C. Q. Wang
X. J. Zha
C. Q. Zhang
S. Q. Yang
C. Z. Wang( 1)National Lab of Advanced Welding Technology
Harbin 150001
China 2)Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy
Chinese Academy of Science
Shanghai 200050
Solder joint reliability is one of critical problems detemining whether Sirface Mount Technology (SMT) can be used in the prohotion of important electronic products. Optimizing solder joint shape is one of effective ways to improve SMT solder joint reliability.In this paper. based on the theorem of minimum potential energy, an energy model of 3 - D solder joint shape is established,and the forma- tion of solder joint is numerically simulated by Surface Ecolver program. On the basis of the prediction of SMT solder joint shape,the mechanical model of analyzing solder joint reliability is established. An elasto - plasto - creep mateial model and its mechanical constitutive equaton are established for SnPb solder alloy, and the stress/strain response of SMT solder joint under thermal cyclical loabing is ana- lyzed with nonlinear 3 - D FEM. The fatigue life of solder joint is predicted according to Coffin- Manson fatigue life model. An integrated system for Predicting and analyzing SMT solder joint shape and reliability(PSAR) is developed.The system can analyze efficiently SMT solder joint reliability with the variation of structural parameters in the joint and give the optimal structure.
There are four new achievements of this work on the theory and technology of explosive welding.(1) It has been found and defined three kinds of bonding interfaces: big wavy, small wavy and micro wavy, and the micro wavy interface is the best. In a cladding plate,it is for the first time to find that the form of interface presents regular distribution.(2) Although the interface has the features of melt, diffusion and pressure welding in the mean time, the seam and "hole" brought by the melt weaken the bonding strength of interface greatly, and the effect of melt on interface must be eliminated in explosive welding, so explosive welding is not a melt weld. The diffusion welding is a kind of form of pressure welding, and the diffusion is not the reason of the bonding of interface but the result of interface high pressure. So the diffusion welding cannot also explain the bonding mechanism of it. The experiment and theory make clear that explosive welding is a special pressure one.(3) To get good interface of no melt, explosive charge must be selected on the low limit of welding windows. In explosive welding, the drive plate should be treated as the viscous and plastoelastic body, not incompressible fluid. The bending moment under the explosive welding loading must be greater than that under dynamic limit of drive plate. According to the condition, the lower limit of explosive welding is obtained. It is about 20 1.019373e-312ss than that obtained by tradition calculation, and suitable for engineering application.(3) It is for the first time to test and study on soil anvil characteristics and change regularity under explosive welding impact loading. Through soil anvil parameter optimization analysis, it is the best for explosive welding with sandy soil of water content 17.00and density 1.74g/cm^3.
explosive welding
Zhihua LIU
Deqing LI
In this paper, technology margin experiment of hollow cathode fusion are welding (FAW) and penetrating are welding (PAW) is presented in detail. The advantages of PAW, compared with FAW, are better weld formation, narrower welds, as well as a larger welding technology margin. Technological experiment and hydraulic test for the Ti alloy pressure vessels with PAW are described. Also, the weld formation control on Ti alloys is preliminarily analyzed. Finally, conclusions are addressed.
系统研究了利用La2O3和B4C粉制备LaB6粉末的反应合成工艺.La2O3-B4C系反应热力学分析表明反应产物的气体分压对LaB6的形成有重要影响,减小气体分压可以明显降低LaB6的合成温度,结合DTA测定结果,确定了LaB6粉末的合成温度.利用X射线衍射分析了不同温度和保温时间条件下所生成粉末的相组成,并分别用扫描电镜和化学分析方法分析了所生成LaB6粉末的颗粒尺寸、形貌及纯度.实验结果表明,La2O3-B4C系制备LaB6粉末的优化工艺是真空度133 Pa,1673 K保温2.5 h,所合成的LaB6粉末颗粒比较规整,大多呈近似圆球形,平均直径3μm,纯度达98.2%.
系统研究了利用La2O3和B4C粉制备LaB6粉末的反应合成工艺.La2O3-B4C系反应热力学分析表明反应产物的气体分压对LaB6的形成有重要影响,减小气体分压可以明显降低LaB6的合成温度,结合DTA测定结果,确定了LaB6粉末的合成温度.利用X射线衍射分析了不同温度和保温时间条件下所生成粉末的相组成,并分别用扫描电镜和化学分析方法分析了所生成LaB6粉末的颗粒尺寸、形貌及纯度.实验结果表明,La2O3-B4C系制备LaB6粉末的优化工艺是真空度133 Pa,1673 K保温2.5 h,所合成的LaB6粉末颗粒比较规整,大多呈近似圆球形,平均直径3μm,纯度达98.2%.
Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing
A new type of tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding has been developed, in which an ultra-deep penetration is obtained. In order to control the Marangoni convection induced by the surface tension gradient on the molten pool, He gas containing a small amount of oxidizing gas was used. The effect of the concentration Of O-2 and CO2 in the shielding gas on the weld shape was studied for the bead-on-plate TIG welding of SUS304 stainless under He-O-2 and He-CO2 mixed shielding gases. Because oxygen is a surface active element for stainless steel, the addition of oxygen to the molten pool can control the Marangoni convection from the outward to inward direction on the liquid pool surface. When the oxygen content in the liquid pool is over a critical value, around 70ppm, the weld shape suddenly changes from a wide shallow shape to a deep narrow shape due to the change in the direction of the Marangoni convection. Also, for He-based shielding gas, a high welding current will strengthen both the inward Marangoni convection on the pool surface and the inward electromagnetic convection in the liquid pool. Accordingly, at a welding speed of 0.75 mm/s, the welding current of 160 A and the electrode gap of I mm under the He-0.4%O-2 shielding, the depth/width ratio reaches 1.8, which is much larger for Ar-O-2 shielding gas (0.7). The effects of the welding parameters, such as welding speed and welding current were also systematically investigated. In addition. a double shielding gas method has been developed to prevent any consumption of the tungsten electrode. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Weld shape;Oxygen;Helium;Marangoni convection;Electromagnetic;convection;Double shielding gas;gas tungsten arc;shape variations;oxide fluxes;penetration;parameters
Daihua HE
Zhengyi FU
Qingjie ZHANG
Combustion reaction welding, one promising method to weld ceramics and metals, was used to weld TiB¬2 and Mo. The results showed that the reacted products through combustion reaction were TiB¬2 and MoB when the Mo contents in reactants were 20 wt pct and 40 wt pct while there was Mo besides MoB and TiB¬2 when there were 60 wt pct and 80 wt pct Mo in reactants. Diffusion of elements occurred at the interfaces of the two substrates. The interfaces between the reacted and the two substrates were indistinct after being welded. The welding temperature strongly affected properties of the samples. The value of bending strength of the sample with 80 wt pct Mo in reactant welded at 1500℃ was the highest, 368.52 MPa. The highest value of shear strength among all the samples was that of the one with 40 wt pct Mo in reactant welded at 1500℃, 50.97 MPa.
Combustion reaction welding
WADSWORTH Jeffrey and FLUSS Michael(Chemistry and Materials Science Directorate
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
CA 94551)
The role of the National Laboratories is summarized from the era of post World War II to the present time. The U.S. federal government policy for the National Laboratories and its influence on their materials science infrastructure is reviewed with respect to .determining overall research strategies, various initiatives to interact with industry (especially in recent years),building facilities that serve the nation, and developing leading edge research in the materials sciences. Despite reductions in support for research in the U.S. in recent years, and uncertainties regarding the specific policies for Research &Development (R&D) in the U.S., there are strong roles for materials research at the National Laboratories. These roles will be centered on the abilities of the National Laboratories to field multidisciplinary teams, the use of unique cutting edge facilities, a focus on areas of strength within each of the labs,increased teaming and partnerships, and the selection of motivated research areas. It is hoped that such teaming opportunities will include new alliances with China, in a manner similar, perhaps, to those recently achieved between the U.S. and other countries.
: U.S. Materials Science. U.S. National Laboratories and Facilities
Yu. N. Sarave
O. I.Shpigunova(Institute of Shength Physics and Materials Science
Siberian Branch
Russian Academy Of Sciences
The purpose of computer-aided design of new adaptive pulsed arc technologies of welding is: to de- sign optimum algorithms of pulsed control over main energy parameters of welding.It permits:to in- crease welding productivity, to stabilize the welding regime, to control weld formation,taking into ac- count its spatial position, to proveal specie strength of the welded and coatings. Computer- aided design reduces the time of development of new pulsed arc technology:provides the optimization of technological referes according to the operating conditions of welded joints,the prediction of the ser- vice life of the welds.The developed methodology of computer-aided design of advanced technologies, models, original software, adaptive algorithms of pulsed control, and spend equipment permits to regulate penetration,the weld shape, the sizes of heat - affected zone; to predict sired properties and quality of welded joints.