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Z. Bian , G. He and G.L. Chen (State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials , University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing 100083 , China) J. Lu , D.J. Chen , G.C. Tu , G.J. Chen and X.J. Hu (Shougang Metallurgical Research Institute , Beijing 100085 , China)


Al80Ni6 Y8 Co4 Cu2 amorphous ribbons were isothermally annealed and a mixed structure consisting of α-Al particle with a size of less than 15nm and Al3Ni compound with a size of about 30nm was obtained. The crystallization kinetics of Al80Ni6 Y8 Co4 Cu2 amorphous alloy shows that the precipitation of α-Al particles is the growth process controlled by diffusion of the solute elements rejected from the growing crystals. By quenching at different cooling rates, a mixed structure consisting of nanoscale α-Al particles and the remaining glass matrix or structure consisting of nanoscale particle (Al phase or Al3Ni compound) with a size of about 100nm was formed. The addition of Co elements and Cu elements to Al-Ni-Y alloy systems increases the glass formation ability of the alloy and the thermal stability of the supercooled liquid region against crystallization, which results from significant difference of atomic size, strong bonding nature among constituent elements and the low diffisivity of the solute elements due to the concentration gradient in the growing front of crystals.

关键词: a mixed structure , null , null , null , null , null , null

Magnetization, internal energy and specific heat in a three-sublattice ferrimagnet or ferromagnet with vertical bar J(ab)vertical bar=vertical bar J(bc)vertical bar not equal J(ca)

Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter

The temperature dependences of the magnetization, internal energy and specific heat in a three-sublattice ferrimagnet or ferromagnet with /J(ab)/ = /J(bc)/ not equal /J(ca)/ are calculated within the framework of the linear spin-wave approximation, by employing retarded Green's functions. For both the ferromagnet and the ferrimagnet, the internal energy and the specific heat decrease with increasing J ' /J and/or the value of the spins. For fixed values of S,, Sb, S, and J ' /J, the internal energy and the specific heat increase, whereas the sublattice magnetization decreases with increasing temperature theta. The three-sublattice ferrimagnet has some particular characteristics which are not shown by the systems with two sublattices. For ferrimagnets, the antiferromagnetism of the system becomes weaker with increasing J ' /J. The sublattice magnetization at low temperatures (also the magnetization M(0) at 0 K) of a ferrimagnet increases with increasing J ' /J for fixed values of S(a), S(b) and S(c). The effects of the spins S(a) (S,) and Sb On the magnetizations of other sublattices differ. The characteristics of the a-sublattice are the same as those of the c-sublattice, due to their similarity as well as the symmetry of the system. The behaviours of the b-sublattice are different from those of the a- and c-sublattices, due to the asymmetry of the three-sublattice system. The spin-value dependences of the spin deviation Deltam per spin land also the energy for the zero-point quantum fluctuation) of the system are different for different sublattices. These differences are ascribed to the asymmetry of the three-sublattice systems, which leads to the new intrinsic properties of the systems.

关键词: layered heisenberg ferrimagnets;spin-wave theory;elementary;excitations;superlattices;systems;magnetoresistance;antiferromagnet;interfaces

Introduction to atmospheric corrosion research in China

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials

In this paper, we introduce the research on atmospheric corrosion in China. We describe the climate characteristics and the classification of atmospheric corrosivity across the whole country. We also describe the rusting evolution under simulated wet/dry cyclic conditions. (C) 2007 NIMS and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: atmospheric corrosion;corrosivity;rusting evolution;weathering steels;rust;mechanism;so2;o-3;no2


孙智 , 谢建军 , 王宇 , 施鹰 , 雷芳


采用溶胶-凝胶法结合旋涂工艺在单晶硅(111)上制备了Tb3+离子不同掺杂浓度的硅酸镥光学薄膜(Tb∶Lu2SiO5),利用热重差热分析(TG-DSC)、X射线衍射(XRD)、傅里叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)、原子力显微镜(AFM)和紫外可见荧光光谱(PL)对Tb∶Lu2SiO5薄膜的不同温度热处理的结构演变和发光性能进行了表征.研究结果表明Tb∶Lu2SiO5光学薄膜表面均匀、平整、无裂纹,薄膜样品从800℃开始晶华,1100 ℃时晶化完全.Tb∶Lu2SiO5的发光性能表现为Tb3+离子的4f→5d和5D4(5D3)→7FJ(J =6,5,4,3)跃迁结果(监测波长分别为480~650 nm和350~470 nm),激发主峰位于~240 nm,发射光谱主峰为542 nm的绿光发射.研究表明Tb3掺杂浓度对Tb∶Lu2SiO5光学薄膜的发光强度会产生明显影响,掺杂15mol%的Tb3+时,Tb∶Lu2SiO5薄膜的发光强度最强.

关键词: Sol-gel法 , Tb∶Lu2SiO5光学薄膜 , 结构演变 , 发光性能


张炳涛 , 滕冰 , 钟德高 , 曹丽凤 , 李建宏 ,


采用提拉法生长出Ybb0.005Y0.708Lu0.287VO4晶体.在室温下,对Yb0.005Y0.708Lu0.287VO4晶体进行了XRPD测试,计算了晶格常数(a=b=0.7091 nm,c=0.6273 nm)和密度(4.826 g/cm3).对混晶的(100)面进行了腐蚀,腐蚀坑呈四棱锥形状.平均线膨胀系数α1=1.285×10-6 K-1,α3=7.030 ×10-6 K-1,温度在330.15 K和570.15 K之间变化时,比热为0.494 ~0.617 J/g·K.

关键词: 钒酸盐晶体 , 腐蚀坑 , 膨胀系数 , 比热 , 热导率

Development of Cast Superalloys for Gas Turbines in China

CHEN Rongzhang CHEN Wanhua Institute of Aeronautic Materials , Beijing 100095 , China.


As in other countries,significant achievements in the research of cast superalloys for many years have also been obtained in China.These results are important contribu- tion to the development of aero and land-based gas tur- bine engines.

关键词: cast superalloy , null


CHEN Guoliang(State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials University of Science and Technology Beijing Beijing 100083 , China)SHI Changxu (Academia Sinica , Beijing 100864 , China)


This paper briefiy introduces the R&D of intermetallics in China. R&D on intermetallics in a national scale in China began near ten years ago. The investigation in past years focused on the fundamental research and materials development. A significant progress has been made. Various components that made of Ti3Al Ni3Al, TiAl and Fe3Al have been successfully manufactured Some of them have been evaluted. It is expected that some intermetallic alloys will be produced in an industrial scale in the near future.

关键词: :intermetallic alloys , null , null , null

Spin waves in a four-sublattice Heisenberg ferrimagnet or ferromagnet with different exchange constants (J(ab)=J(cd)not equal J(bc)=J(da))

Physical Review B

The Hamiltonian for a four-sublattice Heisenberg ferrimagnet or ferromagnet with different exchange constants (J(ab) = J(cd) not equal J(bc) = J(da)) was established. An extended Bogoliubov transformation was developed by solving an equation group, consisting of 20 equations and 20 unknowns. The procedure for solving the equation group was carried out by introducing a simple way of reducing the numbers of the equations and the unknowns. The spin-wave spectra in the present system have been determined by performing the standard Holstein-Primakoff transformation and the Bogoliubov one. It has been found that the spin-wave spectra of the present system depend on the exchange constants and that the degeneracy of the spin-wave spectra remains. The results for a special case (J(ab) = J(bc)) i.e., an antiferromagnet are discussed briefly. The spin-wave spectra of the four-sublattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet are found to be degenerative also and they are linear in k for small k.

关键词: model

Further development of NdFeB magnet industry in China

Yang LUO


Due to continued growth in key markets, a broadening of application base and performance improvements, the market demands of NdFeB magnet increased steadily in 1998, and the global output of sintered NdFeB magnet exceeded 10,000 t, in spite of the economic recession in Asia. In 1998 China produced 3,850 t sintered NdFeB block magnet, with an annual growth rate of +22% over the output in 1997.


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