用电化学技术方法研究了Zr55All0Ni5Cu30和(Zr55All0Ni5Cu30)0.97Ce0.03非晶合金在含Cl-介质中的腐蚀电化学行为及添加稀土Ce的影响.结果表明:随Cl-浓度增加,两种非晶合金的腐蚀速度加快;添加稀土Ce后提高合金耐蚀性;随极化电位的提高,两种非晶合金在0.05 mol/L Na2SO4及含Cl-介质中均出现钝化特征,维钝电流密度随Cl-浓度增加而减小;Zr55All0Ni5Cu30非晶合金的电化学阻抗谱由单容抗弧组成(Zr55All0Ni5Cu30)0.97Ce0.03非晶合金的交流阻抗谱在Cl-浓度较低时呈单容抗弧特征,而随Cl-浓度的增加,单容抗弧变为双容抗弧.
Electrochemical corrosion behavior of Zr55All0Ni5Cu30 and(Zr55All0Ni5Cu30)0.97Ce0.03 bulk amorphous alloys in chloride ion containing solutions was studied by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS).The results show that with the increment of chloride ion concentration in the solutions the corrosion current densities of the two bulk amorphous alloys increase,and therefore their corrosion rates become faster.Moreover,compared withZr55All0Ni5Cu30,(Zr55All0Ni5Cu30)0.97Ce0.03 has lower current densities in corresponding chloride ion solutions.Both Zr55All0Ni5Cu30 and(Zr55All0Ni5Cu30)0.97Ce0.03bulk amorphous alloys in Na2SO4 solution or in chloride ion containing solutions show passivation behavior,but passive current densities decrease with the increment of chloride ion concentrations.EIS plots of Zr55All0Ni5Cu30 is composed of single capacitive loop,while those of(Zr55All0Ni5Cu30)0.97Ce0.03 transform into double capacitive loops with the increment of chloride ion concentrations.
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