The effect of hot rolling process on microstructural and textural evolutions associated with surface ridging of Crl2 ferritic stainless steel sheet was investigated.Special attention was paid to changes in the heterogeneity of deformed microstructure and the formation of grain colonies during annealing.The results show that:when finishing temperature of hot rolling decreases from 960 to 850℃band-like grains decrease in thickness,meanwhile shear deformation and grains containing shear bands increase and extend from surface to mid-thickness with the decrease of smooth grains in the deformed microstructure.In the annealed microstructure,high r-value grain colonies derived from the grains with shear bands increase and low r-value ones derived from smooth grains decrease.Moreover the decreasing thickness of band-like grains suppresses the formation of grain colonies of different symmetric orientations with positive or negativeε23.So both differences ofε33 andε23 in the matrix decrease and surface ridging declines.
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