Pyrolysis characteristics of ethanol,kerosene and their mixture are studied experimentally in this paper.The concentrations of H_2,CH_4,C_2H_4 and CO in the pyrolysis products are measured using one gas chromatography.The results indicate that the pyrolysis ratio of the fuels increases with increasing temperature.In the pyrolysis products,the concentration of H_2 from ethanol is higher than that from kerosene,yet the concentrations of CH_4 and C_2H_4 from ethanol are lower than those from kerosene.Additionally,the concentration of H_2 from ethanol-kerosene increases with increasing ethanol mass fraction.Finally,it is concluded that it will be a potential solution for the ignition and stable combustion challenge in scramjets to add a certain amount of oxygenated ruel in kerosene.
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