



This work cover the talcum filled with EPDM, the effect of talcum's dimension, contents, curing temperature and curing time to the mechanics of the composites is studied. The results show that the 2500 mesh's talcum has better reinforcement than the 1250 mesh's talcum to the composites. As the contents of talcum increased, the mechanical properties first increased and then decreased. The tensile strength and the elongation at break increased rapidly as the filler contents of 2500 mesh's talcum increased, but when the filler reached to 50 phr. 100 EPDM, the mechanical properties appeare an inflexion. The fine talcum-EPDM composites is vulcanized at five different tempera-tures(145℃,150℃ ,155℃ ,160℃ and 170℃ for 30 minutes. The composites has the largest tensile strength cured at 150℃. With the increasing of temperature the mechanical properties become poor. Curing the blends for different time according to the vulcanization characteristics of T_(10), T_(30) and T_(60) at 160℃. The result shows that the sample vulcanization for time of T_(10) has better tensile strength.


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