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C.S. Che , J.T. Lu , G. Kong , null , null , null , null , null , null


After steel sheets (0.37wt%Si) pre-electroplated with a thin layer of pure Fe were immersed in molten zinc for various time, the change in the microstructure of the galvanized coating on the steel and the change of α-Fe/ Γ interface were studied. The EDS (energy dispersive sepectroscopy) results show that excessive silicon accumulates on the surface of the steel substrate due to the low solubility of silicon in the Γ layer after the Fe layer is depleted by the increasing growth of the compound layers. With the movement of α-Fe/ Γ interface towards the substrate by the Fe/ Zn reaction, silicon-rich α-Fe peels off from the substrate and breaks into particles. The particles, much like an inert marker in a Kirkendall effect experiment, move towards the δ layer through the Γ layer because silicon-rich α-Fe can not be adsorbed in the Γ layer. On reaching the δ/ Γ interface, the particles quickly dissolve in the δ layer, and accelerate its growth, resulting in the gradual disappearance of the Γ layer. At the same time, the normal coating is quickly changed into coatings typical of reactive steels as silicon dissolved in the δ layer soon diffuses toward the ζ layer. A similar process may happen in the initial stage of galvanizing reactive steels on a small scale, although it is hard to be observed.

关键词: Zn coating , , 锌镀层 , 中间化合物


马天星 , 梁颖 , 冯世平

低温物理学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3258.2003.z1.032




孙银洁 , 胡胜泊 , 李秀涛

宇航材料工艺 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-2330.2010.02.027


关键词: M40J碳纤维 , 微观结构 , 化学特征 , 物理特征


谢兰清 , 王彩霞



关键词: 高温超导体 , 相图 , 电子态 , 电子次近邻跃迁 , 双重占据


王昂 , 公茂琼 , 吴剑峰


微微型节流制冷器在微小元件和制冷应用中有广阔的前景.本文通过对搭建一微型压缩机驱动的微型混合工质节流制冷器系统,取得初步结果.该微微型J-T节流制冷器采用3D打印技术,通道特征尺寸为0.1 mm,突破了传统机械加工的极限.通道深宽比达到8:1.初步实验表明,微微型J-T节流制冷器达到了230 K温区.由于采用微型压缩机驱动,系统结构紧凑,可在便携生物储存设备、低温医疗以及电子器件冷却等领域应用并能长期运行.

关键词: 微微型节流制冷器 , 混合工质 , 3D打印

Energy spectrum and its pressure-induced shift and J-T effect of ZnTe : Mn2+

Communications in Theoretical Physics

By using strong-field scheme, the complete d(5) energy matrix with D-2d symmetry has been constructed. Then, by diagonalization of this matrix at normal and various pressures, the whole energy spectrum [including the ground-state zero-field splitting (GSZFS)] and its pressure-induced shift (PS) of ZnTe:Mn2+ have uniformly been calculated. The results are in very good agreement with experimental data. According to the eigenfunctions and PS, the assignments of four absorption bands have been given. By taking into account the effect of different deformations of t(2) and e radial wavefunctions on t(2)(3)((4)A(2))e(2)((3)A(2))(4)A(1) and t(2)(3)(E-2)e(2)((3)A(2))E-4, the position of the third absorption band at normal pressure has been estimated. The tetragonal field is important for GSZFS of ZnTe:Mn2+ and its PS, which supports the existence of tetragonal Jahn-Teller distortion in ZnTe:Mn2+. The physical essentials of typical levels, GSZFS and their PS have been revealed.

关键词: crystal fields;high pressure;optical properties;energy spectrum;Jahn-Teller effect;covalency effect;ZnTe : Mn2+;ligand-field calculation;theoretical calculations;zn1-xmnxte;ruby;epr


孙智 , 谢建军 , 王宇 , 施鹰 , 雷芳


采用溶胶-凝胶法结合旋涂工艺在单晶硅(111)上制备了Tb3+离子不同掺杂浓度的硅酸镥光学薄膜(Tb∶Lu2SiO5),利用热重差热分析(TG-DSC)、X射线衍射(XRD)、傅里叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)、原子力显微镜(AFM)和紫外可见荧光光谱(PL)对Tb∶Lu2SiO5薄膜的不同温度热处理的结构演变和发光性能进行了表征.研究结果表明Tb∶Lu2SiO5光学薄膜表面均匀、平整、无裂纹,薄膜样品从800℃开始晶华,1100 ℃时晶化完全.Tb∶Lu2SiO5的发光性能表现为Tb3+离子的4f→5d和5D4(5D3)→7FJ(J =6,5,4,3)跃迁结果(监测波长分别为480~650 nm和350~470 nm),激发主峰位于~240 nm,发射光谱主峰为542 nm的绿光发射.研究表明Tb3掺杂浓度对Tb∶Lu2SiO5光学薄膜的发光强度会产生明显影响,掺杂15mol%的Tb3+时,Tb∶Lu2SiO5薄膜的发光强度最强.

关键词: Sol-gel法 , Tb∶Lu2SiO5光学薄膜 , 结构演变 , 发光性能


周峰峦 , 郭震

物理测试 doi:10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1001-0777.20160084

推导了CTOD和J积分的关系,并且从试验角度利用三点弯曲试样进行CTOD试验,根据ASTM E1820对GB/T 21143-2014中公式34进行了评价,研究表明,在小屈服范围内,采用裂纹嘴张开位移可以同时得到CTOD和J积分,从而可以简化J积分的试验装置.

关键词: J积分 , CTOD , 小屈服


张炳涛 , 滕冰 , 钟德高 , 曹丽凤 , 李建宏 ,


采用提拉法生长出Ybb0.005Y0.708Lu0.287VO4晶体.在室温下,对Yb0.005Y0.708Lu0.287VO4晶体进行了XRPD测试,计算了晶格常数(a=b=0.7091 nm,c=0.6273 nm)和密度(4.826 g/cm3).对混晶的(100)面进行了腐蚀,腐蚀坑呈四棱锥形状.平均线膨胀系数α1=1.285×10-6 K-1,α3=7.030 ×10-6 K-1,温度在330.15 K和570.15 K之间变化时,比热为0.494 ~0.617 J/g·K.

关键词: 钒酸盐晶体 , 腐蚀坑 , 膨胀系数 , 比热 , 热导率

Spin waves in a four-sublattice Heisenberg ferrimagnet or ferromagnet with different exchange constants (J(ab)=J(cd)not equal J(bc)=J(da))

Physical Review B

The Hamiltonian for a four-sublattice Heisenberg ferrimagnet or ferromagnet with different exchange constants (J(ab) = J(cd) not equal J(bc) = J(da)) was established. An extended Bogoliubov transformation was developed by solving an equation group, consisting of 20 equations and 20 unknowns. The procedure for solving the equation group was carried out by introducing a simple way of reducing the numbers of the equations and the unknowns. The spin-wave spectra in the present system have been determined by performing the standard Holstein-Primakoff transformation and the Bogoliubov one. It has been found that the spin-wave spectra of the present system depend on the exchange constants and that the degeneracy of the spin-wave spectra remains. The results for a special case (J(ab) = J(bc)) i.e., an antiferromagnet are discussed briefly. The spin-wave spectra of the four-sublattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet are found to be degenerative also and they are linear in k for small k.

关键词: model

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