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Thermal Fatigue Behaviour of a Chromium Electroplated 32NiCrMo145 Steel

A.Abdollah-zadeh , M.S.Jamshidi , S.M.M.Hadavi


Thermal fatigue behavior of hard chromium electroplated steel in three different crack intensities of high contraction (HC), medium contraction (MC) and low contraction (LC) was studied. Maximum and minimum temperatures during thermal cycle were 800 and 100℃, respectively. The topography and cross sections of the samples exposed to 50, 100 and 200 thermal cycles were studied. The thermal fatigue behavior was analyzed using the data obtained from surface roughness, crack networks and stress induced during cycles. Although the as-coated sample with LC chromium contained no crack, it appeared to have a high crack density after only 50 cycles. The crack depth and width in cyclically oxidized LC coating were much less than those in MC and HC coatings. It was concluded that the LC coating protected the substrate from having cracks or subsurface oxidation during thermal fatigue. The cracks in the HC and MC coatings increased in density as well as in depth by thermal cycles. Moreover, the opening of the cracks to the substrate resulted in sub-surface oxidation.

关键词: Thermal fatigue , null , null

Secondary M6C precipitation in K40S cobalt-base alloy

Materials Letters

Secondary M,C precipitation was investigated in K40S cobalt-base alloy after 100 h aging at 950 degreesC. The results showed that it was closely related to the tungsten-rich zones inherited from the as-cast condition and the degeneration of the primary M7C3 carbide. A direct element reaction, 6M + C --> M6C, in which C comes from the decomposition of the M7C3 carbides, is suggested as the mechanism of secondary M6C precipitation in K40S alloy. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: M6C precipitation;aging;M7C3 carbide;superalloy


WU Jianxin JIANG Bohong XU Zuyao (T.Y.Hsu) Shanghai Jiaotong University , Shanghai , China Associate Professor , Dept.of Materials Science and Engineering , Shanghai Jiaotong University , Shanghai , China


The effect of grain size and ordering of the parent phase on the critical points of thermoelastic martensitic transformation in Cu-25.62 Zn-3.97 Al-0.0018 B(wt-%)shape memory alloy has been investigated.Based on the thermodynamics of phase transformation,a linear rela- tionship between the starting temperature of martensitic transformation and the reciprocal of the square root of grain size is obtained,i.e.M_s temperature rises with increasing grain size. It shows a good agreement with the results of electric resistance measurement.Applying the Landau's theory,a quantitative relationship between M_s and the ordering parameter of the parent phase is set up,which is well confirmed by the results of X-ray diffraction and electric resistance measurement.The activation energy of the ordering process in the parent phase of the alloy is calculated to be 46 kJ/mol.

关键词: Cu-Zu-Al , null , null , null , null

Prediction of Solid-Liquid Interface Stability by Coupling M-S Model with CALPHAD Method

Ruijie ZHANG , Zhi HE , Zhongwei CHEN , Wanqi JIE


A method to predict the solid-liquid interface stability during unidirectional solidification is developed by coupling M-S model with CALPHAD method. The method was applied to Al-0.38 Zn and Al-0.34 Si-0.14 Mg (wt pct) alloys, and the predicted results were compared with some former experimental data of the two alloys. The good agreement between the calculation results and the experimental data demonstrates the superiority of the present method to the classical one based on constant parameter assumptions.

关键词: Interface stability , null , null


汪艳宁 , 张智超 , 苑宏英 , 靖大为

膜科学与技术 doi:10.16159/j.cnki.issn1007-8924.2016.06.003

以反映管道压降的系统模拟软件为工具,以特定基准系统参数及2 m/s管道流速为基础,分析了各种径流方向组合的反渗透系统运行工况,提出了全壳产水量与全壳错流比两个分别表征各壳元件污染速度与清污力度的运行指标,证明了各壳元件产水量失衡是其污染失衡的主要原因,明确了目前工程中常用的2 m/s流速管道系统中底层膜壳污染最重.

关键词: 反渗透系统 , 管道压降 , 径流方向 , 污染分布


赵德文 , 郭长武 , 刘相华 , 王国栋 , 徐辉 , 戴建明



关键词: 脱碳层深度 , 模具扁钢 , ASTM-A681

Chemical bonding and mechanical properties of M(2)AC (M = Ti, V, Cr, A = Al, Si, P, S) ceramics from first-principles investigations

Journal of Materials Research

MAX-phase carbides (M is an early transition metal, A is an A-group element) exhibit an interesting bonding characteristic of alternative stacking of strong M-C bonds and relatively weak M-A bonds in one direction. In the present first-principles total energy calculations, we establish the relationship between mechanical properties and electronic structure for ternary M(2)AC (M = Ti, V, Cr. A = Al, Si, P, S) carbides. By systematically tuning elements on the M and A sites, pronounced enhancements of bulk modulus, elastic stiffness, and ideal shear strength are achieved in V-containing V(2)AC (A = Al, Si, P, and S) carbides. It is suggested that tailoring on the A site is more efficient than on the M site in strengthening the mechanical properties of studied serial carbides. The results highlight a general trend for tailor-made mechanical properties of ternary M(2)AC carbides by control of chemical bonding.

关键词: strength;solids;shear;dislocations;ti3sic2

贫铀在钢弹50 m/s撞击下的显微组织演化

邹东利 , 郭亚昆 , 帅茂兵 , 肖大武

中国有色金属学报(英文版) doi:10.1016/S1003-6326(17)60122-5

通过激光共聚焦、背散射衍射、透射电子显微镜和显微压痕相结合的技术研究贫铀在钢弹50 m/s撞击下显微组织的演变过程.结果表明,贫铀在钢弹撞击下会形成球冠状弹坑,弹坑直径和深度分别为5.45和1.01 mm.从弹坑边沿到基体内部,变形组织可划分为4个区域:孪晶碎化区、高密度孪晶区、低密度孪晶区和基体组织区.贫铀在动态变形过程中的主要塑性变形方式是孪生.除孪生外,位错滑移在协调塑性变形时也发挥着重要作用.最后,提出贫铀在高速撞击条件下显微组织的演变过程.

关键词: 贫铀 , 钢弹 , 动态变形 , 显微组织演变 , 孪生

Microstructure and Tensile Properties of ZK60 Alloy Fabricated by Simplified Rapid Solidification Powder Metallurgy (S-RS P/M) Process

Zhenya Zhang


This study investigated the microstructures and mechanical properties of ZK60 alloy prepared by a simplified rapid solidification powder metallurgy (RS P/M) processing system (S-RS P/M), which consists of warm press in dry air and hot extrusion. Microstructure characterizations showed that S-RS P/M alloy consisted of magnesium matrix and oxide stringers of ~1 μm in width. TEM (transmission electron microscopy) observations illustrated nano-size magnesia particles (10{30 nm) constituted oxide stringer in detail. Due to a relatively higher volume of nano-size magnesia particle produced during S-RS P/M process, 0.2% yield strength of S-RS P/M ZK60 alloy was found to be as high as 382 MPa, which is 10% higher than that of RS P/M alloy. The improvement in mechanical properties is mainly attributed to the combination effects of Orowan mechanism and coe±cient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch because of the approximately same average grain size.

关键词: Microstructure


徐祖耀 , 张鸿冰 , 罗守福


为适合电子计算机进行计算,本文将各学者的ΔG_(Fe)~(γ→α)值公式化。应用各种ΔG~(γ→α)的计算模型,如经修正的Fisher,KRC和LFG模型,引入不同的ΔG_(Fe)~(γ→α)值,计算得到Fe-C合金的M_s温度。经比较后发现:M_s的计算值不仅取决于ΔG~(γ→α)的计算模型,而且极大地依赖于ΔG_(Fe)~(γ→α);若按照LFG模型并取Mogutnov的ΔG_(Fe)~(γ→α)值,和按照徐祖耀模型并取Kaufman的ΔG_(Fe)~(γ→α)值,计算所得结果均与M_s的实验值吻合得很好,而徐祖耀模型要比普遍公认的LFG模型简单得多。本文较精确地测定了x_C=0.01—0.05 Fe-C合金的M_s值,它们与Kaufman等人(1962)给出的数据很好吻合。Greninger所得x_C=0.06的M_s实验值看来是偏高的。驱动力的计算值不仅依赖于ΔG~(γ→α)的计算模型,而且还极大地取决于ΔG_(Fe)~(γ→α)值以及所选用的M_s值。计算表明:随含碳量的增加,相变驱动力将单调地增大。


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