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Improvement of Weld Quality Using a Weaving Beam in Laser Welding

Xudong ZHANG , Wuzhu CHEN , Gang BAO , Lin ZHAO


This paper describes a way to improve the weld quality through suppressing the porosity formation and restraining the growth of columnar grains by using a weaving beam in laser welding. The experimental results show that the N2 porosity of beam-weaving laser welding low carbon steel can be remarkably reduced with increasing weaving frequency, and porosity can be eliminated when the weaving amplitude is only 0.5 mm; and the Ar porosity in the weld metal is decreased with increasing weaving frequency and amplitude when the welding speed is higher than 0.5 m/min. The beam-weaving laser welding of ultra-fine grained steel has been investigated. The experimental results show that beam-weaving laser welding with appropriate amplitude and frequency can partly restrain the growth of the columnar grain and improve the tensile strength of the weld metal.

关键词: Welding , null , null , null

Microstructures and Toughness of Weld Metal of Ultrafine Grained Ferritic Steel by Laser Welding

Xudong ZHANG , Wuzhu CHEN , Cheng WANG , Lin ZHAO , Yun PENG , Zhiling TIAN


3 mm thick 400 MPa grade ultrafine grained ferritic steel plates were bead-on-plate welded by CO¬2 laser with heat input of 120~480 J/mm. The microstructures of the weld metal mainly consist of bainite, which form is lower bainite plates or polygonal ferrite containing quantities of dispersed cementite particles, mixed with a few of low carbon martensite laths or ferrite, depending on the heat input. The hardness and the tensile strength of the weld metal are higher than those of the base metal, and monotonously increase as the heat input decreases. No softened zone exists in heat affected zone (HAZ). Compared with the base metal, although the grains of laser weld are much larger, the toughness of the weld metal is higher within a large range of heat input. Furthermore, as the heat input increases, the toughness of the weld metal rises to a maximum value, at which point the percentage of lower bainite is the highest, and then drops.

关键词: Laser welding , null , null , null


刘欣艳 , 赵煜娟 , 夏定国



关键词: LiNi0.8Co0.2O2 , XANES , 正极材料 , 局域结构



N。1Atmospheric Corrosivlty for Steels………………………………………………… .LIANG Caideng HO[I i。-tat(6)Caustic Stress Corrosion Cr。king of Alloy 800 Part 2.The Effect of Thiosul执e……………………………………… KONG De-sheng YANG Wu ZHAO Guo-zheng HUANG De.ltL。ZHANG Yu。。he CHEN She。g-bac(13)SERS slid E16CttOCh6iniC81 Stlldy Of Illhibit1Oli M6ch&tllsth Of ThlollY68 Oil ITOll ID H....


Noncollinear magnetic ground state of PrFeAsO

Europhysics Letters

Noncollinear magnetic investigations of the ground state in PrFeAsO have been performed by the density-functional theory. We calculated the total energy and made structure optimization, and the electronic density of states of PrFeAsO was analyzed. There are three different magnetic structures in PrFeAsO defined by experiments. Based on these magnetic structures, we studied four collinear and four noncollinear cases. The ground state is found to take the ordering proposed by Zhao, in which the FeAs plane is of stripe antiferromagnetism and Pr spins are perpendicular to Fe spins. The electronic density of states indicates that for PrFeAsO the increase of the electron Coulomb interaction leads to a decrease in conductivity. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2011

关键词: high-temperature superconductivity;phase-diagram;oxypnictides;instability


吴运军 , 张武 , 马怀柱

稀土 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-0277.2003.06.004

采用Schlenk技术,在干燥纯氩气保护下,用无水三氯化稀土LnCl3与2-苯基茚以1∶2的摩尔比在THF中反应,得到8种新配合物:(2-ph-Ind)2LnCl (A)[Ln=La(1), Pr(2), Nd(3), Sm(4), Gd(5), Dy(6), Yb(7), Y(8)].再用(A)和LiN(TMS)2在THF中反应,得到两种新的二(2-苯基茚)稀土有机配合物:(2-ph-Ind)2LnN(TMS)2 (B)[Ln=Y(1), Sm(2)].所有配合物都经元素分析、红外和质谱鉴定.配合物(B)在甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)的聚合反应中显示出一定的活性.

关键词: 稀土合成 , 配合物 , 聚合 , 2-苯基茚


贺慧 , 程璇 , 张颖 , 杨勇



关键词: 锂离子电池 , 正极材料 , 电化学性能


刘建国 , 安振涛 , 张倩 , 杜仕国 , 姚凯 , 王金

材料导报 doi:10.11896/j.issn.1005-023X.2017.04.030

为评估氧化剂硝酸羟胺的热稳定性,使用标准液体铝皿于3 K/min、4 K/min、5 K/min加热速率下进行热分析.借助非等温DSC曲线的参数值,应用Kissinger法和Ozawa法求得热分解反应的表观活化能和指前因子,根据Zhang-Hu-Xie-Li公式、Hu-Yang-Liang-Xie公式、Hu-Zhao-Gao公式以及Zhao-Hu-Gao公式,计算硝酸羟胺的自加速分解温度和热爆炸临界温度,并对热分解机理函数进行了研究.设计了7条热分解反应路径,采用密度泛函理论B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p)方法对硝酸羟胺的热分解进行了动力学和热力学计算.计算结果表明,硝酸羟胺热分解的自加速分解温度TsADT=370.05 K,热爆炸临界温度Te0=388.68K,Tbp0=397.54 K,热分解最可几机理函数的微分形式为f(a) =17×(1-α)18/17.硝酸羟胺热分解各路径中,动力学优先支持路径Path 6、Path 5、Path 4和Path 1生成NO和NO2,其次是Path 2、Path 7和Path 3生成N2和N2O.温度在373 K以下时,Path 1'反应无法自发进行,硝酸羟胺无法进行自发的热分解.从热力学的角度来看,硝酸羟胺在370.05K以下储存是安全的.

关键词: 硝酸羟胺 , 热分析 , 热稳定性 , 热分解机理 , 密度泛函理论


常照荣 , 郁旭 , 汤宏伟 , 王超楠 , 魏文强


利用低共熔组成的0.38LiOH " H20-0.62LiN03混合锂盐体系与共沉淀合成的前躯体Ni1/3Co1/3Al1/3 (OH)2简单混合,经三阶段温度烧结制备出锂离子电池正极材料LiNi1/3 CO1/3 A11/3 O2,该法工艺简单,成本低,无需研磨即可以使物料在低共熔点温度上达到均匀混合的目的.经X粉末射线衍射(XRD)分析表明,合成的LiNili 1/3 CO1/3 Al1/3 O2具有典型的a-NaFeO2六方层状结构,其特征衍射峰I(003) /I(104)的峰强比值高达1.73.电性能测试表明,在5 5 0C,电压范围为2.8-4.3V,充放电倍率为0.2C的条件下,首次充放电比容量为156.4mAh/g,30次循环后容量保持率为94.1%,l和2C倍率放电容童仍可达到143.2和127.9mAh/g,其电性能均优于常温下的性能.

关键词: 锂离子电池 , 低共熔盐 , 掺杂 , LiNi1/3CO1/3Al1/3O2



色谱 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2014.10007

近年来,分析工作者采用超高效液相色谱( UPLC)完成了许多过去不能完成的分离分析工作。但是在阐述UPLC原理时不少人却采用了 van Deemter方程。这是不对的。本文研究了 UPLC 色谱过程动力学,从热传导方程出发运用色谱动力学原理推导了包括考虑流动相摩擦生热影响的 UPLC 塔板高度方程 H =2γD m/u+2λdpu1/3u1/3+ω(Dm/dp)1/3+2ku(1+k)2(1+κ0)kd +30θ(κ0+κ0k+k)2d2puDmκ0(1+κ0)2(1+k)2+κi(κ0+κ0k+k)2d5/3p u2/33κ0ΩD2/3m(1+κ0)2(1+k)2+ r20(κ0+κ0k+k)u4(1+k)Dr · exp(-Kr20α)。上述方程右端最后一项代表了流动相摩擦生热对塔板高度的贡献。当流动相线速度较低时,流动相摩擦生热对塔板高度的贡献趋近于零,塔板高度方程还原成 Horvath 和 Lin 的方程;当流动相线速度较高时,由于流动相摩擦生热,柱轴心与边缘温差增加,流动相线速度径向分布差异导致柱效率降低,而柱轴心与边缘的温差与流动相线速度平方成正比。作者明确指出:UPLC 的柱效率与柱内径密切相关,采用细内径柱有利于实现高效率;过高的流动相线速度将导致柱效率崩溃。

关键词: 超高效液相色谱 , 色谱过程动力学 , 柱效率崩溃 , 塔板高度方程

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