研究了一种新型Al-Cu-Li-(Sc+Zr)合金在不同时效状态下的剥蚀行为。结果表明:合金在自然时效状态下具有较好的抗剥落腐蚀能力, 在160 ℃下时效,随着时效时间的延长,合金剥落腐蚀敏感性逐渐增加。透射电镜(TEM)观察发现:合金主要析出相为T1 相;随着时效时间延长,T1相逐渐粗化,在晶界处还会出现无沉淀析出带(PFZ)及平衡相。合金腐蚀对比实验后,TEM微观腐蚀形貌表明,T1相和PFZ是引起合金剥蚀敏感性的主要因素,腐蚀从T1相的溶解开始,中、后期则以PFZ的溶解为主。
Exfoliation corrosion behavior of Al-Cu-Li-(Sc+Zr) alloy with different aging treatment schemes were studied. The results show that the naturally-aged alloy has the best exfoliation corrosion resistance. The exfoliation corrosion are accelerated with prolonging the aging time at 160℃. Microstructure observations showed that the main precipitate of alloy is T1 phase. With increasing the aging time, T1 phase coarsened, and precipitate-free-zone (PFZ) and equilibrium phases were observed along grain boundaries. The exfoliation corrosion behaviors of Al-Cu-Li-(Sc+Zr) alloys were investigated through TEM. It is shown that T1 phase and PFZ are the main factors for the exfoliation corrosion behavior of the alloy. The corrosion of the alloy begins with the dissolution of T1 followed by the dissolution of PFZ.
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