


目的:研究T92钢在90%Ar+10%H2 O(均为体积分数)气氛中750℃条件下的氧化行为。方法在管式炉中进行高温氧化实验,利用SEM/EDS和XRD分析氧化膜的形貌、结构和成分。结果 T92钢在高温水蒸气环境中,氧化初始阶段的氧化产物为Fe2 O3和FeCr2 O4。随后的氧化过程中,Fe快速向外扩散,氧化加速。最终的氧化膜呈双层结构,内层为Fe2 O3和FeCr2 O4,外层为Fe2 O3,氧化层内存在孔洞,且有裂纹。结论 T92钢在氧化初期不生成保护性富Cr氧化膜,在高温水蒸气环境中的氧化严重。

Objective To investigate the oxidation behavior of T92 steel in 90%Ar+10%H2 O atmosphere at 750℃. Methods High-temperature oxidation experiments were conducted in a tube furnace. The morphology, microstructures and composition of oxide films were examined by SEM/EDS and XRD. Results The main oxide was composed of Fe2 O3 and FeCr2 O4 at the early oxidation stage in high-temperature water vapor environment. Then at the further oxidation stage, Fe ions diffused outwardly, resulting in accel-erated oxidation. The oxidation scales consisted of two layers, a porous Fe2 O3 outer layer and a Cr-rich inner layer. Voids existed in both layers. Some cracks between the inner and outer layers were observed. Conclusion A protective Cr-rich oxide film was not formed in the early oxidation stage. Therefore, T92 steel suffered from oxidation in water-vapor atmosphere at high temperature.


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