


薄水锅石作为γ-Al2O3的前驱体,加入CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3和扩孔剂等助剂制备蜂窝陶瓷载体涂层,研究了涂层料液的表观粘度、因含量与载体负载量的关系,粘度对料液中粒径分布和涂层性能的影响,利用SEM、BET表面积、超声波震荡和热冲击等方法研究了涂层的性能.结果表明,涂层料液中适宜的固含量为30%~40%;一次浸量>二次浸量>三次浸量,适宜的负载量为8%~15%;低粘度料液以小颗粒为主,颗粒分布均匀,制备的涂层有较好的抗震动和抗热冲击性能;高粘度涂层料液的颗粒较大和粒径分布较宽,有利于提高载体的负载量,但涂层的性能明显下降.堇青石蜂窝陶瓷载体经一步法负载涂层后,可获得约 50 m2/g的表面积.

The washcoats deposited on a ceramic honeycomb were prepared with pseudoboehmite as γ-Al2O3 precursor, CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3, pore enlarger and other additives.
The relations of apparent viscosity and solid content in the coating gel to the loading of coating, and the effect of the particle size distribution in the coating gel on the properties of washcoats were studied.
The microstructures and surface performances of the washcoats deposited on a ceramic honeycomb were characterized by scanning electron microcopy (SEM), BET surface area, vibration by ultrasonic
and hot impact simulation. The results show that the solid content of 30%~40% in the coating gel should be used propositionally, the loading of coating in the first impregnation > that in the second
impregnation > that in the third impregnation, the feasible loading of coating is 8%~15%. The viscosity in the coating gel affects the performance of washcoats on a ceramic honeycomb. When
an apparent viscosity of the gel is lower, an arrow particle size distribution and smaller particles in the coating gel can be obtained, and the prepared coating has excellent properties of the
vibration-resistant by ultrasonic, heat-resistant and so on; when an apparent viscosity is higher, there are a wide particle size distribution and mainly micron-meter particles in the coating gel, which
is available to form the higher loading of the coating on a ceramic support, but its performance is poorer. After supporting the washcoats, the BET surface area of the ceramic honeycomb can reach 50m2/g.


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