采用纳米铝热体系制备了陶瓷复合钢管,研究了纳米铝热剂中添加4%Na2B4O7+2%、4%、6%、8%(质量分数)纳米SiO2对其组织性能的影响。XRD分析结果表明,陶瓷层主相为α-Al2O3和FeAl2O4,杂相为Al2SiO5和B2O3;金相显微镜和SEM观察表明,α-Al2O3枝晶较细,排布密集,FeAl2O4呈晶间分布;测试结果表明陶瓷致密度可达95%,压溃强度和压剪强度分别可达499 MPa、22.6 MPa。
Ceramic-lined composite steel pipes were prepared by SHS centrifugal-thermite process using a nano-thermite system containing Na2B4O7 and nano-SiO2 powders.Microstructure and properties of the composite steel pipes were studied by means of SEM and EDS analysis,XRD and mechanical property tests.The results show that the ceramic layer consists of main crystal phases of α-Al2O3 and FeAl2O4,with small amount phases of Al2SiO5 and B2O3,in which small and dense dentrites of α-Al2O3 with FeAl2O4 phase distributed along the grain boundaries are observed.The relative density of the ceramic layer is up to 95%,and the crushing strength and shearing strength of the composite pipes are 499 MPa and 22.6 MPa,respectively.
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