



A pilot plant with a backwashable flat sheet MBR module and a conventional flat sheet MBR module was set up for treatment of domestic sewage. The performance of simultaneous removal of organics and nitrogen was examined. The degradation of wastewater at a hydraulic retention (HRT) time of 9. 6 h was studied. The results showed that both modules mostly had the same treatment performance. The removal of COD and NH_3-N was 90% and 95% .respectively. Effluent from either treatment was free of SS,and the turbidity was under 0. 7 NTU. The quality of effluent was found to meet the National Miscellaneous Domestic Water Quality Standard (GB/T18920-2002). However,the backwashable MBR module can retard membrane fouling,which prolongs the stable running period of MBR system and reduces the frequency of chemical cleaning due to its backwashable characteristic. The backwashable MBR not only needs less operating cost than the conventional MBR modules,but also protects the environment from the pollution of chemical cleaning agent.


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