



Obvious progress has been made by the Chinese steel industry since 1990 in energy savings and environ- mental protection. Anyway, developing circular economy is therefore an inevitable step toward realizing the sustainable development. The Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2006-2010) of China specified that Jinan Steel, Jingtang Steel at Caofeidian and a number of other enterprises are to be built up as pilot circular economy enterprises. Up to 2009, there were nine pilot steel plants for implementing circular economy in China. Extending the functions of steel plants is the effective way for realizing circular economy, especially developing the function of energy conversion and function of waste treatment and recycling. Two kinds of steel plant in circular economy society are suburban steel plants and steel plants in eco-industrial port zones. In suburban steel plants, scrap, waste plastic, garbage, civil sewage and other urban wastes would be recycled conveniently and effectively. The development of large integrated steel enterprises at harbors will lead some harbor cities with other basic conditions to gradually turn into eco-industrial zones. Ecoqndustrial chains based on a new-generation steel plants have been started to build in the eco-industrial port zones and the socio-economic functions of such steel plants would be undertaken. In the next step, building and improving the eco-industrial chain among steel industry and other industrial sectors would be promoted during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) in China.


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