T. J. Li(Dalian University of Technology
Dalian 116923
China)K. Sassa and S. Asai(Nagoya University
Nagoya 464-01
Contacting state between molten metal and a mold and initial solidification process of continuously cast metals can be controlled by imposing an intermittent magnetic field.In this study, effect of the intermittent magnetic field on the initial solidification ofcontinuoasly cast metals was investigated by measuring the temperature distribution in the melt pool and the initial solidification starting position of shells. It was found that under the condition with intermittent magnetic field, the melt near meniscns is in slow cooling state, the initial solidification starting position descends, initial solidification shell thickens and the liquid-solid interface becomes smooth.
continuous casting
SUN Wenqiang
CAI Jiuju
MAO Hujun
GUAN Duojiao
As the largest energy consuming manufacturing sector and one of the most important sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the China′s iron and steel industry has paid attention to the study of changing trend and influencing factors of CO2 emissions from energy use. The logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) technique is used to decompose total change in CO2 emissions into four factors: emission factor effect, energy structure effect, energy consumption effect, and steel production effect. The results show that the steel production effect is the major factor which is responsible for the rise in CO2 emissions; whereas the energy consumption effect contributes most to the reduction in CO2 emissions. And the emission factor effect makes a weak negative contribution to the increase of CO2 emissions. To find out the detailed relationship between change in energy consumption or steel production and change in CO2 emissions, the correlation equations are also proposed.
CO2 emissions
energy use
LMDI technique
steel production
energy consumption
Creep testing was conducted on K40S alloy. The detailed creep deformation and fracture mechanisms under constant load were studied. The results show that the stress exponent ranges between 7 and 14.4 at elevated temperature 973similar to1173 K, and that the activation energy is approximately 449.1 kJ/mol. During creep, the grain boundary sliding cut off primary carbides at the boundary, generating the "O" model cracks. The creep failure mode of K40S alloy is transgranular ductile and cracks originate at the primary carbides. A long carbide and matrix interface is often a preferential path for crack propagation. The creep mechanism is discussed in light of the creep microstructure, the stress exponent and the activation energy.
K40S alloy;creep;fracture;crack propagation;activation-energies;superalloy;term
Corrosion Science
Arc ion plating had been employed on a cobalt-base superalloy K40S to deposit a NiCrAlYSi coating to improve its oxidation resistance at 1323-1423 K in air. The K40S superalloy had poor oxidation resistance because a non-protective and easy spalling surface oxides scale mixed of Cr2O3 and CoCr2O4 was formed on its surface. After coated with NiCrAlYSi coating, a dense and protective alpha-Al2O3 scale was formed on the coating and excellently improved its oxidation resistance. Inter-diffusion obviously occurred between the coating and the substrate K40S superalloy in oxidation process, which resulted from Co atoms in K40S outwards diffused. A richen Cr and W carbides inter-diffusion layer was formed, which could acted as a diffusion barrier that barred Al atoms in coating inwards diffusion. Though the NiCrAlYSi changed into NiCoCrAlYSi during oxidation process, it still possessed a good oxidation resistance and. had a considerable long-term life. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
cobalt-base superalloy K40S;NiCrAlYSi coating;arc ion plating;high;temperature oxidation;inter-diffusion;aluminide coatings;cyclic oxidation;alloys
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China
Fatigue crack propagation behavior of K40S cobalt-base superalloy under ambient atmosphere at 700 degreesC and 900 degreesC was investigated. The detailed fatigue crack propagation and fracture mechanism under the alternating loads were studied. The results show that, there is a defined threshold for K40S alloy at elevated temperatures. The fatigue threshold is 23. 9 MPa . m(1/2) at 700 degreesC and 12 MPa . m(1/2) at 900 V. The significant decrease of the threshold with increasing temperature is associated with the oxidation induced embrittlement at crack tip. Observation on the fatigue fracture surfaces indicates a ductile fracture mechanism related to the fatigue crack growth.
cobalt-base superalloy;fatigue crack propagation;fatigue threshold;ductility;growth-behavior;alloy;steel