S.Q. Li
J.I. Dickson and J.P. Bailon (Central Iron and Steel Research Institute (CISRI)
Beijing 100081
China)(Ecole Polytecnique de Montreal
Montreal H3C 3A7
The microfractography of transgranular stress corrosion cracking (TSCC) of 70Cu-30Zn a-brass in ammoniacal solution was studied. The observations indicate that on a very microscale, the crack path of TSCC of or-brass follows {111} planes. The crack path very often alternates between {111} Planes to result in "cleavage-like"facet, the usual average orientation of which is {110} with preferential microscopic crack propagation in (100) and (112) directions. The average orientation of wide secondary facets is often close to {100}. The size of {111} microfacets increases with incrmsing stress intensity K, which indicates that the microscopic crack path follows {111} planes on which some localized slip has occurred. Possible TSCC mechanisms which appear to be consistent with the microfraphic features observed in the present study are also discussed.
YE Wujun
HAN Guangwei
LUO Heli(Central Iron Steel Research Institute
Beijing 10008 1
Research work and recent progress made toward the industrial applications of the Ni_3Al in CISRI are discussed in present paper. The development of a Ni_3Al base alloy named MX-246 hardened by carbides and fine dispersion of disordered γ is summaried. This alloy,with higher peak temperature of yield strength and higher strain hardening rate than alloyIC-218,has been successfully used as the material of rolling guider at elevated temperatures and in wear conditions. The Ni3Al base alloy of GH264 has been made into welding electrodes by horizontal continuous casting process, and recently successfully surfacing welded on hydraulic blades as cavitation erosion resistance material. The process of remelting Ni3Al base alloy in air was also developed. The processes of producing welding electrodes and remelting in air set the base of industrial applications of Ni3Al in welding, repairing and casting in mass production and into components of large size. Another application of the compound, manufacturing the jet engine rivets used at about 1300℃ , can be attributed to its excellent oxidation resistance and still keeping high strength up to the melting point.
: Ni_3Al
Physical Review B
The Hamiltonian for a four-sublattice Heisenberg ferrimagnet or ferromagnet with different exchange constants (J(ab) = J(cd) not equal J(bc) = J(da)) was established. An extended Bogoliubov transformation was developed by solving an equation group, consisting of 20 equations and 20 unknowns. The procedure for solving the equation group was carried out by introducing a simple way of reducing the numbers of the equations and the unknowns. The spin-wave spectra in the present system have been determined by performing the standard Holstein-Primakoff transformation and the Bogoliubov one. It has been found that the spin-wave spectra of the present system depend on the exchange constants and that the degeneracy of the spin-wave spectra remains. The results for a special case (J(ab) = J(bc)) i.e., an antiferromagnet are discussed briefly. The spin-wave spectra of the four-sublattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet are found to be degenerative also and they are linear in k for small k.
ZHONG Zengyong
ZO U Dunxu
LI Shiqiong (Central Iron and Steel Research Institute
Beijing 100081 . China)
Recent work on Ti_3Al base alloy,TAC-1, developed in CISRI, including investigations of effects of modification in alloying and TMP on microstructural characteristics and mechanical behaviour,indicates that alloy TAC -1 is very promising structural material for a number of elevated temperature applications. Stuody dealing with a reverse relation between RT ductility and toughness found on TiA base alloy, TAC-2, led to development of a special heat treatment technique for producing a fine filly lamellar microstructure (FFL), which gives a high and balancing ductility and toughness. This is also of significance for promoting engineering applications of this alloy.
: Ti_3Al
H.P. Chen and Z.J. Deng (State Key Lab. for Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Xi'an 710049
The effect of specimen thinkness on JR resistance curve has been investigated using low and middle strength steels. As the J dominance regime is reached, the initial J-integral values, J(i), are definite even if the elastic component Ji(e) and plastic component Ji(p)vary with the thinkness of specimen. The wider the specimen width, the larger the Ji(e)/Ji and the smaller the Ji(p)/Ji. The crack propagation resistance, dJR/da and dJp/da, decreases, while dJe/da increases linearly with increasing specimen thinness.Based on the above experimental results, an empirical formula dJ/da = α+β. B is given, which can be used to evaluate the safety of practical structural components.A modified J-integral is presented, upon which a new view is Put forward that the increase in crack growth resistance is induced mainly by the increase in the plastic J-integral component with the crack propagation,
: fracture mechanics
在工程上,经常由于应力腐蚀开裂和氢脆引起中强度钢结构件发生滞后破坏。这类脆断往往从结构件中预先存在的疲劳或焊接裂纹处开始,因此,运用传统的光滑试样的检验方法不能反映这类破坏的特点。 本文将弹塑性断裂力学中的J积分概念用于滞后破坏的研究,提出用带预制疲劳裂纹的悬臂弯曲试样测定J积分的临界值J_(Ic)和应力腐蚀开裂阈值J_(Iscc)的方法。测定了40CrNiMo钢的J_(Ic)值及其在硫化氢水溶液中的J_(Iscc)值。通过和三点弯曲方法测定的J_(Ic)值的对比,以及和满足线弹性条件时直接测定的应力强度因子K_I值的对比,说明这种方法的可靠性。最后,对悬臂弯曲方法的特点进行了讨论。
通过J/Ψ→pp-,pN-*,N*N-*衰变,研究了Roper共振态的混杂态结构对衰变角分布和分支比的影响.计算结果表明,如果Roper共振态为纯混杂态,那么J/Ψ→pN-*,N*N-*的角分布几乎相等,而J/Ψ衰变到混杂态的衰变宽度还不到J/Ψ→pp-的1%,给出了Γ(J/Ψ→ N*p-)/Γ(J/Ψ→pp-)和Γ(J/Ψ→ N*N-*)/Γ(J/Ψ→pp-)随混合参数的变化关系,并讨论了在J/Ψ衰变中研究Roper混杂态结构的可能性.
Physical Review B
The quadratic Holstein-Primakoff spin-wave Hamiltonian for three-sublattice Heisenberg systems with different exchange constants (J(ab)=J(bc)not equal J(ca)) was diagonalized by a three-step procedure. The classical ground state was examined and the effects of quantum fluctuation on the ground state were discussed. The 0 K spin reorientation angles due to quantum fluctuations were found to originate from the asymmetry of the system. As an extended application of the spin-wave study of the multisublattice systems, the spin-wave spectra of a Heisenberg superlattice, which has four or three magnetic atoms or spins, in each magnetic unit cell in the x direction, were solved analytically in terms of creation and annihilation operators. It has been found that the spin-wave spectra of the present superlattice systems depend on the exchange constants J and J(1), and that the degeneracy of the spin-wave spectra remains for the superlattice of four atomic layers and is partially removed for the superlattice of three atomic layers mainly due to the asymmetry of the system. Another type of splitting of the energy level occurs which differs for those levels with different degeneracies. The mixing of the interface and the bulk modes were found for the spin-wave dispersion of the superlattices. It was predicted that even for different superlattices having the same exchange constants (either J or J'), i.e., without the oscillation of the exchange coupling, the asymmetry can lead to the oscillation of magnetic properties, such as magnetization and giant magnetoresistance.
ferromagnetic superlattices;reorientation transitions;magnetic;superlattices;modes;temperatures;film