value dependences of the spin deviation Deltam per spin land also the energy for the zero-point quantum fluctuation) of the system are different for different sublattices. These differences are ascribed to the asymmetry of the three-sublattice systems, which leads to the new intrinsic properties of the systems.

关键词: layered heisenberg ferrimagnets;spin-wave theory;elementary;excitations;superlattices;systems;magnetoresistance;antiferromagnet;interfaces

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