



A new medium-carbon non-quenched and tempered steel for fracture splitting connecting rod was devel- oped through lowering the toughness of soft phase of ferrite, increasing the hardness of ferrite and suitable lowering the grain boundary strength of prior austenite. The alloy designing considerations, microstructure characteristics, mechanical properties and fracture splitting characteristics of the developed steel were introduced. The developed steel not only has considerably higher strength level and yield strength ratio, but also has much higher fatigue strength than that of conventional high carbon pearlite steel C70S6, to which fracture splitting process has been ap- plied, mainly owing to the significant solidification strengthening effect of higher content of Si and P elements and the precipitation strengthening and rnicrostructure refining effects of V element. Moreover, the fracture surface was brittle cleavage fracture of simulated fracture splitting specimen. The distortion is smaller than that of C70S6 steel, which suggests that the developed steel can perform fracture splitting with minimal distortion.


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