对尼龙11及其共混合金体系的结晶性能进行了系统的研究。实验结果显示,核-壳冲击改性剂具有成核剂的作用,有助于共混体系结晶度的提高。环氧树脂用量为1%时,尼龙11共混合金体系的结晶度最大,此后随着环氧树脂的加入,尼龙11结晶度随之降低。DSC谱图显示,尼龙11在95 ℃时发生晶相固-固转变现象,而加入核-壳冲击改性剂及环氧树脂后晶相转变消失,表明了尼龙11合金不存在多晶型晶态。当加入的环氧树脂过量后,由于发生交联反应,出现多峰现象。尼龙11合金的熔点随着相容剂的加入而降低,表明了其结晶的不完整性增加。
In this paper, systematic study was carried out on the crystal properties of nylon 11 and its ternary blend alloy. The results show that, core-shell impact modifier can act as nucleation agent, which can increase the crystallinity of nylon 11 blend alloy. The crystallinity reach its peak when the content of epoxy is 1%, with the increase of epoxy resin content, the crystallinity of nylon 11 alloy decreases. DSC result shows that, crystalline phase solid-solid-transition for nylon 11 is emerged at 95 ℃. This phenomena disappeares on addition of epoxy resin and core-shell impact modifier, and it means that there is no multi-crystal form on nylon 11 blend alloy, with addition of excessive epoxy resin, multi-peaks appeare on curve because of cross-linking reaction. Melting point of nylon 11 blend alloy decreases as function of compatibilizer, and make clear that crystalline integrity of nylon 11 increases.
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