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Comparative Study of LiMn2O4 Thin Films Heat-treated by Conventional and Rapid Thermal Annealing

Xianming WU , Mingyou MA , Zhuobing XIAO , Zeqiang HE , Jianben LIU , Mingfei XU , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null


Cathode material LiMn2O4 thin films were prepared by solution deposition followed by conventional thermal annealing (CTA) and rapid thermal annealing (RTA) using lithium acetate and manganese acetate as starting materials. The phase and surface morphology identification was done by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The electrochemical properties of the thin films were carried out by cyclic voltammetry, charge-discharge experiments, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and potential step technique. The results show that both thin films are homogeneous and crack-free. Compared with the CTA derived thin films, the RTA derived ones with smaller grain size are more smooth and dense. The CTA and RTA derived LiMn2O4 thin films deliver the capacity of 34.5μAh/(cm2•\μm) and 38 μAh/(cm2•μm) and show the capacity loss of 0.050% and 0.037% per cycle after being cycled 100 times, respectively. The diffusion coefficient of lithium ion in the CTA derived LiMn2O4 thin-film electrode is 4.59×10-11 cm2/s, and that of lithium ion in the RTA derived one is 3.86×10-11 cm2/s.

关键词: Cathode , null , null , null

Hydroxyapatite-Bioglass-Titanium Biomaterials Used as Dense Bulk in Double-layer Biomimetic Composite

Jianpeng ZOU , Jianming RUAN , Baiyun HUANG , Jianben LIU , Zhigang ZHAO


Sintering shrinkage, compressive strength, bending strength, chemical composition and their relationships with microstructure of HA-Ti and HA-BG-Ti biomaterials were studied. The results show that sintering shrinkage curve of HA-BG-Ti composite changes just like S shape (23.1%-16.2%-21.8%-17.1%) with increase of Ti content, and sintering shrinkage of HA-BG-Ti composite is always higher than that of HA-Ti composite. The approach also indicates that compressive strength and bending strength of HA-BG-Ti composite are always higher than that of HA-Ti composite. Basically, with its compressive strength and bending strength equaling to 211.5 MPa and 132.1 MPa respectively, HA-10 vol. pct BG-60 vol. pct Ti composite can meet the mechanical properties requirements of the outer dense bulk. Furthermore, microstructure analysis shows that interfacial integration of HA-BG-Ti composite is better than that of HA-Ti composite. From X-ray diffraction (XRD) and SEM-EDAX analysis, brittle new phases including calcium titanate and calcium carbonate are detected in HA-Ti composite. New phases in HA-Ti composite and complex strong binding force accompanied by elemental diffusion of Si, Ti in HA-BG-Ti composite can explain theoretically the great difference of mechanical properties of HA-Ti and HA-BG-Ti composites.

关键词: Hydroxyapatite-Titanium (HA-Ti) , null



玻璃钢/复合材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-0999.1999.04.002


关键词: 复合材料 , 壳体 , 三维本构方程


徐卫兵 , 戈明亮 , 何平笙

应用化学 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0518.2001.09.011

用熔融插层法制备聚甲醛/蒙脱土纳米复合材料,用X射线衍射研究聚甲醛及复合材料的微观结构,表明复合材料是纳米复合材料.用DSC法研究其非等温结晶行为,对所得数据分别用Jeziorny法、Ozawa法和Liu法进行处理.结果表明,Jeziorny法和Liu法处理非等温结晶过程比较理想.聚甲醛及聚甲醛/有机蒙脱土纳米复合材料的结晶活化能分别为334.6和196.9 kJ/mol,说明有机蒙脱土的加入,降低了聚甲醛的结晶活化能,且t1/z缩短,起到了异相成核的作用.

关键词: 聚甲醛 , 蒙脱土 , 纳米复合材料 , 非等温结晶动力学


王平华 , 徐国永

应用化学 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0518.2004.08.007

用熔融复合法制备聚丙烯/凹凸棒土纳米复合材料,用DSC法研究其非等温结晶行为,对所得的数据分别用Jeziorny法、Ozawa法和Liu法进行处理.结果表明,Jeziorny法和Liu法处理非等温结晶过程比较理想.聚丙烯及聚丙烯/凹凸棒土纳米复合材料的结晶活化能分别为194.1和162.8 kJ/mol,表明凹凸棒土的加入,降低了聚丙烯的结晶活化能,且t1/2缩短,起到了异相成核作用.

关键词: 聚丙烯 , 凹凸棒土 , 纳米复合材料 , 非等温结晶动力学

Reply to Comments on "Interdiffusion in the beta phase region of the Ni-Al-Cr system"

Scripta Materialia

A recent comment on a previously published paper addressed the invalid explanation of the off diagonal interdiflusion coefficients of the beta-Ni(Al,Cr) phase in the Ni-Cr-Al system according to the symmetric property of the thermodynamic matrix. In this paper, the experimental data presented by Hou et al. was reanalyzed and the interdiffusion coefficient matrix was estimated again. The results of the analysis have been discussed in terms of a brief reply to the comments of Liu and Liang. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: Diffusion;Intermetallic compound;Ni-Cr-Al


邓超 , 邵玮 , 李春忠



关键词: 聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯 , 有机聚醚酯 , 无机纳米锑掺杂二氧化锡 , 纳米复合材料 , 非等温结晶动力学


王浩 , 刘国权

金属学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:0412-1961.2008.07.001

以MacPherson-Srolovitz提出的三维个体晶粒长大拓扑依赖速率方程以及三维晶粒组织的晶粒尺寸-晶粒面数间的抛物线型统计关系为基础,导出了相应的描述三维准稳态晶粒尺寸分布的函数族.采用纯Fe实验数据以及顶点法、基元演化法.相场模型和Monte Carlo法进行了验证,结果表明,函数族中峰值左偏的函数适合三维准稳态晶粒尺寸分布的定量表述.将该函数与Liu等提出的2种三维准稳态晶粒尺寸分布函数进行的对比表明:此3种函数的解析表达形式有所不同,但其曲线图在一定条件下相互吻合.此外,MacPherson-Srolovitz三维拓扑依赖速率方程、Hillert三维速率方程及Yu-Liu三维速率方程尽管表达形式不同均能较好地反映三维正常晶粒长大的动力学规律.

关键词: 三维晶粒长大 , 准稳态晶粒尺寸分布 , 长大速率方程 , 计算机仿真

三维晶粒长大速率方程的大尺度Potts模型Monte Carlo仿真验证

王浩 , 刘国权 , 秦湘阁


采用Potts模型Monte Carlo方法对3种现存的三维个体晶粒长大速率拓扑依赖性 方程进行了仿真验证. 结果表明, Rivier速率方程认为晶粒 体积变化率dVf/dt与晶粒面数f成线性关系, 与仿真 结果明显不符, 不适用于描述三维晶粒长大过程的动力 学. 当晶粒面数f≥8时, Yu-Liu速率方程和 MacPherson-Srolovitz速率方程均与仿真结果很好吻合, 表明这两者均可以用来定量描述三维晶粒长大过程的动力学;当 f<8时, 这两个方程均与仿真结果有显著差异.

关键词: 三维晶粒长大 , topology-dependent grain growth rate equation


程杰锋 , 唐广波 , 刘正东



关键词: 孕育期 , 相变 , 适用性分析

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