计算模拟了加速坩埚旋转技术Bridgman (ACRT-B)法生长Cd0.96Zn0.04Te单晶体过程, 研究了ACRT波形参数对固-液界面凹陷和晶体内组分偏析的影响. 计算结果表明:ACRT波形参数的变化几乎不影响固-液界面前沿熔体中均一浓度场的形成. 但是, 波形参数能够显著改变固--液界面的凹陷和晶体内的组分偏析.波形参数不适当时, 固--液界面的凹陷深度增加数倍, 同时晶体组分的径向偏析也显著增加.波形参数不适当时, 固-液界面的凹陷深度不增加或增加很少, 晶体组分的径向偏析显著减小, 直至为零. 本工作所选择的各种波形参数下, ACRT均能明显增加晶体组分的轴向偏析.
A numerical simulation was carried out for Cd0.96Zn0.04Te crystal growth using vertical Bridgman method (VBM). Effects wave parameters of the accelerated crucible rotation technique (ACRT) on the solid-liquid interface concavity and the solute segregation were investigated. The results show that for the four kinds of wave parameters, the ACRT results in an uniform solute concentration field in the melt in the front of the solid-liquid interface. However, ACRT wave parameter has crucial effects on both the solid-liquid interface shape and the solute segregation in the crystal. With a suitable wave parameter, the ACRT can make the solid-liquid interface concavity increase a little, or even not increase, and decrease the radial solute segregation in the single crystal extraordinarily, even to be equal to zero. On the contrary, with an unsuitable wave parameter the ACRT can make the solid-liquid interface concavity increase in a great deal, even up to six times, and increase the radial solute segregation significantly. Moreover, the ACRT increases the axial solute segregation apparently with all the four kinds of wave parameters mentioned in this paper.
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