


镍钴镀层上沉积的黑铬镀层对可见光具有很高的辐射率,可用作光学器材,而其对红外光的辐射率目前未见报道.在硬铝合金基体表面依次电镀镍钴合金及黑铬,用红外辐射率测量仪测量了不同H-1添加剂和氟硅酸含量的镀液所得黑铬镀层的红外辐射率,通过高低温冲击试验定性检测了黑铬镀层与镍钴镀层的结合强度,并采用还原沉淀法对电镀废液进行了处理.结果表明:添加剂H-1含量为25 g/L时,黑铬镀层的红外辐射率最高;H-1含量为20 g/L和25 g/L时,黑铬镀层的红外辐射率均在氟化硅含量为0.16 mL/L时获得最大值;黑铬镀层与镍钴镀层结合牢固;电镀废液经2次处理后可达到国家排放标准.

Ni-Co alloy coating and black chromium coating were prepared on the surface of hard aluminum alloy by electroplating. The infrared radiation ability of the black Cr coatings ohtained at different concentrations of additive H-1 and of fluoroailicic acid was measured using an infrared radiation meter. The bonding strength of the black Cr coating to the electroplated Ni-Co alloy coating was quantitatively evaluated by making use of impact tests at elevated and lowered temperatures. Moreover, the electroplating wastewater was primarily treated by using reduction -precipitation method. It was found that the black Cr coating electroplated at an additive H- 1 concentration of 25 g/L had the maximum infrared radiation rate. When the concentration of additive H- 1 was fixed at 20 g/L or 25 g/L, the black Cr coating obtained at a fluorosilicic acid concentration of 0.16 mL/L had the maximum infrared radiation rate and was well bonded to the electroplated Ni-Co alloy coating. Moreover, after two times of reduction-precipitation treatment, the electroplating wastewater is qualified in terms of the relevant national standard for discharge.


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