Physical Review B
The van der Waals (vdW) interactions between carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were studied based on the continuum Lennard-Jones model. It was found that all the vdW potentials between two arbitrary CNTs fall on the same curve when plotted in terms of certain reduced parameters, the well depth, and the equilibrium vdW gap. Based on this observation, an approximate approach is developed to obtain the vdW potential between two CNTs without time-consuming computations. The vdW potential estimated by this approach is close to that obtained from complex integrations. Therefore, the developed approach can greatly simplify the calculation of vdW interactions between CNTs.
Chemical Physics Letters
The potential energies of van der Waals (VDW) interactions between two parallel, infinitely long and perfect SWNTs with identical, and different sizes were studied based on the continuum Lennard-Jones model. The conclusion of Girifalco's work on (n, n) SWNTs that the potentials of SWNT-SWNT fell on a single curve, is also applicable to SWNTs with different sizes. We further obtained the corresponding constants of the well depth \phi(0)\ and equilibrium VDW gap g(0) for SWNTs with a radius from 2 to 25 Angstrom. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
carbon nanotubes;graphite;bundles;c-60;moduli;ropes
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
The potential energies of van der Waals interactions between two multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) as well as two carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) were calculated and compared on the basis of the continuum Lennard-Jones model. The well depth of the potential is 1 order of magnitude higher for MWNTs than for CNPs, indicating that MWNTs and CNPs can be separated from each other through polymer-induced steric stabilization. On the basis of this prediction, a novel method for the purification of MWNTs was proposed. The method involves a high-temperature annealing ( 2600 degrees C, 1 h) followed by an extraction treatment with a selected dispersing agent. While the annealing process evaporates the metal particles, the extraction treatment removes CNPs. The quality of the nanotubes obtained after purification was examined by laser Raman, thermogravimetric analysis, and electron microscopy observations.
van der ZWAAG
The present work analyses the total free energy of the material during the martensitic transformation. A general expression for the martensite fraction as a function of temperature is derived, assuming that the nonchemical free energy is proportional to the volume of martensite. This expression indicates that the temperature-dependent martensite fraction can be predicted once the characteristic transformation temperatures and the relation between the chemical free energy and temperature of the martensite and austenite are known. An advantage of this development is that the proposed equation is valid for all types of relations between the chemical free energy and temperature. This simulation is successfully applied to the martensitic transformation upon further cooling of retained austenite in a low-alloyed TRIP steel, in which the relation between chemical free energy and temperature is quadratic and the fraction is determined from a thermo-magnetic measurement.
Y. Q. Jia1)
J. G. Li1)
Y. M. Wang2)
L. X. Ding2)
X. M . Qin1) and X. D. Sun1)1) School of Materials and Metallurgy
Northeastern University
Shenyang 110006
China2) Department of Materials
School of Mechanical Engineering
Shenyang University
Shenyang 110044
Using yttriu m nitrate as the m other salt , synthesis of ultrafine yttria po w der through w et che mical route w as investigated . Choice of precipitant has dra m atic effects on co m position ,particle size distribution and particle m orphology of the precipitates . When a m m onia solutionw as used as the precipitant , the precursor precipitate w as m ainly Y2( O H) 5 14( N O3) 0 86· H2 O with co m paratively large particle size , broad size distribution and co m plex particleshapes . When sodiu m hydroxide solution w as used , roughly spherical α Y( O H)3·3 H2 Opre cipitate w ith sm all particle size and narro w size distribution w as obtained . The transfor m a tion sequence of dry α Y( O H)3 ·3 H2 O gel during calcination w as determ ined to be α Y( O H) 3·3 H2 O→ Y O O H→ Y2 O3 . After calcining at 600 ℃ for 1 hour , both Y2( O H) 5 14( N O3) 0 86· H2 O and α Y( O H) 3·3 H2 O transfor m to well crystallized Y2 O3 pow ders ,w ith particle sizes of 50 ~3000 n m and 20 n m , respectively .
KEYW ORDS yttria
考虑态密度的Van Hove奇异性和非电声作用,我们在BCS理论框架内研究了HgBa2Cun-1CunO2n+2+δ(n=1,2,3)系统的超导转变温度和同位素效应.结果表明,当同时考虑Van Hove奇异性和非电声作用时,可以更好地解释HgBa2Cun-1CunO2n+2+δ(n=1,2,3)系统的超导性质.
Van Hove奇异性
Science in China Series B-Chemistry
The equation of the state of the hydrogen bonding fluid system of A(a)D(d) type is studied by the principle of statistical mechanics. The influences of hydrogen bonds on the equation of state of the system are obtained based on the change in volume due to hydrogen bonds. Moreover, the number density fluctuations of both molecules and hydrogen bonds as well as their spatial correlation property are investigated. Furthermore, an equation describing relation between the number density correlation function of "molecules-hydrogen bonds" and that of molecules and hydrogen bonds is derived. As application, taking the van der Waals hydrogen bonding fluid as an example, we considered the effect of hydrogen bonds on its relevant statistical properties.
hydrogen bonding fluid;equation of state;fluctuation;correlation;effect;liquid methanol;temperature;water;dependence
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China
The method for preparing a new solid lubrication system of nano S-W-S was presented. The microstructure of the S-W-S nano cluster was investigated using TEM and XRD. The system is a mixture clusters of both monocrystal and polycrystal of layered hexagonal structure with one tungsten atom linking with two sulphur atoms, and the week Van der Waals' force bonding together the different layers. The changes of electronic structure were studied with XPS. The hybridization of different electronic shelf orbitals of the sulphur atom in the nano cluster is regarded as the quantum size effect. The clusters are found to be of a closed spherical,structure without any dangling bond.
solid lubrication system;nanometer cluster;quantum size effect;powders