借助于金相、XRD、SEM、TEM等研究手段,对应用在特殊环境下的QCr0.8合金组织性能进行了研究。结果表明:该合金通过挤压等加工工艺后,组织中存在大量的纳米晶和孪晶,而大量孪晶的出现也表明该合金具有低的层错能;该合金在(111)方向上存在加工织构;该合金软化温度高于600℃,抗拉强度在600℃下仍能达到室温条件下的50%;Cr在基体中以5~15 nm和0.2~0.5μm弥散分布在基体中,其中纳米析出相与基体保持共格或半格关系。
Objective To investigate the expression of cathepsin D(cath-D) and matrix metalloproteinase 9(MMP-9) in cutaneous malignant melanoma(CMM),junctional nevus and normal skin,and its relationship with the clinical stages and lymph node metastasis of CMM.Methods The expression of Cath-D and MMP-9 was detected in 44 cases of CMM,22 cases of junctional nevus and 20 cases of normal skin specimens by SP immunohistochemical method.Results The positive expression rates of Cath-D and MMP-9 in the CMM(79.55% and 75.00%) were higher than those in the junctional nevus(45.45% and 40.91%) and normal skin(15.00% and 30.00%)(P0.05).The positive expression rates of Cath-D and MMP-9 in the CMM increased along with the increase in the depth of tumor invasion,and higher positive expression rates of Cath-D and MMP-9 were detected in the CMM patients with lymph node metastasis than in those without lymph node metastasis.There was a positive correlation between Cath-D and MMP-9 expression in the CMM tissues(rs=0.488,P0.05).Conclusion Cath-D and MMP-9 are important in the tumorigenesis and development of CMM and are closely related to CMM invasion and metastasis,with a possible synergistic effect.Combined detection of Cath-D and MMP-9 expression may help both early diagnosis and prognosis of CMM.
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