C. M. Liu1)
K. Abiko2) and M. Tanino2) 1) Schoolof Materials and Metallurgy
Northeastern University
Shenyang 110006
China 2) Institute for Materials Research
Tohoku University
Effectoftheintergranularsegregationof Sonthehot ductilityof high purityiron wasquan titativelyinvestigated using high purityiron specimenscontaining < 2 ,5,10 ,20 and 60massppm Sby scanning AES,tensiletests under high vacuum and SEMof the fracturedsurface. The main resultsareasfollows: high purityironcontaininglessthan 2 massppm Sexhibitsanexcellenthotductility,thatis,reductionofareatofracturelargerthan95 % ,at alltesttemperaturesbetween673 and 1173 K. Dissolved Sof5 massppm causesanevident hot ductility dropof high purityiron at873~973 K.Increasingthedissolved Scontentfur ther decreases hot ductility and widensthetemperaturerange ofembrittlement. Theembrit tledspecimensfailinintergranular mode. Theamountoftheequilibrium intergranularseg regation of Sincreases withincreasingtheconcentration of dissolved Sand with decreasingthe annealingtemperature. Ssegregates much moreon cavitysurfacesthan atgrain boundaries.
high purityiron
C. M. Liu1)
K. Abiko2) and M. Tanino2) 1) Schoolof Materials and Metallurgy
Northeastern University
Shenyang 110006
China 2) Institute for Materials Research
Tohoku University
Sendai980 8579
Theeffectof phosphorusonthehotductility andthesegregation ofsulfuratgrain boundariesin high purityironcontaining 0 002 % sulfur werequantitativelyinvestigated bytensiletestat973 K, SEMobservation of fracture surface and scanning Auger electron spectroscopy.Theexperimental resultscan besum marized as follows:(1) addition of phosphorustothe iron remarkablysuppressestheintergranular fractureinduced bythesegregation of sulfur at973 Kandincreasesthe hot ductility;(2) phosphorusstrikingly decreasesthesegregation ofsulfur atgrain boundaries, whichisresponsibleforthesuppressionoftheintergranularfrac tureat973 K;(3) theremarkably decreasedsegregation ofsulfur atgrain boundariesbytheaddition of phosphoruscan beexplained bythesitecompetitioneffectandtherepulsiveinter action at grain boundariesbetweensulfuratomsand phosphorusatoms;(4) sulfurstrikinglysegregatestothevoid surfacesformed on grain boundaries, while phosphorushaslittlesegre gationtothevoid surfaces.
high purity iron
Ying LI
Oxide materials NaCo2O4 and (Na1-yMy)1.6Co2O4 (M=K, 0.05≤y≤0.35; M=Ca, Sr, 0.10≤y≤0.40) were prepared by a sol-gel method. Experimental results indicated that the Seebeck coefficient and the Power-factor of Na Co2O4 were improved by doping Ca and Sr but not by K. The Power-factor of NaCo2O4 is in its maximum, 1.68×10-4 W•m-1•K-2 and 11% bigger than that of the original one when the dopant fraction of Ca was 0.1. Doping Sr makes NaCo2O4 have the biggest Power-factor, 1.68×10-4 W•m-1•K-2 that is 50% bigger than the non-doping oxide. The experimental results indicate that suitable dopants and addition amounts could improve the thermoelectric properties of NaCo2O4 greatly.
Thermoelectric materials
predominance diagram
zinc sulfide ore
The ZrO2 ceramic particles strengthened NiAl/Cr(Mo,Hf) composite was fabricated from the rapidly solidified NiAl/Cr(Mo,Hf) pre-alloyed powder and the ZrO2 powder by powder metallurgy technique. Microstructure examination revealed that in the prepared composite NiAl and Cr(Mo) phases distributed at the eutectic cell boundary become coarse but many Cr(Mo) platelets inside the eutectic cell were broken, which was different from the original powder. Moreover, fine Ni2AlHf and Hf solid solution particles distributed uniformly in the composite, and the ZrO2 particles mainly segregated along eutectic cell boundary. In addition, twin crystal and stacking faults were observed inside of ZrO2 grains. The experimental results showed that the ZrO2 ceramic particles strengthened NiAl/Cr(Mo,Hf) composite exhibited better room temperature and high temperature mechanical properties than the NiAl/Cr(Mo,Hf) alloy, which may be attributed to the fine structure and the strengthening effect of ZrO2 particles. (C) 2012. Chinese Materials Research Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
NiAl intermetallics;NiAl/Cr(Mo) composite;Powder metallurgy;ZrO2;strengthening;temperature compressive properties;mechanical-properties;eutectic;alloy;microstructure;behavior;nial-cr(mo)-hf
Journal of Crystal Growth
Single crystals of quasi-one-dimensional charge-density-wave conductor blue bronze Tl(0.3)MoO(3) have been grown by electrolytic reduction method using the raw materials Tl(2)CO(3)-MoO(3) with composition around 1:4.3 mol ration. The electrolytic temperature was about 570 degrees C, and electrolytic current was 25 mA during the electrolytic process. By this method, the Tl(0.3)MoO(3) single crystals obtained have a relatively large average size and high quality. Platelet crystals with typical dimensions of 7 x 2 x 1 mm(3) were obtained. The crystal structure is monoclinic with space group C2/m. The parameters of the unit cell of the single crystal are as follows: a = 18.486(6)angstrom, b = 7.555(2)angstrom, c = 10.032(3)angstrom and beta = 118.38(3)degrees. The C-center symmetry of Tl(0.3)MoO(3) crystal is demonstrated by the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns in the transmission electron microscope (TEM). The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the rocking curve of the (201) Bragg peak of the Tl(0.3)MoO(3) was approximately 0.4 degrees. These are evidences that the single crystal is of high quality. The temperature dependence of the resistivity shows that a metal-semiconductor transition occurs near 181 K. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
electrolytic reduction;single crystal growth;thallium blue bronze;Tl(0).(3)MoO(3);charge density wave;charge-density-wave;molybdenum oxide bronzes;blue bronze;nonlinear;transport;k0.3moo3;k0.30moo3;memory;dynamics;lithium;noise
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
A theoretical method for investigating the inter-relation between the molecular structure and electronic structure has been established on the basis of the 252 x 252 complete energy matrices for a 3d(5) configuration ion in a tetragonal ligand field. By means of this method, which is independent of the X-ray diffraction, the local structure of the paramagnetic Mn2+ ion in perovskite fluorides A(2)MF(4) (A = K, Rb; M = Zn, Me. Cd) are determined directly by analyzing the EPR spectrum of octahedral Mn2+ center in A(2)MF(4) crystals and the optical absorption spectrum of the (MnF6)(4-) cluster. It is shown that, comparing with the octahedral cubic structure, the local microstructure in the vicinity of Mn2+ displays an elongated distortion when b(2)(0) > 0 and a compressed distortion when b(2)(0) < 0, and Delta R vs. 10(4)b(2)(0) as well as Delta R vs. 10(4)b(4)(0) in the distortion region is, respectively, approximately linear. Simultaneously, the theoretical zero-field-splitting parameters b(2)(0), b(4)(0) and b(4)(4) are in good agreement with the experimental values. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
crystal fields;crystal structure;electronic structure;zero-field splittings;crystals;ions;spectroscopy;luminescence;resonance;epr
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Magnetization measurements on lead- or tin-doped YBa2Cu3O7 have been performed at 4.2 K in magnetic fields up to 29 T. The critical current densities are deduced from the irreversible magnetization and the pinning forces are evaluated. The effect of both lead and tin doping on the critical current density is quite appreciable. In particular, the critical current density of the sample doped with lead is more than twice that of the undoped sample. This effect is thought to be associated with the enhancement of the intergranular coupling of grains through the formation of BaPbO3 phase at the interface of the 123 superconducting phase. The relationship between the critical current density and a micrograph of the tin-doped sample is also discussed.
transport critical current;y1ba2cu3ox