Yanxue CHEN
Shouguo WANG
Liangmo MEI
Kungwon Rhie
Sangjin Byeun
A series of CoFe (4 nm)/ Cu(X nm) Al (Y nm)/ CoFe(6 nm) samples have been prepared at room temperature. An exponential decay of the GMR (Giant Magnetoresistance) with Y was observed for fixed X=2nm. The characteristic decay parameter of Al is obtained to be about 0.26nm, which is rather close to 1 monolayer for Al. A coexistant state of GMR and AMR (anisotropic magnetoresistance) was observed when Y=2 nm. As the Cu spacer is replaced by Al layer, only AMR effect dominates. The experimental data further underline the important role played by the nonmagnetic spacers.