刊期: 双月刊 语种: 中文
2017, 35(3): 344-353. doi:10.11785/S1000-4343.20170306
《中国稀土学报》《Journal of Rare Earths》编委会名单
XU Guangxian (徐光宪) Peking University
GAN Yong (干 勇) LI Dongying (李东英) NI Jiazuan (倪嘉缵) TU Hailing (屠海令) WANG Dianzuo (王淀佐) WANG Kui (王 夔) XIAO Jimei (肖纪美) YUAN Chengye (袁承业) ZHANG Guocheng (张国成) ZHOU Chuandian (周传典)
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
YAN Chunhua (严纯华) Peking University
ZHANG Shaoming (张少明) General Research Institute for Non-ferrous Metals
Managing Members of Editorial Board:
C.M. Che (支志明) The University of Hong Kong
CHEN Jun (陈 军) Nankai University
CHEN Minbo (陈敏伯) Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
CHEN Nanxian (陈难先) University of Science & Technology Beijing
CHEN Xiaoming (陈小明) Sun Yat-sen University
DU Jun (杜 军) General Research Institute for Non-ferrous Metals
GAO Song (高 松) Peking University
HUANG Chunhui (黄春辉) Peking University
HUANG Shihua (黄世华) Beijing Jiaotong University
HUANG Xiaowei (黄小卫) National Engineering Research Center for Rare Earth Materials
LI Hongwei (李红卫) National Engineering Research Center for Rare Earth Materials
LI Lemin (黎乐民) Peking University
LIN Donglu (林东鲁) The Chinese Society of Rare Earths
LIN Jianhua (林建华) Peking University
LIANG Jingkui (梁敬魁) Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
LIU Rushi (刘如熹) National Taiwan University
LU Guanzhong (卢冠忠) East China University of Science and Technology
SHEN Baogen (沈保根) Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
SHEN Zhiquan (沈之荃) Zhejiang University
SU Qiang (苏 锵) Sun Yat-sen University
WANG Jiyang (王继扬) Shandong University
WANG Xinlin (王新林) Central Iron & Steel Research Institute
WANG Yongsheng (王永生) Beijing Jiaotong University
WANG Zhenxi (王震西) Zhong Ke San Huan
WEN Haihu (闻海虎) Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
WENG Duan (翁 端) Tsinghua University
XU Guangxian (徐光宪) Peking University
XU Huibin (徐惠彬) Beihang University
YAN Chunhua (严纯华) Peking University
YAN Shihong (颜世宏) National Engineering Research Center for Rare Earth Materials
YANG Yingchang (杨应昌) Peking University
YANG Zhuming (杨主明) Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ZHANG Hongjie (张洪杰) Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ZHANG Jianhua (张家骅) Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ZHANG Shaoming (张少明) General Research Institute for Non-ferrous Metals
ZHANG Shirong (张世荣) General Research Institute for Non-ferrous Metals
ZHOU Shaoxiong (周少雄) Central Iron & Steel Research Institute
ZHAO Zengqi (赵增祺) Baotou Research Institute of Rare Earths
G.AdachiOsaka University, Japan
K. BinnemansUniversity of Leuven, Belgium
J.C.G. BünzliSwiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
John A. CapobiancoConcordia University, Canada
Dante GatteschiUniversity of Florence, Italy
Karl A. Gschneidner, Jr. Iowa State University, United States
Jan KašparUniversity of Trieste, Italy
K. MachidaOsaka University, Japan
Ritsuro Miyawaki Div. Mineral., Dept. Geol. National Science Museum, Japan
Masato MurakamiShibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
M. TakanoKyoto University, Japan
Alessandro TrovarelliUniversity of Utrecht, Italy
Xiaojun Wang Georgia Southern University, United States
Zhiping Zheng University of Arizona, United States
Members of Editorial Board:
CAO Xueqiang (曹学强) Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
CHEN Gang (陈 刚) Harbin Institute of Technology
CHEN Zheng (陈 铮) Northwestern Polytechnical University
CHENG Zhaohua (成昭华) Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
GAO Xueping (高学平) Nankai University
HAO Zhengping (郝郑平) Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
HE Yedong (何业东) University of Science & Technology Beijing
HUANG Jihua (黄继华) University of Science & Technology Beijing
JIANG Lijun (蒋利军) General Research Institute for Non-ferrous Metals
JIANG Jianzhuang (姜建壮) University of Science & Technology Beijing
JIN Linpei (金林培) Beijing Normal University
JING Xiping (荆西平) Peking University
LI Tao (李 弢) General Research Institute for Non-ferrous Metals
LI Wei (李 卫) Central Iron & Steel Research Institute
LI Xingguo (李星国) Peking University
LI Xueshun (李学舜) Baotou Tianjiao SeiMi Polishing Powder Co., Ltd.
LI Yongxiu (李永绣) Nanchang University
LIAO Chunsheng (廖春生) Peking University
LIN Jun (林 君) Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
LIU Yujiu (刘余九) China Rare Metals and Rare Earth Group Corporation
LONG Yi (龙 毅) University of Science & Technology Beijing
LUO Mengfei (罗孟飞) Zhejiang Normal University
MENG Jian (孟 健) Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
NIE Zuoren (聂祚仁) Beijing University of Technology
QU Xiaogang (曲晓刚) Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
SUN Dongbai (孙冬柏) University of Science & Technology Beijing
SUN Lingdong (孙聆东) Peking University
TU Ganfeng (涂赣峰) Northeastern University
WANG Longmei (王龙妹) Central Iron & Steel Research Institute
WANG Xiaohui (王晓慧) Tsinghua University
XING Xianran (邢献然) University of Science & Technology Beijing
YANG Qingxiang (杨庆祥) Yanshan University
YANG Xiaoda (杨晓达) Peking University Health Science Center
YIN Min (尹 民) University of Science and Technology of China
YU Zongsen (余宗森) University of Science & Technology Beijing
ZHAI Qijie (翟启杰) Shanghai University
ZHANG Yawen (张亚文) Peking University
ZHAO Jingtai (赵景泰) Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ZHAO Xinbing (赵新兵) Zhejiang University
ZHOU Meiling (周美玲) Beijing University of Technology
ZHU Hongmin (朱鸿民) University of Science & Technology Beijing
ZHU Jianguo (朱建国) Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ZHUANG Weidong (庄卫东) National Engineering Research Center for Rare Earth Materials
﹡Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, or Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
2017, 35(3):344-353. doi:10.11785/S1000-4343.20170306
Instruction to Authors
Published monthly with 96 pages, the Journal of Rare Earths is an unique international science and technology journal which presents original high quality works on various aspects of basic theory and applied science in the field of rare earths. The journal accepts contributions from authors both in China and abroad. Therefore, it provides an international forum for the scientists and experts who are engaged or interested in the research of rare earths and the related disciplines. The Journal of Rare Earthspublishes original research papers, reviews, notes and letters which reflect the latest progresses in the fields of chemistry, hydrometallurgy metallography phyrometallurgy, new materials, solid state physics, solid state chemistry, analysis, geology, ore dressing, etc.
The Journal of Rare Earths has been indexed/abstracted in Sci Search, Research Alert, Chemistry Citation Index, Engineering Index, Metadex Collection, Current Bibliography on Science and Technology and Inspec etc.
By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication. It is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce material which has or will appear in another publication.
Manuscript preparation
All contributions should be written in English either original research or critical review not previously published. Contributions should be submitted to Editorial office of Journal of Rare Earths by E-mail or online. The editors reserve, the right to reject manuscripts and to edit contributions when necessary.
The following are the stylistic requirements for an acceptable manuscript.
1. Title Title should be brief (normally less than 10 notional words in upper case letters) and consist of names rather than chemical formulas, and abbreviations should be avoided. If the title is long, please supply a shortened version for the running headline.
2. Postal address The name(s) of the author(s) and the name and complete postal address(including zip code) of the institute where the research work was done should be indicated on the manuscript. The name of the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed should be marked with an asterisk. Authors E-mail is also required.
3. Abstract and key words Every paper for publication, including review commentaries except short communication, must be preceded by an abstract of not less than 300 words. Compound numbers should not be used unless they are defined within the abstract. There should be at least eight key words.
4. Units and figures The use of SI units is strongly recommended. All figures should be given in proper place in the text and must be saved and submitted as PC compatible files. All nomenclature should be consistent, clear and unambiguous, and should conform as closely as possible to the rules established by IUPAC.
5. Format of text Usually the manuscript should be organized under the following general headings: Abstract, Introduction, Experimental, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References. The contents should include first, second and, if necessary, third level text headings.
6. References Only journal articles, monographs, proceedings, standards, patents, and/or electronic publications, formally published and cited in the text can be listed, and must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Personal communications and unpublished data are not acceptable.
Examples of references
[1] Liu L N. Development of contact cables for electric traction. Wire and Cable (in Chin.), 1997, 39(1): 2.
[2] Wayman C M, Duerig T W.Engineering Aspects of Shape Memory Alloys. Edited by Durieg T W, Melton K N, Stockel D. Beijing: Industry Publisher, 1990.
[3] Brouwer R, Dewit C T. A simulation model of plant growth with special attention to root growth and its consequences. In: Whittington W J, ed. Root Growth. London: Butterworth, 1969. 224.
Conference proceedings
[4] Jones P, Hayman D, Denton G M.Recovery of cobalt, nickel and copper from slage using DC Arc furnace technology. The International Symposium on Challenges of Process
Intersification. Montreal, Canada, 1996.
Degree Papers
[5] Guo P M. Research on Novel Luminescent Materials for Field Emission Displays[D]. Beijing: Beijing University, 2006. 123.
[6] Yu K, Wu C Y. A making method of NdFeB magnetic powder [P]. China: CN 100449657, 2007.
7. Electronic submission Submission of an electronic version is acceptable and encouraged.
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