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Z.K. Li 1 , 2) , L.Zhou 1 , 2) , J.Z. Liu 1) , P.Z. Li 1) and W.J. Zhao 3) 1) Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research , Xi'an 710016 , China 2) Xi'an Jiaotong University , Xi'an 710049 , China 3) Nuclear Power Institute of China , Chengdu 610041 , China M


he out of pile corrosion resistance of new Zirconium alloys in 500℃/10 3MPa steam has been investigated and the effect of alloying elements, Sn,Nb,Fe,Cr on the property has been analyzed. The results show that the new alloys have better corrosion resistance than Zircaloy 4. That no nodular corrosion is found during test cycles shows the nodular corrosion resistance can be dramatically improved by addition of alloying elements Nb. The Fe/Cr ratio should be properly controlled if there is Cr addition in the alloys when developing new alloys.

关键词: zirconium alloy , null , null , null

Synthesis and Characterization of Some Transition Metal Chelates of 5-(1-Hydroxy-6-Naphthylazo-3-Sodium Sulphonate) Thiobarbituric (L1) and Barbituric (L2) Acids

Nabil S. Youssef , K.H.Hegab


Some transition metal chelates of two ligands L1 and L2 were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis. The IR and 1H NMR spectra of several chelates of two ligands L1 and L2 showed the involvement of the azo group in chelation with the transition metal ions, in most of the studied chelates, and that the two ligands L1 and L2 showed the involvement of the azo group in chelation with the transition metal ions, in most of the studied chelates, and that the two ligands L1 and L2 were coordinated either in the enol or the keto form. IR spetra also showed that Fe(III)-, Ni(II)-, Mn(II)-, VO(II)-L1 and Cu(II)-L2 chelates behaved in a bidentate manner, in contrast with the two (1:1) M:L cobalt chelates with the two ligands are tridentate. TG analysis indicated the presence of three to twelve water molecules of hydration eliminated on heating up to 150°C and one or two coordinated water molecules removed at 150-180°C. The octahedral structure is proposed for all the chelates, except Cu(II)-L2 and Ni(II)-L1 chelates which have square planar geometry, based on their electronic spectra.


Deformation and Dislocation Structure in L1_2 Titanium Trialuminide Alloys

Gengxiang HU , Shipu CHEN , Xiaohua WU , Yonghua RONG and Xiaofu CHEN(Dept. of Materials Science , Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Shanghai , 200030 , China)


The deformation behaviour and the nature of dislocations of the Al3Ti-base L12 alloya modified with Fe and Mn etc, were investigated. The results show that the deformation and fracture character istics are closely related to the alloy compositions. The effect of hot-working process on the room tem perature ductility is remarkable, not only resulting in an appreciable improvement of compressive properties but also showing a 0.28% plastic strain in tensile test. The SISF dissociation of a < 110>dislocations on {111} planes was found at room temperature. The determined dissociation scheme is consistent with the mechanical behaviour of these alloys in the lower temperature region.


L1(2)- and L1(0)-like cation-ordered structures in ZrO2-Y2O3 ceramics

Journal of Materials Research

Y0.25Zr0.75O2-x and Y0.5Zr0.5O2-y phases, with L1(2-) and L1(0-) like cation-ordered structures, respectively, have been found in ZrO2-Y2O3 ceramics in both the sintered and annealed states. High-resolution electron microscopy, energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and computer simulation have been used to reveal the presence of the phases. The formation of Y0.25Zr0.75O2-x, and Y0.5Zr0.5O2-y phases was initiated during the sintering procedure and developed with the increase in annealing temperature and time. Segregation of yttrium, which was prevalent in different regions even within one grain, induced the formation of Y0.25Zr0.75O2-x and Y0.5Zr0.5O2-y phases.

关键词: yttria-stabilized zirconia;percent y2o3 alloy;x-ray-diffraction;solid-solutions;electron-diffraction;neutron-diffraction;modulated;structure;diffuse-scattering;average structure;tetragonal phase


田玉林 , 黄文学 , 王玥 , 朱志超 , 涂小林 , 李建新 , 杨晓天 , 徐瑚珊 , 肖国青 , 詹文龙


简单阐述了RFQ冷却聚束器对缓冲气体的要求,从理论和实验两方面详细研究了RFQ1L系统的压升率.研究表明,RFQ1L系统压升率的主要来源是真空室内材料表面的出气,整个系统的压升率实测为(0.04±0.02) Pa/h.

关键词: 超重核 , 冷却聚束器 , 缓冲气体 , 压升率

Ordering temperature of L1(0)-type FePt films reduced by CuO addition

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

Effects of addition of CuO layers in L1(0)-type FePt thin films are investigated. The ordering temperature of L1(0)-type FePt films can be reduced by CuO addition. The coercivities of 0.78 and 0.82 T are achieved in [Pt(10 angstrom)/Fe( 14 angstrom)/CuO(2 angstrom)](10) film annealed at 550 degrees C for 20 min and [Pt(10 angstrom)/Fe(15 angstrom)/CuO(3 angstrom)](10) film annealed at 600 degrees C for 20 min, respectively, and these values are compared to the coercivity of 0.8T in [Pt(10 angstrom)/Fe( 13 angstrom)](10) film annealed at 650 degrees C. The thickness of Fe and CuO layers strongly in fluences the ordering temperature of L1(0)-type FePt and the magnetic properties of the films. The addition of CuO not only brings microstructure and surface morphology changes of FePt film, but also lowers the ordering temperature. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: Magnetic film;Thin film;Magnetron-sputtering;Ordering


王小华 , 杨辉 , 李军


采用爆炸焊接方法制备超级奥氏体不锈钢904L-14Cr1 MoR复合钢板,需对起爆点等未复合区进行耐蚀堆焊.针对904L-14Cr1 MoR复合钢板的焊接特点,选用了ENiCrMo-3作为基层和复层的过滤层、E385为盖面层焊接材料,并采用相应技术措施进行耐蚀堆焊,焊后对焊接试板进行了组织观察和性能检测.试验结果表明,904L-14Cr1MoR复合钢板耐蚀堆焊层焊缝及其热影响区的各项性能均满足相关标准和产品技术协议的指标要求.

关键词: 904L-14Cr1MoR复合钢板 , 耐蚀堆焊 , 组织 , 性能

The Inhibitive Effect of para-Amino Benzoic Acid and Its Polymer on Corrosion of Iron in 1 mol/L HCl Solution

P.Manivel , G.Venkatachari


Poly p-aminobenzoic acid has been synthesized by chemical oxidation method. The inhibitive effect of poly p-aminobenzoic acid on iron in 1 mol/L HCl solution was investigated by polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and compared with that of monomer p-aminobenzoic acid. The effectiveness of poly p-aminobenzoic acid is very high in comparison with that of monomer. The results show that both cathodic and anodic processes were suppressed by p-aminobenzoic acid and poly p-aminobenzoic acid of iron dissolution in 1 mol/L HCl by their adsorption on the iron surface. The inhibition efficiency of both p-aminobenzoic acid and poly p-aminobenzoic acid were found to increase with the inhibitor concentrations. Ultraviolet (UV) reflectance studies of the iron surface after exposure to inhibitor acid show that poly p-aminobenzoic acid is strongly adsorbed on iron surface.

关键词: p-aminobenzoic acid , null , null , null , null

Relationship between bonding characteristics and mechanical properties of L1(2) intermetallics

Journal of Alloys and Compounds

The bonding characteristics of A(3)B L1(2) intermetallics have been studied by the discrete variational X(alpha) cluster method. Two concepts, i.e. similarity of bonding strength and delocalization of bonding electrons, are introduced to explain the ductility or brittleness of the materials. The analysis of bonding characteristics shows that the strength of the A-A bond is similar to that of the A-B bond in A(3)B L1(2) intermetallics, and the delocalized degree of bonding electrons is different between the ductile and brittle intermetallics. This is a dominant factor in governing the ductile/brittle behavior of the materials. Environmental embrittlement in some intermetallics is related to the reactive centers in grain boundaries, which is due to the directional bonding and a small amount of charge transfer, and the reactive centers weaken the ability against the attack of the environmental species. The effect of stoichiometry on ductility contributes to the degree of delocalized bonding electrons. Mechanical strength of the materials is correlated with the covalent bond strength.

关键词: intermetallics;mechanical properties;bond strength calculations;intergranular hydrogen embrittlement;grain-boundary strength;ll2;ordered alloys;environmental embrittlement;fracture;ductility;co3ti

牛黄解毒片在1 mol/L HCl中的缓蚀性能研究

张世红 , 祁秀玲 , 匡飞 , 杨伟红 , 谭卫军 , 王佳


采用失重法和电化学方法研究了牛黄解毒片试剂在1 mol/L HCl溶液中对Q235碳钢的缓蚀作用.结果表明,环境友好的牛黄解毒片试剂在盐酸中具有一定的缓蚀作用.随着缓蚀剂加入量的不断增大,其缓蚀效果呈现先增大后减小的的极大值行为,在加入量为1.25 g/L时,其缓蚀效率达到最大值.

关键词: 缓蚀剂 , corrosion , polarization curve , mass loss method

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