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C. Q. Wang , X. J. Zha , C. Q. Zhang , S. Q. Yang , C. Z. Wang( 1)National Lab of Advanced Welding Technology , HIT , Harbin 150001 , China 2)Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy , Chinese Academy of Science , Shanghai 200050 , China)


Solder joint reliability is one of critical problems detemining whether Sirface Mount Technology (SMT) can be used in the prohotion of important electronic products. Optimizing solder joint shape is one of effective ways to improve SMT solder joint reliability.In this paper. based on the theorem of minimum potential energy, an energy model of 3 - D solder joint shape is established,and the forma- tion of solder joint is numerically simulated by Surface Ecolver program. On the basis of the prediction of SMT solder joint shape,the mechanical model of analyzing solder joint reliability is established. An elasto - plasto - creep mateial model and its mechanical constitutive equaton are established for SnPb solder alloy, and the stress/strain response of SMT solder joint under thermal cyclical loabing is ana- lyzed with nonlinear 3 - D FEM. The fatigue life of solder joint is predicted according to Coffin- Manson fatigue life model. An integrated system for Predicting and analyzing SMT solder joint shape and reliability(PSAR) is developed.The system can analyze efficiently SMT solder joint reliability with the variation of structural parameters in the joint and give the optimal structure.

关键词: SMT , null , null , null

Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion,The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510070,China

B.W. Wang , H. Shen


Ni-Cr System solar selective thin solid films were prepared by d.c. magnetron reactivesputtering under the atmosphere of O2 and N2. Ni-Cr alloy was chosen as targetmaterial and copper sheets as substrate. Using SEM, Spectrophotometer and Talystepto analyze the relations between the selective characteristic and the structure, theformation and the thickness of the thin films. The aim is to obtain good solar selectivethin films with high absorptance and low emittance, which is applied to flat plate solarheat collectors.

关键词: solar selective thin film , null , null , null

ZrO2 strengthened NiAl/Cr(Mo,Hf) composite fabricated by powder metallurgy


The ZrO2 ceramic particles strengthened NiAl/Cr(Mo,Hf) composite was fabricated from the rapidly solidified NiAl/Cr(Mo,Hf) pre-alloyed powder and the ZrO2 powder by powder metallurgy technique. Microstructure examination revealed that in the prepared composite NiAl and Cr(Mo) phases distributed at the eutectic cell boundary become coarse but many Cr(Mo) platelets inside the eutectic cell were broken, which was different from the original powder. Moreover, fine Ni2AlHf and Hf solid solution particles distributed uniformly in the composite, and the ZrO2 particles mainly segregated along eutectic cell boundary. In addition, twin crystal and stacking faults were observed inside of ZrO2 grains. The experimental results showed that the ZrO2 ceramic particles strengthened NiAl/Cr(Mo,Hf) composite exhibited better room temperature and high temperature mechanical properties than the NiAl/Cr(Mo,Hf) alloy, which may be attributed to the fine structure and the strengthening effect of ZrO2 particles. (C) 2012. Chinese Materials Research Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: NiAl intermetallics;NiAl/Cr(Mo) composite;Powder metallurgy;ZrO2;strengthening;temperature compressive properties;mechanical-properties;eutectic;alloy;microstructure;behavior;nial-cr(mo)-hf


ZHOU Jiankun LIU Xianghuai CHEN Youshan WANG Xi ZHENG Zhihong HUANG Wei ZOU Shichang Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy , Academia Sinica , Shanghai , China


The TiN films were synthesized with an alternate process of depositing titanium from a E-gun evaporation source and 40 keV N~+ bombarding onto the target.It is shown from the composi- tion analysis and structure investigations using RBS,AES,TEM,XPS and X-ray diffraction spectrum that the formed fihns are mainly composed of TiN phase with grain size of 30—40 nm and without preferred orientation,the nitrogen content in the film is much less than that in case without N~+ bombarding,and an intermixed region about 40 nm thick exists between the film and the substrate.The films exhibt high microhardness and low friction. ZHOU Jiankun,Ion Beam Laboratory,Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy,Academia Sinica, Shanghai 200050,China

关键词: TiN film , null

Change in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions From Energy Use in China′s Iron and Steel Industry

SUN Wenqiang , CAI Jiuju , MAO Hujun , GUAN Duojiao


As the largest energy consuming manufacturing sector and one of the most important sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the China′s iron and steel industry has paid attention to the study of changing trend and influencing factors of CO2 emissions from energy use. The logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) technique is used to decompose total change in CO2 emissions into four factors: emission factor effect, energy structure effect, energy consumption effect, and steel production effect. The results show that the steel production effect is the major factor which is responsible for the rise in CO2 emissions; whereas the energy consumption effect contributes most to the reduction in CO2 emissions. And the emission factor effect makes a weak negative contribution to the increase of CO2 emissions. To find out the detailed relationship between change in energy consumption or steel production and change in CO2 emissions, the correlation equations are also proposed.

关键词: CO2 emissions , energy use , LMDI technique , steel production , energy consumption

(alpha-PbO2-type nanophase of TiO2 from coesite-bearing eclogite in the Dabie Mountains, China

American Mineralogist

A natural high-pressure phase of titanium oxide with alpha-PbO2-structure has been found in omphacite from coesite-bearing eclogite at Shima in the Dabie Mountains, China. High-resolution transmission electron microscope observations have revealed an orthorhombic lattice, corresponding to alpha-PbO2-type TiO2, with cell parameters a = 0.461 nm, b = 0.540 nm, c = 0.497 nm and space group Pbcn. It occurs as nanometer-thick (< 2 nm) lamellae between multiple twinned rutile crystals, providing additional evidence of very high-pressure, metamorphism at 7 GPa, 900 degrees C. This implies subduction of continental material to a depth of more than 200 kilometers. alpha-PbO-type TiO2 could be an extremely useful index mineral for ultrahigh-pressure.

关键词: high-pressure phase;ries crater;rutile;polymorph;titanium

Application of Microwave Radiation to Extractive Metallurgy

LIU Chunpeng XU Yousheng HUA Yixin Kunming Institute of Technology , Kunming , 650093 , China.


In applying the microwave radiation to extractive me- tallurgy,it is essential first of all to find the extent of microwave energy absorbed by various minerals experi- mentally.In this paper,more than 25 kinds of common useful minerals have been individually irradiated by a 500 W,2450 MHz microwave source in an enclosed quartz crucible to ascertain their heating temperature in a definite time.In addition,the reduction and cbloridization tests were also carried out on the titanomagnetite concentrate and pentlandite with microwave heating,respectively. These experiments indicate potential applications of util- izing microwave energy in extractive metallurgy.

关键词: microwave radiation , null , null , null

MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF SiC_w/6061Al COMPOSITE The Author is now with Institute of Metal Research,Academia Sinica,China

MA Zongyi YAO Zhongkai Harbin Institute of Technology , Harbin , China


The SiC_w/Al composite prepared by squeeze casting has a combination of superior room temperature specific strength and modulus together with excellent thermal properties.The extrusion can make an improvement on the strength and ductility of the composite from 582 MPa as squeeze casted up to 639 MPa,and on the transformation from isotropic to the anisotropic structure.This seems to be explained by the orientation of whiskers and the densification of dislocations in matrix.TEM observation indicates that the stacking fault is the usual planar defect on the SiC_w surface. composite;;SiC whisker;;Al alloy;;microstructure

关键词: composite , null , null , null


Z. T. Ma and D. Janke(Institute of Iron and Steel Technology , Freiberg University of Mining and Technology , Germany)


Useder certain conditions, nonmctallic inclusions such as oxides, sulfides, nitrides and carbides are no longer harmful to sted service properties. With the new concept of oxide metallurgy, these properties can be improved by generating fine oxide inclusions which serve as heterogeneous nuclei for sulfide and fine ferrite[1-4]. A novel continuous casting (CC) process is expected to be created with the utilization of oxide metallurgy. This is also useful for the forthcoming technologies of direct rolling and near-net-shape casting. The main idea of oxide metallurgy consists of an alternative oxidation technology. It is based on steels treated by complex metals such as Ti, Zr, Ti-Zr alloys and rare earth metals. The selected deoxidants should follow the required conditions which are concluded in this paper.

关键词: oxide , null , null , null

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