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Effects of Solid Solution Treating on the Microstructureand Damping Behaviour of MnCuNiFe Alloys

Fuxing YIN , Y. Ohsawa and A.Sato (National Research Institute for Metals , Tsukuba , Ibaraki 305-0047 , Japan)K.Aawahara(B.B.Materia Co. Ltd. , Chiba-Shi , Chiba 267-0066 , Japan)


A high damping condition is easily obtained in Mn-(16~24)Cu-(4~6)Ni-2Fe (at. pct) alloys,when cooling rate is controlled after the solid solution treatment at 1173 K. It is observed that the temperature dependent changes of Iogarithmic decrement in 10 h cooled samples are sensitive to the alloy composition. As compared with water quenching treatment, controlled 10 h cooling improves TN temperature of the alloys extensively by producing a Mn-enriched matrix portion in the alloys. Calcuiations suggest that the relative decreases of Cu and Ni content in the matrix portion be dominated by the Ni content in the original alloys, and therefore, the volume fraction of the Cu, Ni-enriched precipitates is estimated to be about 20% and 10% in the 4Ni and 6Ni alloys, respectively. As a result, the TN temperature fOr each alloy, corresponding to the rising temperature of logarithmic decrement, has been related to the Cu, and Ni content in the Mnenriched matrix. The existence of {110} twinning boundaries is confirmed in the microstructure of both 4Ni and 6Ni alloys. However, the relative lattice strains, which the twinning boundaries act to accommodate, are found largely different in the two alloys. It is considered that boundaries with smaller orientation deviation could coordinate the external Stresses easily by cyclic moving, and therefore, the broader damping peak which occurs in the 10 h cooled 6Ni alloy becomes feasible. Electron diffraction results also indicate possible for mation of many sub-crystals in the matrix phase, which are relatively rotated on some invariant planes. Those sub-crystal boundaries might play some attenuation roles in the temperature range between TN and room temperature.



张德昭 , 朱峰 , 杨昭 , 计波 , 金鑫

钛工业进展 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-9964.2003.06.008

扼要介绍了Ti-4Al-0.005B钛合金大型环件的制造过程.对φ1 820 mm×φ1420mm×267mm环件进行了超声波检验,并对其实物进行了解剖、测试.试验结果表明,该环件弦向、径向和轴向3个方向的力学性能均达到了零件设计要求的水平.

关键词: 钛合金 , 轧环 , 力学性能


阎卫东 , 刘立新 , 姜涛 , 李丹 , 周鼐 , 胡友良

应用化学 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0518.2001.02.008

以β-二酮钛配合物/MAO催化苯乙烯间规聚合.80 C,β-二酮钛浓度为4.3×10-4mol/L,β-二酮钛与MAO的物质的量比为500时,聚合活性为6.2×l05g/(mol·h).该催化剂对温度的稳定性较高.所得聚合物的熔点在267C左右.测定了所得间规聚苯乙烯的基本热性能.

关键词: 间规聚苯乙烯 , 苯乙烯 , 间规聚合 , β-二酮钛配合物 , 热性能


贾飞 , 岳柯 , 涂小林 , 杨彦云 , 张宏斌 , 徐瑚珊 , 李君清

原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2007.03.005

考虑角动量相关性的情况下计算了超重核259Db的裂变位垒Bf.计算了258Rf,259Db,266Hs和267Mt 4个超重核单中子蒸发的存活概率Wsur及其随角动量分波的变化关系.给出了中子蒸发宽度、裂变宽度和超重核蒸发一个中子的概率对激发能与角动量分波的依赖关系.

关键词: 超重元素 , 存活概率 , 裂变位垒 , 中子蒸发宽度 , 裂变宽度


王骏 , 张蓉蓉 , 刘玉柱 , 张冰

量子电子学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5461.2009.03.001

利用离子速度成像方法对碘代直链烷烃和环烷烃分子在267 nm下的光解断键机理进行了研究.实验分析了激发态I*(5p2P1/2)和基态I(5p2P3/2)的离子影像,得到其对应速度、角度分布的各向异性参数β值和相对量子产率Φ(I)和Φ(I*).实验发现碘代直链烷烃和环烷烃分子在吸收一个267nm的光子后,都发生快速的C-I断键,直接解离生成激发态I*和基态I原子.与碘代直链烷烃相比,碘代环烷烃分子具有明显不同的角度分布特征,碘代环烷烃分子基态的β值大于激发态.并且随着α碳原子上所取代的烷基变重,Φ(I*)有变小的趋势.

关键词: 光解动力学 , 碘代烷烃 , 离子速度成像 , 共振增强多光子电离 , 相对量子产率

High glass-forming ability correlated with fragility of Mg-Cu(Ag)-Gd alloys

Journal of Applied Physics

We report bulk metallic glasses with critical diameter (D(c)) in the 20-27 mm range over a relatively wide composition range in the Mg-Cu-Ag-Gd quaternary system. Such an extraordinary glass-forming ability is correlated with the relatively strong liquid behavior of these alloys in terms of Angell's [Science 267, 1924 (1995)] fragility concept. The relaxation time of the ternary Mg(61)Cu(28)Gd(11) and quaternary Mg(59.5)Cu(22.9)Ag(6.6)Gd(11) alloys was measured. In terms of the fragility parameter D(*), the Mg(59.5)Cu(22.9)Ag(6.6)Gd(11) alloy with a critical diameter of 27 mm under copper mold casting has a D(*) of 25, higher than all the bulk metallic glass-forming alloys reported so far. The implications of these findings are discussed. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.

关键词: bulk-metallic-glass;medium-range order;mg-cu-y;supercooled liquids;thermal-stability;viscous-flow;cooling rate;crystallization;viscosity;temperature





关键词: 60Si2Mn钢 , CCT曲线 , 金相组织 , 组织性能 , 马氏体


梁文涛 , 吕柳 , 公茂刚 , 吕海飞 , 许小亮



关键词: CdSe/CdS , 拉曼 , 表面模


黄刚 , 吴开明 , 周峰 , 周春泉 , 周明伟 , 焦国华

材料工程 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-4381.2012.04.011


关键词: 薄板坯连铸连轧 , CSP , CCT曲线 , 淬透性


张迈生 , 王立格 , 杨燕生

功能材料与器件学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4252.2000.02.005


关键词: 微波辐射 , , , 硫化锶 , 长余辉

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