



The superabsorbent resin was synthesized by inverse suspension polymerization using β-cyclodextrin(β-CD),acrylic(AA) and acrylamide(AM) as materials.The swelling characteristics of resin was researched in different metal ions.The result s show that : the effect of competition swelling between metal ions and water to the resin is obviously,the effect of the swelling capability on the resin is NaClCaCl2FeCl3.The swelling behavior of the resin has overshoot phenomenon in CaCl2 and FeCl3,and the overshooting phenomenon to resin decrease with the increase of metal ionic intensity.When the anion solution concentration are 0.005-0.1mol/L,the swelling capability of the resin is NaAcNa2CO3Na3PO4.Anonic radius is bigger,hydration is stronger,the swelling capality of the resin is lower.The micro-morphology of resin in metal ion solution is classical 3-dimensional network structure,and the size of the network but all membranes in 3-dimensional gridding membrane structure.There was positive correlation between the size of the network and the absorptive capability.


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