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Quasicrystalline Phase in As-cast Mg-Zn-Y-Zr Alloy

Yali TANG , Ningfu SHEN and Xin YUAN (Research Center for Materials , Zhengzhou Institute of Technology , Zhengzhou , 450002 , China)Zhiping LUO and Shaoqing ZHANG (Institute of Aeronautical Materials , Beijing , 100095 , China)(To whom correspondence should be ad


An icosahedral phase in as-cast Mg 5. 78Zn-0.89Y-0.48Zr (wt-%) alloy has been identified with transmission electron microscope (TPM) The selected area diffraction patterns (SADP) from the phase show a five-fold symmetry of a quasicrystalline structure. The energy dispersive X-ray spectra (EDXS) indicate that the quaternary phase has a chemical composition of 67.6Zn-1 9.4Mg-8,1 Y-4 9Zr in at -%



孙占峰 , 徐辉 , 彭建祥

材料工程 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-4381.2012.02.001


关键词: 陶瓷 , 高压 , 声速


方雯 , 云斯宁 , 黄欣磊 , 后玉芝 , 朱江 , 李雪

中国材料进展 doi:10.7502/j.issn.1674-3962.2017.04.07

沼气和太阳能作为一种清洁的可再生能源已引起人们广泛的关注.以麦秆、树叶和玉米芯为原料,将其进行微波热解碳化,并将碳化产物分别作为促进剂和对电极催化剂应用于厌氧发酵(Anaerobic Digestion, AD)和染料敏化太阳能电池(Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, DSSCs)中,研究其对沼气厌氧发酵系统的产气量、化学需氧量(Chemical Oxygen Demand, COD)去除率、pH和DSSCs光伏性能的影响,探究其在太阳能和生物质能领域的应用潜能.实验结果表明:碳化生物质作为厌氧发酵促进剂可明显提高沼气产量(添加碳材料549 mL/g VS vs. 对照组409 mL/g VS),提高COD去除率(添加碳材料68.00 % vs. 对照组29.55 %),且对厌氧发酵系统pH没有显著影响;碳化生物质作为对电极催化剂,其DSSCs的光电转换效率与同等实验条件下传统贵金属Pt电极相近(3.52 % vs. 4.64 %),可作为替代贵金属Pt的低成本材料用于染料敏化太阳能电池中.

关键词: 生物质碳化 , 厌氧发酵 , 染料敏化太阳能电池 , 对电极 , 促进剂

Introduction to atmospheric corrosion research in China

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials

In this paper, we introduce the research on atmospheric corrosion in China. We describe the climate characteristics and the classification of atmospheric corrosivity across the whole country. We also describe the rusting evolution under simulated wet/dry cyclic conditions. (C) 2007 NIMS and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: atmospheric corrosion;corrosivity;rusting evolution;weathering steels;rust;mechanism;so2;o-3;no2


胡欣 , 王富耻 , 王扬卫 , 于晓东 , 马壮



关键词: 约束应力 , 压痕硬度 , AD95 , 动态性能


李丽群 , 范军 , 张晶 , 陈晓东 , 王泰 , 贺建峰 , 章伟光

色谱 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2015.10035

手性固定相-高效液相色谱法在手性药物、手性农药等的分离分析中应用广泛。本文采用3种多糖衍生物的手性固定相(即 EnantioPak AD、AS和 OD)对20种手性化合物开展手性分离研究,进而探讨样品分子结构、多糖骨架和衍生基团对手性分离的影响。结果表明,除化合物13外,其余化合物在 EnantioPak AD 上均实现基线分离,分离度多在2.0以上,在正己烷-醇流动相中加入酸碱添加剂可改善和优化酸性或碱性化合物的分离效果;芳香醇(化合物13~16)随着侧链碳数增加在色谱柱上的保留减弱,其分离度呈现增加的趋势;对比8种化合物在3种手性固定相上的分离结果可知,EnantioPak AD 表现出更优的分离性能。这为深入研究和了解多糖手性固定相、拓展其手性分离应用提供了参考。

关键词: 多糖手性固定相 , 高效液相色谱 , 手性识别 , 分离机理

Development of Cast Superalloys for Gas Turbines in China

CHEN Rongzhang CHEN Wanhua Institute of Aeronautic Materials , Beijing 100095 , China.


As in other countries,significant achievements in the research of cast superalloys for many years have also been obtained in China.These results are important contribu- tion to the development of aero and land-based gas tur- bine engines.

关键词: cast superalloy , null


CHEN Guoliang(State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials University of Science and Technology Beijing Beijing 100083 , China)SHI Changxu (Academia Sinica , Beijing 100864 , China)


This paper briefiy introduces the R&D of intermetallics in China. R&D on intermetallics in a national scale in China began near ten years ago. The investigation in past years focused on the fundamental research and materials development. A significant progress has been made. Various components that made of Ti3Al Ni3Al, TiAl and Fe3Al have been successfully manufactured Some of them have been evaluted. It is expected that some intermetallic alloys will be produced in an industrial scale in the near future.

关键词: :intermetallic alloys , null , null , null

Adsorption, diffusion, and site exchange for Ge ad-dimers on Sb-covered Si(001) from first-principles total-energy calculations

Physical Review B

The adsorption and diffusion of Ge adatoms and ad-dimers on the one-monolayer Sb-covered Si(001) surface are studied using first-principles total-energy calculations. It is shown that Ge adatoms and ad-dimers can both break Sb dimers because of the weak bonding of the Sb dimers on Si(001). As a result, the most stable sites are both on the Sb dimer rows for Ge adatoms and ad-dimers, which is in significant contrast to the conventional picture that the most stable site for a Ge ad-dimer is in the trough between the group-V element dimer rows. We have also examined the energetics of the site exchange between Ge and Sb atoms for the surfactant-mediated growth and find that Ge ad-dimers tend to exchange with the subsurface Sb atoms one by one perpendicular to the surface dimer rows.

关键词: mediated epitaxial-growth;surfactants

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