


为提高冷轧带钢板形检测精度,研制出一种新型的冷轧带钢板形仪———整辊镶块智能型板形仪。该板形仪提出与国际上流行的分段式检测辊不同的结构形式,研制了整辊镶块式检测辊,以避免传统检测辊辊片之间由于热膨胀不同对带钢表面造成的划伤;提出与国际上流行的干式集流环不同的信号集流传输方式,研制了喷淋湿式集流环,以提高检测精度和使用寿命;提出与国际上流行的采集卡形式不同的信号处理方式,研制了嵌入式DSP板形信号处理硬件系统,以提高检测精度和抗干扰能力;研发了具有误差补偿、模式识别、目标板形制定和闭环控制计算功能的板形信号处理软件系统,以实现板形仪的智能化。该板形仪经在鞍钢1 250mm冷轧机上实际工业考验证明,测量信号稳定可靠,而且实现了板形闭环控制。

In order to increase the measuring precision of cold strip shape,a new cold strip shaper——the entire roller inlayed block intelligence shape meter was developed.The structural form which was different from the international popular segmented detection roller was put forward and the entire detection roller inlayed block was developed to avoid the scratch of the strip surface due to different thermal expansion of the traditional detection roller measuring unit effectively.The signal transmission form which was different form the international popular dry slip ring was put forward,and the spray wet slip ring was developed to improve the measuring precision and the service life.The signal processing form which was different form the international popular gathering card was put forward and the embedded DSP shape signal processing hardware system was developed to improve the measuring precision and the anti-interference ability.The shape signal processing software system whose function contained error compensation,pattern recognition,establishment of the target shape and the closed-loop control calculation was built to implement the intelligentized shape meter.The shape meter was tested chronically on the 1 250 mm cold strip mill of Angang Steel Company Limited and the result show that the measuring signal is stable and reliable and the closed-loop control of shape is implemented.


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