


研究了镍锍选择性氧化浸出产生的铜渣在硫酸介质中氯离子参与下的氧气氧化浸出。 考察和比较了氯化物用量、 氧气流量、 硫酸浓度、 温度等因素对铜和镍浸出的影响, 并讨论了其原因。 确认了在硫酸介质中加入少量氯化物即可在常压下用氧气有效地浸出主要由辉铜矿或类似的硫化铜矿物组成的铜渣。

Leaching of a copper residue, produced by selected oxidation leaching of a nickel matte, in oxygenated sulfuric acid solution with the participation of chloride was investigated. The leaching behaviors of copper and nickel in the copper residue were described. The effects of quantity of chloride, flowrate of oxygen, concentration of sulfuric acid and temperature were discussed as leaching variables. Addition of chloride in small amount into the leach slurry was justified in enhancing copper leaching from the residue.


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