


Lamprophyres, widely distributed in the Laowangzhai gold orefield, Yunnan Province, China, and closely related to gold mineralization in time and space, can be distinguished into three kinds: the fresh(weakly altered), the altered, and the mineralized lamprophyres. These lamprophyres in the orefield are similar in the range of REE contents and REE patterns, but definitely different in parameters of LRE/HRE, NLa/Yb etc. The geochemistry of REE in fresh lamprophyre shows that the rock is a product of different partial melting of the enriched mantle. Calculation results of mass balance of REE activity regularity in the process of alteration and mineralization of the lamprophyres in the orefield shows that the altering fluids and mineralizing fluids contain REE, and these fluids are mainly the products of mantle degassing and magma degassing during the lamprophyric magmatism.


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