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A research on investment casting technology of Ti alloys

Huiguan WAN , Xiumei QI , Jing TIAN , Yuyong CHEN , Weiqiang ZHA , Jun JIA


In this research, the materials and the compositions of the surface slurries were chosen by considering the characteristics of Ti investment casting. The effects of solid-liquid ratios on the properties of the slurry and the effects of baking temperatures on the flexural strength have also been investigated. Flawless shells having smooth inner surface were manufactured with proper technology. Ti and its alloys were melted and poured by water-cooled Cu crucible vacuum induction furnace. The qualities of the investment castings made accordingly were studied and analyzed.


Electron Structure of γ/α2 Phase Boundaries in TiAl Based Alloys

Fantao KONG , Ziyong CHEN , Yuyong CHEN , Jing TIAN , Yufeng SI


The valence electron structure ofγ/α2 phase boundaries in lamellar colonies in Ti-47Al-2M (M=Nb, Cr, V) (at. pct) was investigated by empirical electron theory of solid and molecules (EET) and its bond-length-difference (BLD) method. On this basis, the boundary condition of electron movement was employed in the improved Thomas-Fermi-Dirac (TFD) theory to decide the continuity of the electron density of the lamellar colonies interface and it is found that ofγ/α2 interface is continuous. Furthermore, it is found that adding alloying elements (including Nb, Cr, and V) can improve the electron density ( ρ ) ofγ/α2 interface, decrease △ρ ofγ/α2 interface. With the electron structure analysis together with properties analysis, the effect mechanism of alloying elements (Nb, Cr, V) improving mechanical properties was explained.

关键词: TiAl based alloy , null , null , null

Sinterability of Zirconia Top Coat of Investment Mold for Ti Alloy

Yuyong CHEN , Xiumei QI , Xuezhu MA , Huiguang WANG , Jing TIAN


In this paper, zirconia is used as top mold material for Ti investment casting. Top mold samples are made by proper mold building technology. The effect of different sintering temperature on chemical composition, microstructure and residual bending strength of the top mold sample is studied. The volume and homogeneity of the air holes in the top mold are determined by sintering temperature, and finally determined the residual bending strength of the mold sample was determined.



李林 , 林坚 , 李筱玉 , 王爱琴 , 王晓东 , 张涛

催化学报 doi:10.1016/S1872-2067(16)62578-0

多相催化反应过程伴随着反应分子与催化剂表面之间的相互作用.这种相互作用强度与催化剂的反应性能密切相关.根据萨巴蒂尔原理(Sabatier principle),性能最优的催化剂与反应中间体之间应该具有适中的相互作用强度,一方面促进反应物活化,另一方面允许产物脱附.这样,测量和研究反应分子与催化剂之间的相互作用强度对于理解催化反应性能有非常重要的意义.当气体反应物接触到催化剂表面会伴随着热量的产生,该热量被定义为吸附热,并与吸附物种与催化剂之间形成的化学键强度直接相关.吸附热通常可以通过程序升温脱附(TPD)等方法间接获得.但是这些方法建立在吸附物种能够可逆地吸附和脱附的假设基础上.在实际的程序升温过程中,吸附物种通常会发生分解,并伴随着固体催化剂的重构等现象.因此,采用基于Tian-Calvet原理的热流量热计直接测量担载催化剂的吸附热是最可靠的吸附热测量方法.基于热流量热计测量的微量热技术的一个重要优点是采用合适的探针分子吸附,可以获得担载型催化剂表面吸附活性中心的数量、强度及其能量分布的定量信息.比如,采用碱性探针分子NH3或者吡啶,酸性探针分子CO2或SO2能够定量催化剂上酸-碱位的强度和数量,而金属催化剂活性中心可以应用H2或CO进行探测.当这些催化剂活性中心的定量表征结果与催化剂的反应活性测试结果相关联时,可以区分不同强度活性中心的反应性能,并为提高和改进催化剂性能提供研制方向.相对于NH3或CO等小分子气体,催化反应的反应物、产物或可能的中间体通常都是复杂分子,程序升温技术测量它们的吸附热时,这些分子通常会发生分解,限制了其吸附热的测量和研究.微量热技术能够直接测量这些分子的吸附热.因此,与催化反应活性相关联,反应物、产物或可能的中间体的吸附能量的测量和研究有利于更直接地认识催化剂的反应性能.在催化反应循环过程中,除了吸附,还包括表面反应和脱附步骤.这些步骤也伴随着吸附物种与催化剂之间键的形成与转换,并以热量的形式表现出来.测量这些热量对于认识催化反应过程,理解催化反应机理有重要的意义.热流量热计与催化微反系统相结合,为催化反应过程能量的测量和研究提供了可能.尽管微量热技术在测量担载型催化剂的吸附/反应能量并与反应性能相关联方面有其独特的优势,但是为了更好地用于催化研究,应该结合其它的表征技术(比如红外)确定吸附或反应物种的本质,结合理论计算对量热结果进行更好地补充和认识.本文综述了担载型催化剂的吸附/反应能量与反应性能关联的研究进展,指出了微量热技术在催化研究中的优势、不足,以及未来的研究方向.

关键词: 催化 , 微量热 , 反应性能 , 能量 , 键强 , 催化剂表征



