利用可控温电磁搅拌器对7A04变形铝合金进行了大体积(制浆室d180 mm,一次制浆量5 kg以上)半固态流变浆料制备试验,研究电磁搅拌参数对7A04变形铝合金半固态浆料组织及其径向均匀性的影响。结果表明:在本试验条件下,制浆室0.5R处的浆料组织优于制浆室中心和边缘的,随着搅拌频率的增加,制浆室中半固态浆料的组织均匀性降低;较高的搅拌电压和浆料温度下初生α(Al)组织较细。搅拌电压为230 V、熔体温度为638℃、搅拌频率为5 Hz时,7A04铝合金大体积半固态浆料组织总体质量最佳,平均等效直径为112μm。
The effect of the electromagnetic stirring (EMS) process parameters on microstructure and radial homogeneity of large-volume (slurry maker of diameter d180 mm, more than 5kg every time) semi-solid slurry of 7A04 aluminum alloy was studied with temperature-controllable electromagnetic stirrer. The results show that, under the experimental condition, the slurry microstructure at 1/2 radius location of the slurry maker is better than those at the center and the edge. As the frequency increases, the microstructure homogeneity of the semi-solid slurry decreases;the primaryα(Al) particles of the semi-solid slurry is finer at higher voltage and slurry temperature. The overall quality of the semi-solid slurry is the best at EMS voltage of 230 V, slurry temperature of 638 ℃ and EMS frequency of 5 Hz, the average equivalent diameter is 112μm.
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