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D. Jin , E. D. Dominik , R. V. Kolarik II , J. E. Ives and E. B. Damm (The Timken Company , 1835 Dueber Avenue , S.W. , Canton , Ohio 44706-0932 , U.S.A.)


An integrated mathematical model to simulate seamless tube rolling processes has been developed at The Timken Company. The model is capable of simulating the thermal, deformation and microstructure evolution in the piercing, elongating and reducing/sizing and the austenite decomposition in the mill annealing and cooling operations. Finite difference schemes are employed to model cooling, reducing/sizing and stretch reducing, and finite-element schemes are employed to simulate piercing and elongating. The model predicts the thermal history, deformation, rolling load, torque, recrystallization and grain growth in hot tube rolling, austenite decomposition in cooling or annealing, and the final structure-properties. In this paper mathematical models which are employed to describe the thermal, deformation and microstructure evolution along with the modeling results are presented. The developed "tube rolling mill in the computer" provides a powerful tool for engineers for product and process development, process control, process optimization and quality control.

关键词: modeling , null , null , null , null

R. erythropolis对赤铁矿和石英的吸附?捕收作用

杨慧芬 , 唐琼瑶 , 王传龙 , 张露 , 李甜


为考察红城红球菌(Rhodococcus erythropolis,R. erythropolis)作为赤铁矿捕收剂使用的可能性及效果,对R. erythropolis形貌、细胞壁成分及其吸附前后赤铁矿、石英表面电性、疏水性进行分析,对赤铁矿、石英单矿物以及赤铁矿与石英矿1:1(质量比)混合矿进行浮选实验,对其在赤铁矿表面的吸附状况及吸附机理进行研究.结果表明,杆状R. erythropolis表面既含有非极性基团,又含有极性基团,使得其表面具有较高的负电性和较强的疏水性,因而对赤铁矿的吸附作用明显大于对石英的吸附作用.当以此细菌为捕收剂、在溶液 pH 值为6、R. erythropolis用量为75 mg/L时,赤铁矿的回收率为89.68%,而石英的回收率仅为26.25%.混合矿经过一次浮选,可获得铁品位和回收率分别为50.08%和76.41%的铁精矿.R. erythropolis在赤铁矿表面发生复杂的化学吸附且使赤铁矿颗粒形成疏水絮团,从而证实R. erythropolis可作为赤铁矿的捕收剂使用.

关键词: R. erythropolis , 微生物 , 赤铁矿 , 石英 , 吸附 , 絮团 , 捕收剂

Semiconducting properties of passive film formed on stainless steel by using A. V. passivation

Acta Chimica Sinica

Passive film formed on 304 stainless steel in 2.5 mol/L H2SO4 solution by using alternating voltage (A. V.) passivation have been investigated by measuring capacitance and photoelectrochemical parameters. The investigation of the effect of measure frequency on the slope of Mott-Schottky curve has been carried out. The photoelectrochemical measurements were consistent with the capacitance measurement. Analysis of the experimental results showed that the passive film formed 304 stainless steel by using A. V. passivation exhibits semiconducting properties. Using the simple model of semiconductor rather than the multi-donor level model can explain satisfactorily the semiconducting behavior of the film formed on 304 stainless steel by using A.V. passivation.

关键词: A. V. passivation;passive film;semiconducting properties;stainless;steel;model;electrodes

Type II twins and their deformation characteristics in 18R martensite in a Cu-Zn-Al alloy

Materials Letters

The A/B twin boundary (type II) in 18R martensite in a Cu-Zn-Al alloy was observed by high resolution electron microscopy. The two-dimensional lattice image suggests that the irrational interface is not a sharp ledge and step one, but gradually and randomly curved with a slight strain contrast. However; in response to applied stress, with invariant plane strain conditions, the boundary develops into a stepped structure. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

关键词: shape memory alloy;Cu-based alloy;twin boundary;martensite;plastic;deformation;resolution electron-microscopy;shape memory alloys;boundary structure;variants


J. X. Zhang , Y. F. Zheng , W. Cai and L.C.Zhao(School of Materials Science and Engineering , Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 , China)(Laboratory of Atomic Imaging of Solids , Institute of Metal Research , The Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang 110015 , China)


Type H defect in 18R martensite in a Cu-Zn-Al alloy has been studied by high resolution electron microscopy. It was found that Type H defect is not fault internal to martensite plate; rather,it is a stack of plates A and C. The rare observation of Type H defect is considered to be due to the fact that thc slice is too thin to exist for self-accommodation.

关键词: shape memory alloy , null , null

On calculation of R-line thermal shift, of MgO : V2+

Communications in Theoretical Physics

The mistakes in Ref. [3] are pointed out. Some important problems are discussed, and the correct ideas, calculations and results are given. The R-line thermal shift of MgO:V2+ at normal pressure is the algebraic sum of the contribution from electron-phonon interaction and the contribution from thermal expansion. The latter can be calculated by using the thermal expansion coefficient and the pressure-induced shift.

关键词: R-line thermal shift of MgO : V2+;pressure;temperature


丛艳伟 , 陈宏 , 栾春芳 , 白炘劼 , 普绍平



关键词: 药物化恘 , 1,2-丙二胺 , 铂配合物 , 合成 , 表征 , 抗肿瘤活性

Microscopic-theoretical calculations of R-line thermal shifts and broadenings of Mgo : V2+

Communications in Theoretical Physics

A great improvement on a previous work (Phys, Rev. B48 (1993) 14067) has been made. By taking into account all the irreducible representations and their components in the electron-phonon interaction (EPI) as well as all the levels and the admixtures of basic wavefunctions within d(3) electronic configuration, the values of all the parameters in the expressions of thermal shift (TS) and thermal broadening (TB) from EPI for the ground level, R level and R line of MgO:V2+ have microscopically been evaluated; and then, both the TS and TB of R line and various contributions to them have uniformly been calculated. The results are in very good agreement with the experimental data. It is found that all the three terms of TS from EPI are red shifts; the term of the contribution to TS from thermal expansion is blue shift. The Raman term is the largest, and the other terms are also important for TS. The R-line TS of MgO:V2+ comes from the first-order term of EPI. The elastic Raman scattering of acoustic phonons plays a dominant role in R-line TB of MgO:V2+. For calculations of both the TS and TB, it is very important to take into account all the admixtures of wavefunctions.

关键词: crystal fields;optical properties;electron-phonon interaction;electronic structure;thermal shift and broadening;thermal expansion;pressure-induced shifts;energy-spectrum;sharp lines;ruby;temperature;mgo;v2+

Structural and magnetic properties of arc-melted RFe(10)V(2) carbides (R=Y or Sm)

Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter

Using x-ray diffraction, powder neutron diffraction, high-field magnetization measurement and thermomagnetic analysis, we have studied the structural and magnetic properties of RFe(10)V(2)C(0.5) alloys (R = Sm or Y) made by are melting, in which the carbon was added using Fe-C alloy. Both samples are found to be nearly single phase with ThMn12-type structure and with a small amount of alpha-Fe phase (less than 4 wt%). The neutron diffraction of the Y-containing compound indicates that the real composition of the main phase is Y(Fe9.87V1.90C0.23)C-0.27. and that the carbon atoms occupy not only the interstitial 2b site but also the substitutional 8i site. The Fe moments of the 8i site as well as the 8j site are found to be reduced in the Y(Fe9.87V1.90C0.27)C-0.27 compound compared with its carbon-free counterpart. The decrease in the Fe moment at the 8j site is due to the surrounding interstitial carbon atoms, while the decrease in the Fe moment at the 8i site is ascribed to the surrounding substitutional carbon atoms as nearest neighbours. The high-field magnetization measurements indicate that the anistropy held of SmFe10V2C0.5 and YFe10V2C0.5 are slightly higher than those of SmFe10V2 and YFe10V2, respectively. In SmFe10V2C0.5, the magnetization curve in the hard direction at 4.2 K shows a first-order-magnetization-process (FOMP)-like or quasi-FOMP-like transition.

关键词: intermetallics;y(fe11ti);nitride;metal;gd;tm;c)

Subsolidus phase relations and crystal structures of R-Ca-Cu-O (R = Nd, Sm, Gd, Tm) systems

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

The subsolidus phase relations of R2O3-CaO-CuO ternary systems (R = Nd, Sm, Gd, Tm) have been investigated by X-ray powder diffraction. All samples were synthesized at about 950degrees in air. There exists a ternary compound Ca14-xRxCu24O41 (x = 4 for R = Nd, Gd and x = 5 for R = Sm) and a ternary solid solution Ca2+xR2-xCu5O10 (R = Nd, Sm, Gd, Tm) with a wide composition range Deltax of about 0.6. The compound Ca14-xRxCu24O41 possesses a layered orthorhombic structure and is isostructural to Sr14-xCaxCu24O41. The lattice parameters a and c of the compound are basically independent of the ionic radius of R, while the lattice parameter b and unit-cell volume V decrease substantially with the decrease of the ionic radii of R. The Ca2+xR2-xCu5O10 solid solution is isostructural to Ca2+xY2-xCu5O10, the structure of which is based on an orthorhombic "NaCuO2-type" subcell containing infinite one-dimensional chains of edge-shared square planar cuprate groups crosslinked by the layered cations Ca and R that locate in the inter-chain tunnels. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.

关键词: R2O3-CaO-CuO (R = Nd, Sm, Gd, Tm) systems;phase relations;Ca10R4Cu24O41 (R = Nd, Sm, Gd) structure;Ca2+xR2-xCu5O10 (R = Nd, Sm,;Gd, Tm) structure;ternary-system;approximately 950-degrees-c;high-pressure;superconductivity;diagram;air;er;compatibilities;property;oxide

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